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Found 14 results

  1. Game sound bites are pretty much standard for menus, but here's a way to personalize them. I try to create 25 second music clips that relate to the the style or content of the game or table. I also try to find alternate versions of in game music when other options don't work. It really helps make navigation and attract mode more exciting. Here are my current menus for my hybrid build. My Audio Files on FTP: /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/HanksLounge/Hybrid/audio/custom/ Cheers!
  2. One thing i've always loved about GameEx is all the little features you discover that may at first not seem obvious to you. MAME custom lists may well be one of those features! I've only recently discovered them myself and now can't live without them. So what are they? Well, you know all the various lists you can enable in the MAME section of GameEx, for example: Atari Games, Classics, Vertical Games etc etc? Well you can make your own! "Really?! Well stop babbling and show us how!" Sure thing For this guide i will be using our High Score Competition custom MAME list as an example. You can grab a live updated version anytime, here. As you can see it looks quite simple, and it really is! Let's break it down: [FOLDER_SETTINGS] | | This section must be included,RootFolderIcon = cust1.ico | but is not important. Leave as is.SubFolderIcon = cust2.ico |[High Score Games] | This is the Title of your list as it will appear in GE. It can be anything you like! <--It's important to leave this gap!1944 |anteater |arkanoid | Your game list! Just list the roms you would likebankp | included in your list, one on each new line. The onlyblazstar | thing to remember here is use the ROM name - GameExbloodbro | will take care of formating it for you into nice Titlesbombjack |You can create your lists with Windows Notepad (or any decent text based editor) using the above format, BUT make sure you save it with the .ini extension and NOT .txt (ie: myubermamelist.ini). The filename can be anything you like but obviously it's good practice to give it a name that makes sense to you.Great! Now what? Now you need to tell GameEx where your lists are! You should put all your lists into one folder. I have a folder in my MAME directory called "customlists", but they can be anywhere you like. Just make sure they are all together in that one folder. Next, load the GE Setup Wizard> Custom> MAME Settings. Find Custom Lists Path, and browse to the folder containing all your lists: Finally, boot GameEx. Go into the MAME section and hit Update List. Wait for it to do it's thing and then back out of the main game list (it will load the All MAME Games list automatically when it's finished updating) and BOOM! There is your snazzy custom list waiting to be browsed If i've not explained anything clearly just leave a reply and i'll do my best to assist you. Now get creating them awesome lists! For your pleasure, some lists that i have created: Dazzle's MAME Shmup Hitlist (WIP): thedazzlelist.ini The GC-Wolfman Shmup Comp 2014: wgcshmuptourney2014.ini The Internet Gaming Bash of the Year 2014: IGBOTY2014.ini Monster Mash 2014: monstermash2014.ini Internet Gaming Bash of the Year 2 - 2015: IGBOTY2-2015.ini - Courtesy of Buzzin69 Enjoy! TIP: To get the rom name of the games you want to add to your list, i find using Romcenter the easiest method. It will create a database from your own MAME.exe from which you can just search the title of the game you want and it will tell you the associated rom name. It sure beats sifting through 28,000 roms in Windows! halloweenbash2015.txt
  3. So, I've always been a big fan of what you all are doing out there. Since I had some parts and wood laying around, I decided to make a build. Basically, it's a fancy box for an old mother board and monitors. My buddy runs a sign shop and was nice enough to print my decals for free. So, the whole project ended up costing $30 for buttons. I wanted to play both arcade and pinball, so I split the difference with the playfield angle. The main display just rests freely on slats inside and the backglass monitor simply sits on top. Ideally, I would have just picked up a Mini PC for under $200 and slapped it inside, but you gotta work with what you got sometimes. I hope that any of you thinking about a build, go for it. If I can do it, so can you. Thanks for all the software, inspiration and solutions this community provides.
  4. Build and use custom game lists in GameEx. Videos Use 1. Enable Custom Menus and Setup your usual menus (Mame, Emulators etc) 2. Set-up your lists and select "Build Lists" 3. Add any games you want to include in your lists as favourites in GameEx 4. Select the games you want for each list in CustomLists and "Add Selected" Tips For obscure Rom names, try "Lookup Game" You can delete games to reset their Times + Last played status etc Download here Screenies Warning: This Plugin manipulates your GameEx favourites list to construct custom, dynamic lists. If you want to preserve your pre-existing favourites list: Go to Settings select "Show Favourites column" make a new list; select all the games with a "1" in the favourites column then transfer them to your new list.
  5. Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to add custom systems to gamex evolution as it can be done in gameex, for example ps3 or different emulator features, etc. if it's not I would like to know if it is contemplated for future deliveries Thanks much , regards
  6. Custom Menus: The Basics In light of this thread i decided to make a simple tutorial on using the custom menus in gameex. Once you have a grasp on it you will soon realize just how versatile (and simple) custom menus are. And you will be able organize gameex menus anyway you see fit! Sound good? Then read on... PLEASE NOTE: You must have your emulators and apps setup in GameEx before you attempt configuring custom menus - the reason being if you did this before hand you wouldn't have anything to customize! There are two things you need to know the difference between: "Menus" and "Items". It may help to think of a "Menu" as a folder, and "Items" as files. So, you can put a Menu in a Menu (folder inside a folder) you can put an Item inside a Menu (file into folder) but you can't put a Menu inside an Item (folder into a file!). It may seem confusing at first but essentially all you are doing is arranging files (Items) into folders (Menus) An example would be helpful right now i reckon so here we go! I've decided, for the sake of this guide to arrange my main GameEx menu into 4 categories: Arcade, Console, PC and Handheld - with the relevant emulators in each category. Let's see how we achieve this: Open the Custom Menu app (Start>Programs>GameEx>Configuration>Custom Menus). Check the box "Enable Custom Menus": NOTE: For this guide i deleted all existing entries but you may, and probably will have entries already here when you first launch the app. You may use the "Delete Item/Menu" button to remove all entries if you wish - and don't worry about messing up, just uncheck "Enable Custom Menus" to revert GameEx back to default Menus On to creating our first Menu (which is basically a folder, right? ) First highlight "Start" in the lefthand tree-list, this is our top-level or "Main" menu. Then click the "New Menu" button: Now we have a new basic Menu or folder which needs some editing. The "Item/Menu Name" entry, which is how your menu will appear in the list and "Item/Menu Properties> Title" which is what will be displayed as the Title text, the big text at the top of most themes. So we change these: And repeat for the other 3 categories: So now we have 4 empty Menus to organize our emulators (Items) into. The obvious one to put under the "ARCADE" Menu would be MAME! So we highlight the "ARCADE" Menu in the lefthand tree-list and this time click on "New Item". MAME has it's own entry in the "Item Type" dropdown list so that's what we select, also editing the Name and Title as we did with the menus, only now you may want to choose a logo from the dropdown list, in this case "mame": Now, for the rest of the items we do the same but instead of "MAME" we choose "Emulator" in the "Item Type" dropdown and then the desired emu from the Properties section, in this case Neo-Geo: Rinse and repeat, editing Menu Name's and selecting logo's as you go: That is essentially it! Just create Menus (folders) and put Items into them. You really can organize GameEx in any way you want using custom menus and i'll bet you'll get great satisfaction in using them! I hope that was easy enough to understand and will help some of you on the road to "pimpin yo GameEx". Have fun and here's a vid of the example Custom Menu in action: http://youtu.be/zfgMgMj7u7s
  7. Version 1.3


    Use custom game lists within GameEx. Download, unzip and put files in the GameEx>Plugins Folder. Vid: More Details here:
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is my personalization pack for PinballX. It includes: Images loading, output, no image, underlays and a video for the intro. If the administration of the web does not want to be published by wearing my logo, there is no problem on my part. ----------------------------- Este es mi pack de personalización para PinballX. Incluye: Imagenes de carga, salida, no imagen, underlays y un vídeo para la intro. Si la administración de la web no quiere que se publique por llevar mi logo, no hay ningún problema por mi parte.
  9. stigzler

    Custom Lists

    Custom Lists View File Compile custom games lists within GameEx. Submitter stigzler Submitted 05/19/2016 Category Plugins
  10. I figured I'd start a new thread since my issue has changed from basic organization to specifically Map file woes. Here's my original thread: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14332-folders-for-emulated-games/ I want to organize my games by multiplayer and non-multiplayer (and eventually other categories). The way I'm trying to go about this is by making a separate emulator entry for each console's multiplayer library (NES, NES Multiplayer, Atari 7800, Atari 7800 multiplayer, etc.) and then linking the multiplayer instances to a map file. I made map files for each of the systems using Map Magician, but I get an error every time GameEx tries to access them. What can I do? My log is listed below; I've attached my map file, the normal Atari 7800 emulator instance, and the Multiplayer Atari 7800 emulator instance. Atari 7800 (MESS).ini Atari 7800 Multiplayer Games.ini 2-Player Atari 7800.zip
  11. I have enabled the gameextender with the hope of simply showing a screenshot of the current state of my actual cabinet as a picture on a website. 1) If i connect to the actual ip & port via lan or web, i initially get a picture that if I click on it allows me to control my cabinet remotely. Although a great feature, can i limit this to prevent a random user also visiting this IP address and doing the same? (ie. if they right click my website image they can copy the url and then just connect to IP:PORT and Bingo!) 1.1) When the cabinet goes into attract / screensaver the online controls stop reacting, can an ESC key be added or amended to gain access to the cabinet again? 2) The actual reason for the topic! Can I just have gamex show the actual cabinet screen / game screenshot rather than the cabinet, control panel and statistsic images? Every time i refresh i get one of those four images. (By linking the website to this image, I remove the option of being able to click and control gameex) For the actual website image, I specifically link to this static page / url - http://mydomain:PORT/builtin/getimage-gxre640x480endre.png (I figured out by changing the 640x480 you can manipulate the image to be any size you want it to be) Every time I load this page / refresh I get the updated image from the cabinet but would like this to be purely a specific cabinet screenshot or in game screenshot. ( No panels, cabs or stats images) Thanks in advance!
  12. Crash during custom menu transitions after recent update. GameEx keeps crashing when either going into or coming out of menus. It's usually when backing out of, but not specifically, and it happens at random. It's happened at least 8 times since recent update. Theme.ini log.txt
  13. Custom Menu Starts with GameEx then turns black after loading. After recent update custom menu turns black after loadeing. GameEx is still funtioning properly but it is not showing images in start menu or emu menus. It shows bacground only in game menus. Hopefully someone can help me.
  14. I've been a paid user of gameex for a while now and recently decided to attempt making things more to my liking. I'm going to try and hold my frustration to a minimum in this post and hoping someone can give me an answer that is helpful. I will say that i believe gameex is a good tool for a frontend, more specifically i am just using it for mame and visual pinball and daphne. My rant is the configuration is convoluted and anyone can easily get lost in the maze. I've just about run out of patience going in and out of the software, making one config tweak after another only to waste hours getting no where, well, maybe accomplish 1 thing every couple hours. At this rate I'll have lost most of my hair and will never get gameex setup the way i want. Here is my wish list: 1. when i start gameex i want to see just, VIDEO ARCADE (which is a group of mame and daphne), PINBALL (which is just virtual pinball), and the obvious EXIT. 2. under VIDEO ARCADE i want to see my favorites, ALL MAME, JUST DAPHNE (or something like that) 3. i had visual pinball showing snaps and flyers at one point, now i don't see flyers anymore,... they are there, the path is correct. 4. this could be related to item 3 above. Loosing my mind on how to set the view the way you want it and lock the damn thing. as of now it appears to be locked by i want to change some views and then lock it back. 5. going back to 1 and 2.... since i've paid for the software i supposedly have the ability to really custom the menus and menu structure even more, have played around as stated earlier with the config menu app but seems to have no affect. Probably more issues but at the moment figured i see if i get a useful response first. Thanks in advance to anyone out there reading this and who has something to contribute here.
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