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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Only 92 issues to go. I think the US easily has the upper hand for Marvel and other comics, after all most of them do originate from the United States.
  2. Here is issue 8, finally! 3 days after I was supposed to get it, and finally has page 1 of The Hulk section
  3. Some Taito Type X stuff nearly racks up 8gb, I can run Type X on my laptop but not on my main system. Its worth running Taito Type X if your system is beastly.
  4. I've only got CPS-3 setup out the systems you mentioned and it's a breeze, It's one of the easier arcade one's to set up. It's one of the system's that get's the most use on my setup due to Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. You could probably get CPS-3 setup in and out of GameEx in 10-15 mins. If you need any help with setting up CPS-3 just ask. I used to have Daphne and Model 2 setup but removed them as I needed HDD Space but now I have a couple more external HDD's I may install them again. I setup Daphne a very long time ago and it was easy I think.
  5. Thanks Tom, Nice Work !
  6. Just did a telephone enquiry with Ryman stationers and they charge £2 service charge and 60p per A4 colored sheet. Providing I use my own paper. Not too bad but some of their stores don't allow this sort of printing.
  7. I did a test with some photo paper on my dad's printer which was ok but when stacked on a shelf next to genuine boxes it stuck out like a sore thumb.
  8. Nice work, that Zaxxon theme is a killer !
  9. I've recently purchased a lot which contained over 200 loose cartridges and discs for Nintendo Sega Etc and wanted to know the best and cheapest place to print high quality covers on glossy photo paper. I already purchased some DVD and universal game cases so I'm good to go.
  10. The Cover Project and VGBoxArt have some cool templates you could use.
  11. Yeah I noticed this also, when I like a post it says unlike instead of you like this and doesnt show who else likes the post.
  12. Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!

  13. Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!

  14. I finally managed to get top spot, for some reason it wont let me attach an image. Ive uploaded
  15. KRC

    Sav files problem

    It's worth checking the extension(s) of your roms if some of them are still not showing. Navigate to your rom folder, Right click in that rom folder and click on sort by type and see if there are any extra extensions which you are not aware of, If there are just add them to the "Rom Filter" in the setup wizard
  16. KRC

    Sav files problem

    Could you upload a copy of the emulator config file?
  17. KRC

    Sav files problem

    Hey, You may have to configure your emulators to save your save states to another folder.
  18. I feel sick

  19. KRC


    Hey, Welcome to the Forums. Looks to me that you need to use a .map file. Map files rename your roms within GameEx. As I dont use MAME, Im not entirely sure if there is a .map file for MAME already in the MAP files folder in your GameEx directory. If you set up MAME as a seperate emulator .map files are accessible in rhe advanced emulator config in the setup wizard. Maybe another user can chip in and confirm this?
  20. Hey, Welcome to the forums. When encountering a bug or error please post your log.txt and gameex.ini file, Information on this can be found here This will enable us to assist you with your problem quicker.
  21. I retract my previous statement, having picked up issue 6 yesterday it seems to have bulked up certain parts of the fact files, It may outdo the encyclopedia after all. In the UK there are several encyclopedias floating about. I have the one by DK that is supposed to be the be all end all of the Marvel Universe up to 2012 but yet a friend of mine discovered characters and events that were missing from the timeline. I would have never known if he hadn't have pointed them out. He's a Marvel freak.
  22. Happy Birthday Tempest ! Ps. Nice One Draco
  23. Its pretty informative, I also have the marvel encyclopedia but im not sure if the fact files will match it. In terms of layout and readability the fact files are a lot better.
  24. I find the best theme to use as a base is the Default-Default theme.
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