some pupvideos go on fullDMD and I keep B2s backglass, some pup videos seem small so I swap the two. With that, I send the backglass to the fullDMD with a custom screenres file. Some tables with slight adjustments, depending on the table b2s, b2s with full dmd, puppack, and so forth.
I have fun with this and just experiment with different setups. the otherday I removed 2 monitors from a 4 monitor setup, so Im working with a 2 screen setup, my backglass is a 27" 4k in portrait mode using that as Topper, Backglass, DMD, and FUllDMD as the RTX card rescales all correctly to full screen otherwise windows cuts off the top and bottom portion of screen. Just fun and rewarding when you tinker around and come up with ideas to change things and say, hmmm could I get that to work? Then making those ideas work on screen successfully, oh makes me tingle lol. But it does looks awesome. I have a small border around the frames so it looks distinctive, its just a trip to see.