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Everything posted by echodun

  1. Any way to get the backglass to stay on while loading as well?
  2. PinVol controls the volume with hotkeys, but can also set individual volumes for each table (and saves it). It can also set volume levels for each individual speaker in a 7.1 setup (which I now have). I think I've tried PinballX volume control in the past, but was disappointed that it only worked within PinballX and not outside within the tables themselves. I use a program called volume2 which I bind to hotkeys for controlling Windows master volume and it works well, but I thought I'd benefit from the individual speaker volume control in PinVol.
  3. So is PinVol a lost cause for PinballX, because their instructions state as follows:
  4. I currently run PinballX in Full Screen with Full Screen Windowed = Yes. However, I was going to try PinVol and that program states when utilizing it you need to run PinballX at Windowed mode with Full Screen Windowed = Yes. When I switched these settings, I ended up with a very small window in the middle of my desktop showing the PinballX main screen, my backglass in an unadjustable window in the top left, a dmd image in an unadjustable window in the top right and my high score plugin normal sized at the bottom. I'm running a 2 screen plus real DMD setup. Also, when running in Windowed Mode, is it normal for the tabs and icons to still appear at the bottom of the screen?
  5. Okay, I fixed it by changing use PinMame in Front End to "no" in the properties of PinballX. Does anyone know why I can't use the PinMame interface and have DMDs show up?
  6. Those are the only ones I recently installed. I believe I used to be able to see DMD for Visual Pinball tables.
  7. Does anyone know why my real DMD (pindmd3) shows at least PinballX for Future Pinball tables, but all of my Visual Pinball tables come up as black screen even though I have videos associated with them. Codec issue?
  8. And these work with Visual Pinball -
  9. Pinball X is running as Administrator.
  10. Everything on my system was working fine until I added a few new buttons and moved my pause button to another button. Visual Pinball works great. Future Pinball loads fine, but when I exit the table, it goes straight to desktop. Log and pinballx.ini files attached. I've tried different buttons, etc. The log does show an access denied error. log.txt PinballX.ini
  11. How do I update to the new version without losing all of my settings? I think I'll try that route at least.
  12. See attached. Thank you. log.txt PinballX.ini
  13. PinballX works fine though I've noticed a weird issue. If I leave it running in attract mode, it eventually stops showing anything on my second monitor (the backglass). It requires that I press a flipper button to switch to a new table for anything to reappear. Any ideas? Most of my backglass are animated or otherwise have graphics or video that you would think should interrupt any power management sleep function. It also doesn't appear that the monitor is in any hibernation mode since when I switch tables it immediately shows the new table backglass.
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