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Scutters and Mike Da Spike are proud to present "Database manager for PBX"
We built this program to make it easier for ourselves to update/add tables in PBX.
Terry Red created Future Pinball AIO. In the package he created some terrific .bat files. I cannot figure out how to use them In the "before and after "
set up. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Maybe they should be set up in the "Other Programs "?
Hey all, so been having a hell of a time with Steam, FX2 and PBX. Been really wanting to be able to launch everything offline and it is always wanting a password etc. At any rate, I have set up a few of these VPins and pretty famililar with everything but this one machine seems to be cursed....
I have the current version of PBX. I am working with Windows 7. Up until yesterday it worked perfectly with my 25 VP tables, including some B2S backglasses. When I restarted it this morning, PBX won't load. Originally I had PBX configured to start with windows startup. Yesterday It worked for a few...