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Spacegoogie last won the day on December 14 2022

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  1. I got a workaround going, I grabbed my backup game list and all tables are showing once again with xxx numbers also showing obsolete, but the tables all show up together and do launch. This is interesting that pinballX will load the tables in the subfolders but pinballx does not see the subfolders.
  2. Working!😁 Well the B2S file. So all my screenres. files are .txt, I noticed you said .res. I tried that and BAM!, worked. Thank you again, Now where were you last week when I spent days making folders for all my tables But.....how do we get PinballX to read subfolders?
  3. I did just that but with a few tables just to be sure. No change.
  4. Too bad it's just not as simple as checking a box "check subfolders". lol.
  5. I'm all up to date on everything. You think it would.
  6. Gave it a shot but unfortunately, that did not work.
  7. 🤔Scutters, that's an idea! I will try as soon as I can. Thanks for the idea.
  8. some pupvideos go on fullDMD and I keep B2s backglass, some pup videos seem small so I swap the two. With that, I send the backglass to the fullDMD with a custom screenres file. Some tables with slight adjustments, depending on the table b2s, b2s with full dmd, puppack, and so forth. I have fun with this and just experiment with different setups. the otherday I removed 2 monitors from a 4 monitor setup, so Im working with a 2 screen setup, my backglass is a 27" 4k in portrait mode using that as Topper, Backglass, DMD, and FUllDMD as the RTX card rescales all correctly to full screen otherwise windows cuts off the top and bottom portion of screen. Just fun and rewarding when you tinker around and come up with ideas to change things and say, hmmm could I get that to work? Then making those ideas work on screen successfully, oh makes me tingle lol. But it does looks awesome. I have a small border around the frames so it looks distinctive, its just a trip to see.
  9. Sorry Draco1962, I was not thinking it was an issue just unsure of how to do it. PinballX.ini log.txt
  10. As simple as the title, Why does it seem like it's so hard to get PBX DBM to read subfolders? I cleaned up all my tables and made subfolders for about half my tables that needed different Screen.res files. I can not get the subfolders to be recognized. Going crazy here. Thanks!
  11. scutters, I have tried that with the B2S screen rez and changing PinUpPlayer.ini but it did not work correctly, I do have several of these custom screen layouts that I use to quickly change these settings (lol found out the hard way a while back). This one just does not want to work. I'm starting to think it's something in the table script? I can and have altered some of these but if I recall correctly I did look into this and I really did not see anything that would help. I'll look again.
  12. Changing B2S to standard does hide pup pack under the backglass but enables the B2SDMD to be displayed on 3rd screen. Changing the B2S to From To Top had the same effect as standard. Its like PBX is saying, look you! You can't have both! Pick one! lol
  13. Opening the table just within VPX does load the B2SBackglassServerEXE under details. I figured it would be running seeing how the B2SDMD was running on 3rd screen. Opening the table within PBX also loads the B2SBackglassServerEXE. under details but nothing loads. The backglass nor the B2SDMD load up. Also, UCA is at the lowest setting, never notify.
  14. Obsoletes I have seen. I was not 100% on what it all entailed. Can update automatically! Thats awsome and I did not know that. Back to DBM I go...
  15. Ok, I updated my backup copies of the pinball.xml and visual pinball.bu before hand. Removed the Game Manager as I will no longer use it Thank you for that info. Funny I just discovered the DB Manager not that long ago and I really like it, Getting all my loading screens setup. The files looked the same so I just clicked yes. Everything looks good.👍
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