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  1. I put this together as I was in the planning phase of a new Xpadder plugin for PinballX. If you want to get into making a plugin for Tom's interface, here's the only start-up tool you'll ever need! All you need to do is drop the zip file in the Visual Studio Templates>Visual Basic directory. Included in the package are: Updated PinballX Plugin class Includes the new keypress function!Logger Utility Based on a modified version by our very own Headkaze! Built in support for debug loggingINI Utility A comprehensive INI reading and writing utilityA sample configuration formThe template was created in VS 2012 Ultimate. If you have questions or need advice, don't hesitate to ask! Download the template from here.
  2. Version 3.1.0


    This is the latest release of my "Generate loading Videos" from playfield program. The idea started when PinballX introduced loading Videos and @scutters modified his "Loading Video & Image Changer (de-randomiser) " With Scutters his plugin and this program (and a lot of creativity of yourself), you can create your loading video's per table. Version 3 of this program, makes it much easier than the previous version I created. And more flexible. The settings interface can now easily add 'animations' (.gif, .apng or .mp4), you can choose the location where the animation should be added to playfield image And you can choose if you want to use an overlay (Some overlays already included) When set everything up, the program will create from your playfield video , a video with the animation on top (and if you choose an overlay, that will be placed above the playfield video and under the animation) Setup : Download the zip file , and extract all to the same folder Download the individual animations that you want to use as well Run CreateLoadingVideos.exe Select the PinballX system where you want to create the videos for Go to tab 'animations', and setup your Animations path. Put all your animations in that folder. Click on Add to add an entry, select your animation, select the overlay (or use the checkbox to not use an overlay) and set the location where you want the animation Exit the program if all is setup correctly Run CreateLoadingVideos.exe every time you add/modify your playfield videos The program will create missing loading videos and re-create loading videos if your playfield video is newer. It will randomly pick an animation that was setup. A big thanks to @scutters He created some animations, tested the program and helped with ideas on it if you create Videos of your playfield yourself (and with every update of the table), uses Scutters his de-randomizer plugin and this tools to generate the videos, it will look like a seamless start from front-end to the emulator itself. Some examples video's
  3. The Pinemhi Online Leaderboard created by @Dna Disturber lets you compete against other players online in weekly high score competitions on set tables. This plugin allows you to create wheel entries in your Visual Pinball system to launch the Pinemhi tables of the week from set locations, for the weekly 5 minute challenge table it can also toggle the 5min mode used by Pinemhi on and off on game launch & exit. The plugin will try to locate the table of the week in your collection and then launch it (this is done by matching on roms and then by fuzzy matching on table names against the challenge table). If no match is found then no table will be launched, and if you have more than one version of a challenge table then one will be picked randomly. Tables set to use the 'alternateexe' in database xml are ignored during the matching. You must be connected to the internet and already have set up the Pinemhi leader board for this plugin to work!! See https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=44580&page=1 and https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/25229-guide-pinemhi-leaderboard-setup-and-use/ for info on how to setup and configure Pinemhi leader board. Plugin Install and Configuration Create dummy table files for the Pinemhi Weekly and/or 5 Min Challenges & Golf Challenges and place them in your Visual Pinball\Tables folder (you can find dummy table files in the Support Files attachment) Using Game Manager or PinballX Database Manager add the dummy tables to your Visual Pinball system (make a note of the table descriptions / display names used) Table Media - add as required in Game Manager / PinballX Database Manager - there are some examples of media in the Support Files attachment, wheel images, videos etc (I use the Rocky theme as table audio for the challenge tables but that is not included due to copyright, the backglass video is adapted from here). Also included are a couple of company logos you can use if you set the Manufacturer field to DNA Disturber or Pinemhi (take your pick) Extract the PBXPinemhiLauncher.dll and place it in your PinballX\Plugins folder (unblock the file if required - https://www.limilabs.com/blog/unblock-dll-file) Enable the plugin in Plugin Manager (in PinballX folder) Configure the plugin via the Plugin Manager Configure button Enter the EXACT game descriptions / display names from step 2 For the Golf challenge you can optionally select to have the plugin replace the PinballX backglass video with a standard one that shows the current closest to the pin target score, or to speak it on game launch. The score on the backglass video will always be in the same location but the background image can be changed by updating the PBXPinemhiLauncher_BackglassGolfScoreImage.png image in the \plugins\PBXPinemhiLauncher_Working folder (after enabling the backglass video option and running PinballX once). If using a key to start and stop 5 minute challenges use the 'Input' to set the same key code as configured in Pimehi, the plugin will send this key for you when the 5 min mode table is launched and exited. Note this option is for key codes only, if you have a button assigned then i assume you can easily start stop 5 min mode manually, in which case this can be left blank. 5 min key exit delay - this controls how long after the 5 min mode table has exited that the mode is turned off, this figure can be increased if the pinemhi mode is being turned off before the score has been submitted online. Issues Please attach the PinballX.ini & Log.txt files as well as the plugins PBXPinemhiLauncher.ini & PBXPinemhiLauncher_Log.txt files from the plugins folder along with a description of the problem, i may also request a copy of your database xml file and pinemhi.ini to help replicate the issue. Thanks @Mike_da_Spike i blatantly ripped off his code for rom name and fuzzy table name matching from the API Launcher app , @Tom Speirs and @Adultery for PinballX and the awesome flexibility of plugins! Changes 10/08/21 V1.0.0 Initial release 19/09/22 V1.0.1 Change to timing when launching 5min mode challenges (plugin could turn 5min mode off before pinemhi registered the score). Thanks @Mike_da_Spike! 15/11/23 V2.0.0 Added Golf / Closest to the PIN challenge to the the launcher & support files. Thanks again to @Mike_da_Spike who started the code for this after @Dna Disturber added the functionality to the Pinemhi Leaderboard, and then tested and found a load of issues with all the code i did. 16/11/23 V2.0.1 Small fix for five minute challenge mode if no table found PBXPinemhiLauncher V2_0_1.zip SupportFiles.zip
  4. Hello, I've been using PinBallX for some time and wouldn't go any other way. I am a bit confused as to some of the folders in PinBallX. For example, the loading folders. I'm using Visual Pinball 10.7.2 as my only emulator. I put a few loading png's into C:\PinballX\Media\Loading Images, as the images do load it seems they load randomly even with the same file names. Their other media files load so I know I have the names right lol. I guess my question is can you have a loading screen for each table? If so how is this done? Is there some documentation on folders and subfolders in PinballX? Thanks for any info or help, Spacegoogie
  5. Generate Loading Videos View File This is the latest release of my "Generate loading Videos" from playfield program. The idea started when PinballX introduced loading Videos and @scutters modified his "Loading Video & Image Changer (de-randomiser) " With Scutters his plugin and this program (and a lot of creativity of yourself), you can create your loading video's per table. Version 3 of this program, makes it much easier than the previous version I created. And more flexible. The settings interface can now easily add 'animations' (.gif, .apng or .mp4), you can choose the location where the animation should be added to playfield image And you can choose if you want to use an overlay (Some overlays already included) When set everything up, the program will create from your playfield video , a video with the animation on top (and if you choose an overlay, that will be placed above the playfield video and under the animation) Setup : Download the zip file , and extract all to the same folder Download the individual animations that you want to use as well Run CreateLoadingVideos.exe Select the PinballX system where you want to create the videos for Go to tab 'animations', and setup your Animations path. Put all your animations in that folder. Click on Add to add an entry, select your animation, select the overlay (or use the checkbox to not use an overlay) and set the location where you want the animation Exit the program if all is setup correctly Run CreateLoadingVideos.exe every time you add/modify your playfield videos The program will create missing loading videos and re-create loading videos if your playfield video is newer. It will randomly pick an animation that was setup. A big thanks to @scutters He created some animations, tested the program and helped with ideas on it if you create Videos of your playfield yourself (and with every update of the table), uses Scutters his de-randomizer plugin and this tools to generate the videos, it will look like a seamless start from front-end to the emulator itself. Some examples video's Submitter Mike_da_Spike Submitted 03/16/22 Category PinballX
  6. Version 1.0.1


    This is the first PinballX application that can be used in your menu to make some things easy. What is it used for ? With this small program, you can launch through the GameEx online API a random table, or even the correct PINemHI Weekly Challenge Prerequisite : Your cabinet needs internet connection Within Settings.exe (from pinballx directory), you need to setup the Gameex Online section and define a Username and Password You need an API from GameEx Online To use PINemHI leaderboard, you must setup and configure PINemHI. An small tutorial how to setup PINemHI leaderboard can be found here: Setup: First make sure you meet all the requirements. Download the Zip file and extract the PinballXAPILauncher.exe file to your Pinball Cabinet somewhere on the harddrive. Run the file PinballXAPILauncher.exe by doubleclick it. The next Screen appear : Got to https://online.gameex.com/APIinfo.aspx and login with your GameEx account. The blue link in the app direct you to the same location. You can also go to https://online.gameex.com/ (login with your credentials) go to the tab My Page and select on API On the API screen, copy the string under User and paste it into the application User. Do the same for Password This should result like this : Click on the Test API to check your credentials This should result in If you want to setup PINemHI 5 min challenge toggle key Click the Input button to set your Key. This must match the key you setup in pinemhi.ini for value 5min_key= In the Input dialog I press the "period" key on my keyboard That results that the period key is in the program Click on Save & Exit to close the program (if you want to know all the command line parameters, click on the blue question mark icon) Setup in PinballX: Open settings.exe from your PinballX directory Select in the left menu Menu Applications In the right pane of the screen, you can setup Menu applications. Right now you can setup 8 applications , but I'm sure that Tom will extend this How to setup up API access : Use the menu applications in Settings.exe to setup your program Name - Will display the name in the menu within PinballX Enabled - If this application is enabled (select Yes to show) Hide Media - During launch of the program , it will hide or show the media Note : This program doesn't show anything. PinballX will fade away and return. This needs to be adjusted in PinballX by Tom, but takes some time. In a future release this can be toggled Working Path - Path where the PinballXapiLauncher.exe is located Executable - Executable that needs to be launched (PinballXapiLauncher.exe) Parameters - The program has multiple parameters and needs to be setup correctly -r or /r : This will launch a randomized table from your complete collection use above parameter with -s or /s followed by system name : will randomize a table for that system. System name must match the system names in PinballX -w or /w : This parameter will check the Weekly challenge for PINemHI. It will check all your database files and select the database files that are setup for Visual Pinball It will try to match a table If it found a matching table, it will launch it use above parameter with -s or /s followed by system name : will do the same, but only for that specific system . System name must match the system names in PinballX -c or /c : This parameter will check the Weekly 5 min challenge for PINemHI. It will check all your database files and select the database files that are setup for Visual Pinball It will try to match a table If it found a matching table, it will launch it use above parameter with -s or /s followed by system name : will do the same, but only for that specific system . System name must match the system names in PinballX NOTE : THIS WILL NOT ENABLE THE 5 MINUTE CHALLENGE. IT ONLY LAUNCH THE TABLE -5 or /5 : This parameter will toggle the 5 minute challenge Here are some examples I use Random FX3 Table launcher: PinemHI 5 min Toggle: PinemHi Weekly Challenge launcher: PinemHi Weekly 5 minute Challenge launcher: This was the setup part. One time only. Not difficult, but need to check all your steps. How to use it in PinballX: Launch PinballX Wait until your GameEx account is logged in (this should take not long): Go to the menu by pressing the Start/Select button/key. In the menu scroll to Applications and press your Start/Select button/key This will show all the applications you created in settings.exe Just select an option and the program will do the rest ! FAQ: "I select an option for launching a table, and no table is loaded" Check the log file that is created in the same directory (by default) as your application is located "I setup all, but selecting an option in PinballX shows me the settings application instead of launching/toggle" This is properly caused by an incorrect parameter settings Options like -r , -w, -c and -5 cannot be combined Check the log file that is created in the same directory (by default) as your application is located "I run into a problem and don't understand what is in the log file" Close PinballX, launch PinballXAPILauncher.exe again and select the Log tab Set Log Level to Verbose and click Save & Exit Note Never set the logfile level to Nightmare mode ! You've been warned Reproduce your issue and post your logfile/ini file and pinballx.ini in the support thread "Matching of table for PINemHI challenges is incorrect and launches wrong table" Best way is to use the PinballX Databasemanager (not because Scutters and I created it), because the following flow will be done : Read the database XML files Check the weekly table and matching rom(s) Match your XML database file on rom multiple tables found ? It would pick a random table that matches the rom that supports the challenge No rom matching ? This will check the PINemHI tablename against your XML database file if it can match a direct hit to filename or description. multiple tables found ? It would pick a random table that matches the direct hit that supports the challenge No direct matching on filename or description name ? Last option will do a fuzzy search . This will check the PINemHI tablename against your XML database file if it can match fuzzy hit to filename or description. Fuzzy search only matching 65 or higher! multiple tables found ? It would pick a random table that matches the direct hit that supports the challenge Thanks To @Tom Speirs for adding the applications part to PinballX (I hope that he will add the option to toggle the fade the screen when launching, so nothing the application can run in the background ) @Dna Disturberfor PINemHI and creating an 'API' for getting the information for the weekly challenge @scutters for his testing, ideas, mental support and feedback during this whole project (I hope I doesn't forget anybody) Enjoy !
  7. Success! - I have Zaccaria tables launching from PinballX. I have tested about 20 different tables and things are working great for me. I will probably do some more cleanup and improvements down the road but for now I am content. My sample shows how to launch a table from each Zaccaria pinball table type. They have EM, SS, Retro, Remake and Award and Deluxe I still need to go through and confirm all the table names for each and every table but I wanted to get this script out there for others to test so please as you add to PBX lets keep a running list of all the table names with the "group" they are under. The key to using the script is in game manager make sure to put the correct table name in and most importantly the Type. My scripts looks for EM,SS,RT,RM and AW. The script will exit if you do not put the type in Game manager correctly. ( I am converting the case to upper so EM, em, Em, eM are all valid) EM=Electro Mag, SS=Solid State, RT=Retro, RM=Remake, AW=Award,DX=Deluxe Update: 11/21/19 - Modified script to handle new Deluxe table types. Ust DX as Type in game manager to use. Update: 12/20/18 - Added latest PinballX Zaccaria Database file Update: 12/1/18 - There is a optional change you can make to your script if you normally leave your playfield in landscape mode and then rotate to portrait when playing Zacarria. If your playfield is already in portrait then you will not need to modify this. There is a parameter to Zaccaria to automatically rotate the screen. (Stopping the need to rotate it via a launch before/after script) Original line: Run, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 Change to: Run, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 -rotate right (Or -rotate left depending on your configuration) Note: There will be one thing that needs to be changed in the LaunchZaccaria.ahk script. On Line 17 you will need to update the directory/filename of your Zaccaria PBX database file. Make sure to save your changes and compile again. Line to edit: FileRead, xmldata, C:\Pinball\PinballX\Databases\Zaccaria\Zaccaria.xml ;change to your zaccaria PBX database PBX config for Zaccaria: A single table from each "group" configured. LaunchZaccaria.ahk Zaccaria.xml
  8. Finally found this topic. Does anyone have the table names for all the postal 1 tables and postal 2 tables?
  9. Hi Tom, VPX 10.7 process threads are a lot slower to close than in 10.6 on exit (in 10.6 the threads close almost instantly, in 10.7 on my desktop they take 5secs). This causes a longer black screen on table exit in PinballX than before, showing for the full 5 secs before the Exit Screen image (if enabled) is shown. I think this is because PinballX monitors the vpinballx.exe threads and waits for them to exit completely before doing anything else, as on my desktop where i have VP set up as an 'Other System' if i change the system type from visual pinball to custom the black screen time is a lot less (but i assume this comes at the cost of PinballX not retrieving high score data etc).. This time in the logs between Exit System Control Pressed and Created DirectX BackGlass Window, here for the other system using visual pinball as system type; 08:18:32.72 25/01/2022: C:\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe -minimized /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) MOD1.vpx" 08:18:32.74 25/01/2022: C:\PinballX32\vpauto.exe 08:18:59.81 25/01/2022: Found PinMAME ROM: afm_113 08:19:01.94 25/01/2022: Visual Pinball Player window foreground: 29 08:19:10.08 25/01/2022: Exit System Control Pressed 08:19:15.86 25/01/2022: Created DirectX BackGlass Window and here using 'custom' as system type; 08:26:36.06 25/01/2022: C:\Visual Pinball\VPinballX.exe -minimized /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\Attack from Mars (Bally 1995) MOD1.vpx" 08:27:14.33 25/01/2022: Exit System Control Pressed 08:27:16.54 25/01/2022: Created DirectX BackGlass Window Is there anything you can do about the black screen time for VPX 10.7 exit from a PinballX point of view (e.g. showing exit screen as soon on Exit System Control Pressed event or if not enabled just show the playfield video straight away and then wait for the vpx threads to exit in the background)? Thanks for any help! log VP System.txt log Custom.txt PinballX.ini
  10. Hi Pinball- Freaks. Yesterday my PinballX loses all the settings I made in weeks of configuration Before I handled TPA, VPX, Zaccaria and FX3 without any problems. I don't have any idea, how this "reset" could happen. Is there anybody, who had the same problem like me? Are there any entrys in the windows-registry for the config or is all written into the pinballx.ini? Looking for a smart way to get my nearly "perfect" config back. Maybe a windows update crashes my settings? Thanks, if anybody has a good idea for me. By the way, excuse my bad english. I love PinballX and I use it at my "PinCade", which is a combination with an big arcade part, and when flipping the playfield up, for the above mentioned Pinballsystems. It was a project for nearly two years and it's now running about a half year without any faults. I'm so sad, to loose my config without any cause. Without all those engaged "freaks" in the forums I never get this far with my projekt. So again many thanks to the whole community.
  11. Welcom the the Pinball Sound Archive your sound archive taken from virtual pinball tables for you to enjoy in your pinball front-end or just listening to as is. Recorded in WavePad Sound Editor ME and has been normalized to -1.5dB with a fade out in the end with a lenght around 35 sec. The files is uploaded on the FTP - Other Uploads > gStAv > Table Audio <<< NOW ALL TABLE AUDIO FREE FOR EVERYONE >>> copy all files to your ...\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Audio\ folder !!! BE SURE TO RENAME THE FILES TO MATCH YOUR DATABASE !!! Latest update, 2019-01-14, 1 TABLE If you hear any crackling sound or other error, please report this to me, and I will try to replace the audio for that table. Updated tables is named tablename_v2.mp3 in FTP as I can't replace files. Feel free to reqest the sound to any virtual table not listed below and I see what I can do!
  12. Hello, I'm telling you about my problem on starting tables with zaccaria (on PBX) I can't start my tables .. I'm stuck, do you have an idea? thanks in advance
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Other 100 Mega Docklets for Future Pinball.
  14. Hi Tom, thank you for providing PinballX over the years. This is still my favourite frontend! But now my question: I like to use also other programs to manage my database-xml-files. E.g. PinballX Database Manager because it provides additional properties like <IPDBnr> or <dateadded>. But when I am in PinballX to rate a table, PinballX will delete the additional properties of that table. When using Games Manager, the additional properties of all games will be lost after save. It would be greate, if PinballX would only change e.g. the rating-property and leave the others unchanged. Thanks and have a greate day, Stefan PS: I am using PinballX Version 5.31, the attached file shows the lost properties of the first game Attack from Mars 3.02. VPX 7.0 - Kopie.xml
  15. This was one of my favorite single button games. The sad news is that it was flash-based and unusable... until now. I found the flash emulator known as "Ruffle" and it works great for playing old flash games on your PC. Most of these games won't translate well to a cabinet, unless you have a trackball. However, "Fly The Copter" is a single-click game and shouldn't be a problem, right? WRONG! You see, the problem was getting the game file and emulator to play nice together in our beloved front-end launcher. The standard [TABLEFILE] to EXE method wasn't working with Ruffle, so I had to find a workaround. BAT and VBS didn't work and I thought I was done. Then I found a little app called "bat2exe". This took my batch file and made it into and executable. BOOM! We're playin' Copter. I bundled everything up in a zip file for all of you (including media). Here's what to do.... 1. Download this zip file and extract it to "C:\Games\" (create the directory if needed) 2. Right click on "Copter.swf" and set the default app to "Ruffle.exe" 3. Configure "Joy2Key" (included). One button for the "left mouse click" and one for "Alt+ENTER". 4. Test game by launching "Fly The Copter.exe" The game should open in a maximized window. Press "Alt+ENTER" button for fullscreen Play the game with the "left mouse click" button. 5. Set up PinballX using "Fly The Copter.exe" but set the monitor process to "Ruffle.exe" 6. Load up the included PinballX Media, launch and enjoy! Cheers! Homemade Media Files:
  16. Version 1.0.0


    I am creating the Megadocklets for Visual Pinball, I personally like I was doing that type sign. Roughly half of them have done from existing Draco for Pinball Arcade and the other half from scratch, using your template. The other type sign are good to put in the hollow of the DMD when the game has DMD, but these MegaDocklets are more colorful and since I have them in use in PinballFX2, Pinball Arcade and Pro Pinball, because I want everyone to see for same. At the moment I turn up the initial Pack 1 with 44 tables that are in VPX packs that I have uploaded. Later I will go up another pack with the main tables that are not yet in VPX but that we VP9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Estoy creando los Megadocklets para Visual Pinball, personalmente me gustan más que los que estaba haciendo tipo letrero. Más o menos la mitad de ellos los he hecho a partir del ya existente de Draco para Pinball Arcade y la otra mitad desde cero, usando su plantilla. Los otros tipo letrero quedan bien para poner en el hueco del DMD cuando el juego no tiene DMD, pero estos MegaDocklets son más vistosos y ya que los tengo en uso en PinballFX2, Pinball Arcade y Pro-Pinball, pues quiero que se vean todos por igual. De momento subo el Pack 1 inicial con las 44 mesas que hay en los packs de VPX que yo tengo subidos. Posteriormente subiré otro pack con las principales mesas que aún no están en VPX pero sí que las tenemos en VP9. Visual-MegaDocklet-Template.psd
  17. Version 1.0.0


    First of all thanks to Tom for making this possible! This is the carbon version of my underlay. I renderd this because i always had trouble to clearly see the wheel images. Now the small ones fit inside the arc and the big one stands out more on the glass / PF shadow. To use this you have to install the newest version of PinballX (4.36 or higher) and change the "Underlay Image Type" in the display settings to "Fill Screen".
  18. Hi Everyone I got a 2 screen cab with PinballX 3.57, VPX 10.6 BETA, Win10, AMD RADEON Card All my VPX games work great but when I decided to download and try 'The Addams Family (Bally 1992) v2.1 uncompressed' (I've tried all the different versions 2.1, 1.4.1 etc.) with PinballX, the Backglass loads but the playfield loads and doesn't display. I have to Alt-Tab to the Visual Pinball Player then it pops up and all is OK. If I load it from within VPX it works fine. I've tried re-loading the ROM, deleting the ROM keys in the Registry, still no good. I'm reluctant to download and install latest PinballX over the top of my current PinballX folder in case other stuff stops working unless anyone can tell me it's definitely a bug and fixed in the latest version. Happy to attach various config files to help if you tell me exactly which ones.
  19. I don't really like the default Sounds that play when navigating menus, and I'd like to change them, at least if it's possible. Can anyone help me out with this? I basically want sound effects from the first 6 Megatouch games to play in the Pinball X Menus. Any files I should replace, or are there multiple ways to go around this? I'm not sure what else to add since I think it may be very simple and easy to do simple audio replacement.
  20. You can use your Geforce Experience driver to capture video's within PBX. This will only work for playfield captures and not for backglasses This manual will show you how to set it up Open your Geforce experience Press Alt+Z to bring up the Share overlay and go to Settings : NOTE: If the Share overlay does not appear it may be turned off. You can turn it on inside GeForce Experience by going to Settings > GENERAL > SHARE and toggling the switch. It will light up green indicating the Share overlay has been turned on. In Settings, click on Recordings: Set the path where the video’s will be recorded. For example c:\pinball\pinballx\GeforceCapture Hit the Back button and hit Done Check under Records what the key is to start a record. By default it is Alt+F9 Close the Share Overlay Open PinballX Setup Wizard and select Video recording in the left pane Select Use GPU driver capture to Yes Make Sure that the Driver record start/stop key are the same as the hotkey that is defined in the Geforce Experience Share overlay screen Set the Driver save path to the same directory as the Recording path in the Geforce Experience Share overlay screen Save your settings !
  21. Version 1.0.0


    First of all thanks to Tom for making this possible! I renderd this because i always had trouble to clearly see the wheel images. Now the small ones fit inside the arc and the big one stands out more on the glass / PF shadow. To use this you have to install the newest version of PinballX (4.36 or higher) and change the "Underlay Image Type" in the display settings to "Fill Screen". This is my first shot at this so feel free to give some constructive criticism!
  22. Cince i've installed my new 4K television for my cabinet, sinds then Pinballx loses his sounds. I have a startup video who sounds perfect the first 3 seconds and then has a "hickup"' for a second. When the startup video is finiches and the tables are shown, none has backgroud sounds in Pinball x. if i start the tables allis fine. When closing pinball x, there are no select and exit sounds. In reare occasions the "hickup" isn't there and meracilusly all tablesound are back! as attachment my pinballx.ini file, My apologies for my bad englisch, it's not my native language. PinballX.ini
  23. Hi folks, I'm a newbie here and this is my first post (Hi!). Firstly thanks for PinballX, it's really cool. I set up vpinball and pinballx on a 3 screen setup and everything worked perfectly with: 43" UHD LG TV for the playfield (set to 1920x1080 until I get a better graphics card) 32" 2560x1440 viewsonic monitor for the backglass an old 15" LCD monitor for the DMD My monitors are setup L to R for playfield,BG,DMD in windows10, aligned at the top, 100% scaling with the appropriate resolutions, all good. The various screens are destined for a cab but at the moment they festoon my dining room :). My problem started when I had to replace my BG monitor due to dead pixels. I swapped it for an LG 32" 1920x1080 TV, and adjusted all the settings and everything is now almost perfect as before, EXCEPT that now when I select Play in pinballx, the screen that shows while vpinballx loads up (with white LOADING graphic on a black background) appears on the backglass monitor - sideways of course, since it should be on the playfield monitor. During this time the desktop is displayed on the playfield monitor. Nothing I can do changes this. What I have tried: Deleting registry settings for monitor setup and re-adding the screens one by one (I comprehensively purged the registry) Deleting and reinstalling pinballx Reinstalling the graphics card drivers Changing the monitor layout to be vertically stacked (with appropriate cfg adjustments) Turning off CEC on the BG LG monitor Using the mouse to focus the LOADING screen and pressing shift-windows-cursor_left which does successfully move it onto the playfield, but it doesn't stick and next time pinballx is started it is as before. As 6. but alt-F4 to quit the program after moving it Changing every setting there is, both via the setup wizards and hand-editing the cfg files Starting pinballx in windowed mode, with a view to dragging the window onto the playfield. When I do this I get a null pointer exception in the logs (or rather the CLR style "reference is not set to an object" exception). There is no traceback or anything else useful in there. everything else I always launch PinballX from the main monitor but the grey and blue PinballX splash screen (and LOADING screen) always now show on the backglass monitor. I know people like to see ini and log files but believe me, I have changed the ini file at least 70 times in the last two weeks so any submission would just be the ini du jour. What I would like to know is, what controls which monitor the LOADING screen appears on? Thanks for any advice!
  24. I am stuck with a issue on my Pinball FX2 backglasses using DOFLINX Looking for assistance from any users out there trying to use DOFLINX with directb2s backglasses with Pinball FX2. NOTE: I have a fully functioning PinballX, VPx, FP using DOF and B2S Backglass Server Example: AlienIsolationPinball.directb2s is stored in the DOFLINX FX2 folder and when in pinballx it shows... The issue I have been having is... I tried to play around with backglasses for Pinball FX2 where these are the dynamic backglasses (directb2s) used by DOFLINX... not png. when I turn off reposition of DMD and Backglass within Pinball FX2... the table never loads.. the backglass may show or it may not but the table is stuck loading. I can exit back to pinballx. If I enable reposition backglass, the table loads but no Backglass and no DMD if I enable reposition DMD as well.. just the DMD shows. I am stuck... if I turn both on and remove the directb2s files the png files I still have in the stream folder load just fine. Thank you in advance
  25. Mame MegaDocKlets Pack 2 View File This integrating other 200 games MAME in PinballX. It's almost ready, the moment I bring 200 new MegaDocklets, well, 195 new and 5 which already had downloaded from FTP. As you can see, almost all are horizontal. -------------------------------------------------- Esto integrando otros 200 juegos de MAME en PinballX. Ya está casi listo, de momento os traigo 200 nuevos MegaDocklets, bueno, 195 nuevos y 5 que ya tenía descargados del FTP. Como veís, casi todos son horizontales. Submitter PcTeknic Submitted 08/12/2016 Category Wheel Images  
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