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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Thanks for the share, this has reminded to sort out some PSP emulation within my setup.
  2. *VSILVALOPES* Congratulations on being our GameEx "Member Of The Month" for OCTOBER 2012. This honour is for your hardwork and theme contributions within the forum and also lending a hand to others when they need it most. Once again Congratulations and were looking forward to more submissions from yourself. Ray.
  3. Lets hope they dont cast Zac Efron as Luke Skywalker
  4. Good stuff Sokurah
  5. Here is a banner for snarls
  6. If you need any help sourcing artwork etc. Dont hesitate to ask. It's worth taking a look at GIMP when theming, that's what I use and I've never run into any problems.
  7. KRC

    Finally Back Here

    Thanks guys, I'm good in myself, I had someone close but not a relative pass away recently and to top it all off my 7 year old daughter has been diagnosed with having obsessive compulsive disorder, quite a severe case too, has been pretty damaging and has had a huge impact on family life. She's Currently going to therapy sessions, but the worst thing is, because she's younger she finds it harder to control.
  8. After a couple of pieces of bad news, as of today I'm back and can't wait to get stuck in again. The last few weeks have been a torrid time but now is the time to rise again like a phoenix from the ashes.
  9. That's look good, I wanna play it !
  10. Nice work,good to see someone else getting creative. Also, if you need help with any artwork or skinning in general just let me or the guys know and we will surely help you out
  11. I would just like to say that this is some mighty fine work Sokurah.
  12. Nearly finished this set, just need to complete and update roughly a dozen more.
  13. Here are a few more basic backgrounds for some emulators.
  14. Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight ?

  15. Good stuff, I'm liking the brick background, gives it a nice old skool feel, those images are pretty impressive aswell. Yeah theming can become addictive, but make sure it doesn't possess you Anyway great work and looking forward to the progress on this one.
  16. Haha, I thought of Austin Powers also, and I also had to google it.
  17. Good to see you back at it Krak, nice work
  18. Here are the Pinball Logo's for Convergence. Thanks to Draco & nP for uploading some of these to the Artwork Topic.
  19. Congratulations LC, I wish you all happiness in the future
  20. I was joking han, wasnt supposed to sound malicious, sorry if it seemed that way
  21. Thanks null, just doing my bit, and keeping Harrison Ford happy
  22. Edited Taito Type X2 and Naomi
  23. I had a little change of heart and decided to change the logo set to a more fitting one, I have attached the Arcade logo's for this set. This set will also be released as a standalone set.
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