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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by jadflat

  1. at least I'm not alone, lol
  2. it's pinmame
  3. Do you have virtualdmd enabled = true in dmddevice.ini? No, it's set to false. And the auto posotion dmd on pinballx was set to no already. Using Alt tab when running just through vpx shows that it's not there. It doesn't make any sense. I ended up using the old SetDMD software to move it behind the playfield for now as a workaround.
  4. Hi, I'm hoping somebody can help me solve this issue. When running tables through pinballx I'm getting a second dmd on my backglass in addition to my real dmd on my pin2dmd. I have real dmd disabled in the pinballx settings, hidedmd set on the game manager, showdmd is not ticked on the pinmame options and virtual dmd on freezy is set to false. when running the table directly from vpx i don't have this issue. log.txt PinballX.ini
  5. thanks for this guide
  6. And like magic, it's working again
  7. pinballx has started to crash as soon as it starts. I've tried updating and everything looks to be okay in the .ini file. PinballX.inilog.txt
  8. how do i fix that?
  9. oops, here they are log.txt PinballX.ini
  10. I'm getting a "Load Error" when trying to launch Stranger Things from PinballX. It works fine from Visual Pinball X but fails using PBX. My PBX is up to date https://imgur.com/8dDy1FW
  11. loving the latest update with Pinball Fx2 support, thank you. I am having a couple of small issues though. When i run steam in online mode after i play one game it doesn't seem to close steam properly and i get an error that an app is already running if i try to launch a second game. I don't get this problem with steam in offline mode, but this creates another problem; when steam first launches i need to use the mouse to click "start in offline mode" from the prompt. does anyone know a solution to either problem?
  12. Hi, I'm getting any error when trying to access the page can somebody please upload the pinballx.exe to the ftp? I want to update thanks
  13. real dmd videos look great, nice work!
  14. is there a way to display the system underlay images at a smaller size?
  15. these are awesome, thank you
  16. latest version is working much better now. thank you
  17. is there a quick way to assign the roms? at the moment i've been using the test function of pinmame to see what the rom name is for each table, but with 270 tables it will take a long time... using pindmd with a vishay dmd
  18. Has anyone got this working successfully yet? Now that it runs properly when the windows desktop is in portrait mode it would be great to get this launching from PinballX, but I'm having trouble getting it work. I've created an ahk script to rotate the desktop before launch using iRotate http://www.entechtaiwan.com/util/irotate.shtm, but when pinball arcade launches it's not in focus, I need to alt-tab to it and press enter to get past the pop up window that selects "launch game or configuration utility" this is what I've managed so far [system_3]Name=Pinball ArcadeEnabled=TrueWorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamTablePath=Executable=Steam.exeParameters=-applaunch 238260LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\PinballX\ScriptsLaunchBeforeExecutable=rotate portrait.exeLaunchBeforeParameters=LaunchAfterWorkingPath=LaunchBeforeEnabled=TrueLaunchAfterEnabled=FalseLaunchAfterExecutable=LaunchBeforeHideWindow=FalseLaunchBeforeWaitForExit=False
  19. I started out with 1.67 and had it crashing frequently also. Re-recording and replacing some of my bg videos fixed it up for me, no more crashes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yj4vc3rbckpei5e/pinballx%20fix.rar try replacing these and see if it helps I'm using the shark codecs with the recommended settings on Win 7 x64
  20. This is great, thank you.
  21. Thanks, I'll investigate
  22. Is there a way to have more than 25?
  23. Running it on my arcade cab only at the moment, been thinking of putting it on my htpc sometime soon though. Currently have mame and a handful of consoles set up, will add more one day...
  24. thanks, I'll give that a go
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