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DJO Maverick

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  1. The latest update with DBM recording feels like a watershed update; it is awesome, phenomenal, and appreciated. It also neatly sidesteps the present PBX recording bug. Thank you! One eccentricity I haven't figured out... While the videos are coming out fine, and in proper orientation... As soon as the recorder starts, it flips every screen 180, upside down for the duration of the process. Again, purely cosmetic problem during the recording process itself. Is that expected behavior?
  2. Honestly, I'm not really inclined to keep messing with the .bat workaround after finding the break point... At least for personal use, I'll be sticking with the rollback until the next build comes out to try.
  3. Looks like I might have locked myself out of downloading after getting so many versions in a short span of time, haha... but luckily found the right one in the end. This regression happens between 6.29 and 6.30. This problem does not appear to exist in 6.29, and it does in all builds forward.
  4. Changing to DX version has no effect. Launch After batch with powershell -Command "Start-Process 'taskkill' '/IM pinupplayer.exe /T /F' -WindowStyle hidden -Verb runAs" ... Does technically work, but only after pulling up a UAC window after a several second pause, which is its own problem. Is there anywhere on the site that I'm just missing to download rollback versions of PBX? I'd be interested in finding where the perceived regression(s) happened...
  5. I had a minor flash of inspiration but all for naught. I remembered I have Tom's extra two lines for the ongoing debugging of video capture... Tried removing those (just in case), but, no change I'm afraid. Some normal tables DO exit without issue (see Indy in log 1). But mostly process killing, which leaves PUP going. log2.txt log.txt
  6. Cactus Canyon, still resorting to kill process. log.txt
  7. I'd venture to say this is no longer a one-off issue as it's now affecting every Pup table I'm playing, including ones that verifiably did not used to have the issue. Now Batman '66. I don't have a lot of PUP tables, so I haven't gone through and just tried all of them since this came to light. This now appears to be more like a current (or recent) build issue. log.txt PinballX.ini
  8. Yeah, definitely not the case for that table. Certainly possible to use a workaround, though still seems to be under the heading of a bug if it's unique to PBX... Did observe yesterday that the identical issue does happen for Marty's Willy Wonka Pro (also only from PBX) as well.
  9. Unfortunately no real solution in that thread... It does have a close controller command already in the exit sub; nothing is being run as admin; and on latest versions of all software. And saliently, it does close properly for me except through PBX. I don't have a wealth of pup tables (only those that specifically require it), but of those, yeah, it is ONLY this table. Futurama is fine; Blood Machines is fine; Batman 66 is fine; etc. Only this table has this issue, and only with PBX.
  10. Attempting to close VPW Iron Maiden in current build will exit it and return to the PBX menu, however it does not kill the PUP process. Even when exiting subsequently to Windows, Pinup Player continues running and must be manually terminated from Task Manager. Same issue does not happen running directly from VPX (10.8 64 Final GL) or from PBY. Seems unique to PBX. PinballX.ini log.txt
  11. One extra log; forgot to delete the playfield video last time too. This one attempting playfield and backglass. Results remain: table video is backglass 180 degree rotated, backglass video records table video. All are actually displaying on the correct screens during the process. log.txt
  12. Sorry for the delay... here you go.PinballX.iniPinballX.iniPinballX.ini log.txt PinballX.ini
  13. So tried recording with the new build. I wasn't sure if I understood you correctly that you wanted me to add those two additional lines to the ini, so I tried it both ways: existing ini, and adding the two lines you provided to the [VideoCapture] section. In both tests, behavior is completely unchanged; continues to record from the wrong monitors in the same fashion.
  14. Just echoing I'm having same problems on current build... previously no issues batch recording videos, but now it wants to record backglass as table (180 degrees rotated) and table as backglass. log.txt PinballX.ini
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