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Everything posted by KRC

  1. KRC


    Sorry for your loss. My condolences.
  2. GameEx 4 Life !

  3. Thanks np Thanks Han, Something happened when I attached it, seems to have gone a little darker, I will adjust it later today.
  4. Apologies for being a little quiet over the past few days, just been sorting out a couple of personal issues, nothing to worry about though. I just need to finish Handheld and add gloss layers, then they will be finished. Some more attached. Atari Jaguar Nintendo GameBoy Advance Famicom Disk System FM Towns
  5. Great work Draco
  6. Thanks, Cool, looking forward to the results
  7. A few more attachments. 1. Atari 7800 2. Emerson Arcadia 2001 3. Sega Model 2 4. American Laser Games
  8. Here is an new set of logo's im woking on, these will have specific graphic backgrounds based on the system. 600x400 Ive attached 4 examples: 1. Action Max 2. Sega Master System 3. Sega SG-1000 4. Super Nintendo
  9. Just looked through my GC collection and came up with a few more you might want to try. Paper Mario : Thousand Year Door [GC] Pokemon Colosseum [GC] Tales Of Symphonia [GC] Pokemon XD: Gale Of Darkness [GC] Killer 7 [GC] Starfox Adventures [GC] I own these games and can say they are worth playing Also Resident Evil 4 on [GC] IMO Gamecube version is better, its one of my top 10 all time games.
  10. Wow never knew Shattered Memories was available on Wii, I own it on PS2
  11. Another decent Star Wars game I enjoyed was Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast on GC, not everyones cup of tea but still a great game none the less
  12. Good Stuff ! Your gonna be a very very busy man
  13. Resident Evil [GC] Resident Evil Zero [GC] Luigi's Mansion [GC] Super Smash Bros [GC] Zelda: Twilight Princess [GC] Zelda: Wind Waker [GC] Possibly Lego Star Wars aswell, can't really think of Wii games because when we had our Wii we had kiddy games.
  14. Excellent stuff Krak. Youre on to something great here.
  15. Hey excellent work You can upload here http://www.gameex.com/Download/Themes.aspx
  16. Great work Adultery !
  17. Yes, follow my above post and your good to go
  18. Good Stuff myonions
  19. The scanlines were the first thing I noticed, and they are a brilliant touch to the theme.
  20. Looking good my friend, loving the schematics and the scanlines If I could make 1 suggestion, keep up the good work
  21. Looking forward to the progression this theme makes Krak I do like the direction this theme is heading.
  22. I also experimented with the app a couple of days ago and am grateful for the update, Thanks Tom !
  23. Completed Console and Handheld logo's. Shouldn't be too long until the set is complete.
  24. Request. The possibility to change font color per emulator/module. This would unlock more possibilities for the creative.
  25. Thanks for the reply, will do that now.
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