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  1. It's a bit more complex than that, but realize i didn't do a very good job of explaining. It appears to be cutting off the image and shifting it. It's not the end of the world, just thought i'd ask... sounds like you're pretty far removed from this old project and i get it. I've tried a bunch of things but nothing is working other than found settings for the actual games that allow me to change the primary rez of the game itself to match the default 1920x1080 which comes with its own set of issues. For just a few games I'm thinking i may try to come up with my own script to display the image and maybe force the resolution on the 2nd monitor to change back (if that's what is happening).
  2. Oh Mr. stigzler, Been a while since i posted here. Not sure if you monitor this forum on a regular basis but hoping you'll see this. Long time user of your products, both Marquee Masher and cpwizard. Use cpwizard to generate a 1920x1080 image for all games. Use MM to show those images on a 2nd monitor. Works great for Mame and Daphne games. Recently added a couple Teknoparrot games to my GameEx favs, although one requires launching without the Teknoparrot GUI. Anyway, the proper image for those games appears but is shrunk and offset on the 2nd monitor. From what I can tell has something to do with the primary monitor rez being changed upon launch of those games and is creating the problem for the 2nd monitor. Is there maybe a pause I can implement to allow the 1st monitor to change rez before displaying MM on the 2nd? Thank you.
  3. Tom, Think I've finally found at least one trigger causing the issue with rom clearing out on it's own. I recently added several tables and also selected the appropriate rom for each inside game manager. Then played said games for the first time in PX and rated each inside PX. Now if I go back to the game manager all the roms selected for each game have been cleared out but the ratings show up correctly.
  4. if you enable vpinmame in settings this button called rom will make a real dmd show the data stored in the rom file while browsing games.
  5. Not sure what the xml file is going to tell you anything. This is the game early missing the rom but is now in the xml file since i re-selected it. If it's missing there simply won't be anything between the rom section. <game name="Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Fiends (Data East 1993) 1.0"> <description>Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (Data East 1993)</description> <rom>rab_320</rom> <manufacturer>Data East</manufacturer> <year>1993</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>3</rating> </game>
  6. The tables are not missing, it's the rom selected for these games inside the manager that are missing.
  7. Tom, This may or may not help but here's what i've observed recently. Noticed a particular game showed incorrect ratings inside PX, apparently changed on it's own from 3 stars to 5. Changed back to 3 stars inside PX. Later removed another game in game manager and added a different version of same game which comes before the game with incorrect ratings mentioned earlier in alphabetical order. Inside game manager noticed the rom originally selected for game with the ratings issue is now blank. "edit"... also seeing other tables now missing the rom inside game manager.
  8. My understanding is whatever you select in the game manager for ratings it will show same in PX and vice versa. Is that true or at least that's what is supposed to happen? Generally i rate inside PX but if see a discrepancy will change in the manager. I've not changed the setting "use pinmame in front end" for a long time, has always been set to Yes. Only other thing might be worth mentioning... I doubt this would have anything to do with it but i don't always select the exact rom version being used for the table... saves time from having to go into each table script to find out which version the game is actually using.
  9. Hey Tom, see attached, this is the rom i'm referring to. Also attaching a couple of the xml files as they have changed during the course of being in and out of the manager. Have been getting in the habit of making copies on occasion before making changes to see if i can find a pattern to the problem. It does seem like certain games are affected more than others but like i said i haven't been able to isolate the trigger. log.txt xml files.zip
  10. yea i caught myself doing that with the mouse wheel once so have been aware of that for some time... however this would not explain the rom selection issue.
  11. I've searched and found others describing what i'm experiencing but have yet to find a definitive answer. I had hoped by now to figure out what is triggering the problem but cannot, appears to be completely random. The problem is i'm finding many of the roms i've selected for the games inside the game list manager eventually get cleared out in other words it's like i never selected a rom. Also the ratings i've selected for each game are changing on their own, example if i said a game was 4 stars it would eventually change to 5 stars. Anybody out there think i'm not crazy? :-)
  12. Sorry but not sure i follow "when you press the exit button that is defined in px, it closes complete your emulator"... prior to disabling force exclusive fullscreen mode when i try to exit table in px i get the prompt mentioned earlier. Also don't follow your last sentence.
  13. I tried both yesterday before just disabling force exclusive fullscreen mode and didn't work either.
  14. ESC is not disabled... don't know what else to tell you but turning off exclusive fullscreen mode worked... not sure what it does if you don't mind indulging me. Yes, you have that correct regarding the BG.... yea, making sure everything is minimized or closed i guess is my only workaround.
  15. Looks like i figured out the escape problem... disabling force exclusive fullscreen mode in vpx did the trick, no more prompt and game just ends inside px. Now unfortunately, still have the original problem when i exit a game the backglass video is behind other windows opened on the desktop. Again, also only happening with vpx tables.
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