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Everything posted by tominohio

  1. Hello, Can I install the latest revision on top of the old version or do I need to uninstall first)? Will all of my configuration settings carryover to the new version? Thanks! Tom
  2. I have tried running fullscreen windowed, it did not help. I downloaded GameEx on 7-11-2022. Are there changelogs for the versions since so that I can see what was worked on / improved? Thanks.
  3. Hello, I downloaded GameEx on 7-11-2022. Are there changelogs for the versions since so that I can see what was worked on / improved? Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the advice, Tom. When I enabled full screen windowed mode (under display settings), then started GameEx, the primary monitor was black and the secondary monitor showed the marquee. GameEx was operating, but everything was black on the primary monitor. The secondary monitor still showed "Error: Unable to connect to Retrying..." as GameEx loads. The video drivers are a couple of years old; I can try upgrading those. Any other ideas for hiding/disabling that error message? Thanks.
  5. OK, thank you! The files are attached. If you can figure out why the startup of GameEx takes so long, that would be great! GameEx.ini log.txt
  6. OK, attached are the files. Thank you for the help! I can't figure out how to fix/remove the error message. GameEx.ini log.txt
  7. Hello, Can someone help me a GameEx loading issue that I can't figure out? I have a second monitor that shows game snaps while the user is browsing the list of games. I use GameEx's Marquee feature for that, which works fine. However, when I start GameEx, the second monitor shows "Error: Unable to connect to Retrying..." as GameEx loads. This message eventually goes away after GameEx has fully loaded, then it shows the marquee snaps as expected. A video of the problem is below; sorry for the blurry image on the second monitor! Attached are my settings for the Marquee Display and GameExtender Settings menus in GameEx. How do I disable this error message? I disabled GameExtender but that doesn't help. Thanks! Tom
  8. Hello, Can someone help me a GameEx loading issue that I can't figure out? In the video below, the "Please wait while loading" takes almost 60 seconds before the game list is displayed. I don't have many games installed, only 600 or so. A video of the problem is below; sorry for the blurry image! You'll notice that the video background on the loading screen is very choppy/slow, too. https://youtu.be/585Ko1_eJ0c I found that lowering the Windows resolution can make this loading screen load somewhat faster. Below are the video settings in GameEx. My video card is an XFX Radeon RX550 4 gigabytes DDR5. It runs PinballX flawlessly, very smooth and fast. But GameEx is slow and choppy for some reason. Attached are my settings for the Display Settings and Tweaks/Performance menus in GameEx. Any idea how to speed-up the loading screen? Thanks! Tom
  9. Oh, I didn't know that PBX Recorder can loop through tables. I wish I had known that! Thanks.
  10. PBX Recorder is nice, but you still have to manually open each table. The batch file opens each table and grabs all of the screenshots automatically.
  11. I made a batch file that automatically creates PNG snapshots of all of your VBX tables: for /f %%f in ('dir /b C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\*.vpx') do ( start c:\"Visual Pinball"\vpinballx.exe -play C:\"Visual Pinball"\Tables\"%%~nf".vpx start /w nircmd.exe cmdwait 30000 savescreenshot "C:\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Images\%%~nf.png" taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Visual*" start /w nircmd wait 2000 taskkill /IM VPinballX.exe*" ) In the folder where you place the above batch file (I used "c:\visual pinball"), also download and place nircmd.exe in the same folder. This program creates the screenshots. You can download NirCmd here: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html The "30000" in the above batch file represents 30 seconds, the time it takes for VPX to fully load my most complicated table, before taking the screenshot. You may need to increase this value if your computer takes longer. Also, backup your tables to be safe! Tom
  12. Thank you, Scutters; that helped! I originally told B2S not to force itself to the top as sometimes it would cover-up the DMD. But now with B2S set to "on top", my DMD is still working OK. Thanks so much!
  13. Thanks everyone for your advice. To answer your questions, my backglass filename is named exactly as the VPX table filename and it shows when the table is running. I attached my log file and ini file as requested, I hope that helps, Scutters. I noticed when the backglass does not show in PinballX, a black screen is shown instead of the backglass. When I press Alt-Tab to show open windows, it shows three windows: the B2S server window (with the backglass displayed), the PinballX front end, and an all-black window named "Pinball X Backglass". It's this latter window that is covering up my B2S window. Any idea how to disable it? While scrolling through all of my tables in Pinball X, most backglasses that should work show the black screen as mentioned above. On other tables, the backglass shows properly. And yet on other tables, I get a generic Pinball X logo. How weird. Thanks much for your help! Tom log.txt PinballX.ini
  14. Has anyone experience a problem where the backglass doesn't always appear on the second monitor as I am scrolling through the list of tables in PinballX? When I scroll to a game, I can see the B2Sserver icon appear in the taskbar on the second monitor, but the monitor's background stays black. This happens most of the time, but once in a while the table's backglass will actually show. In Pinball X, I tried setting the display to full screen, windowed, windowed with full screen, etc. to no effect. The backglasses display fine when playing the table. In B2Sserver settings (by right-clicking the blackglass), I have the "on top" setting disabled so that the DMD always comes to the top when playing a table. Does anyone know how to make the backglass appear consistently when scrolling through tables in PinballX? It's a great front end! Thanks, Tom
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