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Everything posted by lm_shaker

  1. My workaround: I set PinballX itself as the exit program. It then relaunches itself back to the systems menu when you exit the program. (The desktop is displayed just a second or two.) Of course, you have to reboot or use TaskManager to break-out of PinballX.
  2. I'm sorry. I could not download the file, as I had just clicked the link without first signing in. 😞 Of course, I then signed in to request the link be "corrected". I'm going to go crawl into a hole now. Luckily the hole is my basement, and that's where my V-Pin Cab is located. 🙂 - Mark
  3. Hi All; Could someone re-attach the PinballX Games Database File for Pinball FX ("Pinball FX.xml"). It's no longer attached to the thread, and there are no examples of how I can manually create the entries. Thanks! - Mark
  4. Hi All; When launched, I would like PinballX to show the "Systems" wheel in a consistent position. It seems to vary. I have 23 systems defined. I only use "Other Systems" entries, not the predefined systems. The systems are displayed in alphabetical order, but when PinballX is launched it positions the wheel somewhere in the middle, not at the beginning alphabetically (which would be my preference). I thought it was related to the PinballX.ini file's [Internal] lastSelected... entry. But I blanked that entry out, and when I started PinballX it still positioned the "system" wheel somewhere in the middle. Thanks for your help! - Mark
  5. I'm still hoping for this feature. In the mean time I use the workaround: a) I *think* I had to change the settings to use the same key for "Close Table" and "Exit PinballX". b) Use the "End Program" Setting to have PinballX re-launch itself when it closes. This comes with the following disadvantages: 1) You can't automatically start PinballX with Windows, or there will be no way to get out of PinballX. 2) After pressing the Close Table/Exit PinballX key from the Table Menu, you will have to chose "Exit" from a Pop-Up Menu to confirm. 3) Once PinballX is running, the only way out is to use Cntl-Alt-Del and restart Windows. 4) When PinballX is closing, you will see a flash of the desktop before it reloads (and again shows the System Menu). - Mark
  6. I'm now able to capture Playfield Images of Zaccaria tables. The magic combo of settings is 1920x1080 and windowed.
  7. Thank you! I just finished downloading, renaming and removing the black bars from all the backglass images. (Many of which seem to be fan-made mock-ups.) I know there are table videos, but I did not see any table images. I'm going to play with the settings some more before I go to the drastic step of downloading the videos just to snap a single frame.
  8. Hello All; Is there a particular setting required to be able to capture PinballX Table Images for the Zaccaria (Steam) System? After using PinballX to launch a Zaccaria Table: When I press the "P" key, an image is placed in the PinballX Media Zaccaria Table Images folder, but the image is blank (all black). Thanks for your help! - Mark
  9. All; I recently had a problem that (embarrassingly) took me 2 days to solve. To save someone else from wasting their time: I figured that I would post what I found. My Virtual Pinball Cabinet uses a PinScape/KL25Z Controller. Which emulates a game controller, rather than a keyboard. It was working fine for months, then all of a sudden: A single button press would cause the PinballX Wheel to spin as if the button was being pressed multiple times very quickly. The cause was that 2 buttons were being pressed at the same time. I have a locking button inside the coin door that I press to simulate "coin door open". (switch open = coin door closed. switch closed = coin door open.) I had left this button in the wrong position after changing a VPX Table's Operator Settings. Simply opening the switch solved my problem. If you want to re-create the issue for fun: In the PinballX Table Selection Wheel: Hold down your insert coin button and press a flipper button. If your reaction to this post was "Well, duh!": Please feel free to flame me in a reply. - Mark
  10. Done! I apologize. I looked for an Feature Request thread, but I missed it. - Mark
  11. PinballX Feature Request: Return to System Selection Greetings; Thank you for providing PinballX. It is a wonderful program with the exception of this ONE thing. :-) I keep things as simple as possible. Once Covid is over, I will return to throwing a bunch of parties, and I want anyone to be able to walk-up and use my machine without having any prior knowledge. My VP cabinet has playfield and DMD screens, but just a static translite. The only PinballX media I use are Table Images and a Wheel Images. No audio, no video, no backglass images, no launch images, no exit images. .. I have Show Additional Detail disabled. I have One Click Launch enabled. In addition to the standard pinball buttons my cabinet has buttons for Volume Up, Volume Down, Pause and Exit. If someone is playing a table, pressing the Exit Button should: 1) Exit the Table to the Tables Wheel 2) Exit the Tables Wheel to the Systems Wheel 3) Exit the Systems Wheel to the Operating System. At the moment 2) is skipped. I understand that if I were to disable One Click Launch, that there would be an option to return to the System Wheel. But that is not at all intuitive. Thank you for your consideration! - Mark 21/04/11: I had an additional thought. At the moment pressing Exit from the Tables Wheel brings up an menu with the options Return and Exit. Adding a third option for Systems would solve my issue. Again: Thank you for your consideration!
  12. Greetings; Thank you for providing PinballX. It is a wonderful program with the exception of this ONE thing. :-) I keep things as simple as possible. Once Covid is over, I will return to throwing a bunch of parties, and I want anyone to be able to walk-up and use my machine without having any prior knowledge. My VP cabinet has playfield and DMD screens, but just a static translite. The only PinballX media I use are Table Images and a Wheel Images. No audio, no video, no backglass images, no launch images, no exit images. .. I have Show Additional Detail disabled. I have One Click Launch enabled. In addition to the standard pinball buttons my cabinet has buttons for Volume Up, Volume Down, Pause and Exit. If someone is playing a table, pressing the Exit Button should: 1) Exit the Table to the Tables Wheel 2) Exit the Tables Wheel to the Systems Wheel 3) Exit the Systems Wheel to the Operating System. At the moment 2) is skipped. I understand that if I were to disable One Click Launch, that there would be an option to return to the System Wheel. But that is not at all intuitive. Thank you for your consideration! - Mark
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