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  1. Hi Mike, could you post the png files in sequence to put them in the overlay folder of my pinballx to create the mp4 videos now that I can make it or the program separately ?
  2. problem solved The reason that the program did not record the videos was windows 7, which was already obsolete for some video options and codecs thanks it's a great program
  3. Could CreateLaunchVideos be run with an older version of FFmpeg? I use PBXRecorder_x64 that brings a version within the application that works well for me, with it I recorded all my video tables and also short videos to use in loading videos
  4. run the command as typed @ joyrider3774 this is the output run ffmpeg.txt ACDC Pro (Stern 2012).rar Algar (Williams 1980).rar
  5. these are some of the videos created by the app ACDC Pro (Stern 2012).MP4 Algar (Williams 1980).MP4 Alien Poker (Williams 1980).MP4 Amazing_Spiderman_2012_B2S.MP4 Amazon Hunt (Gottlieb 1983).MP4 Atlantis (Bally 1989).MP4 Attack and Revenge from Mars (Bally 1999).MP4 Attack from Mars (Bally 1995).MP4 Austin Powers (Stern 2001).MP4
  6. I suppose it must be a problem of the FFMPEG that's why it tells me in the output Filter hflip has an unconnected output I will try to make some F4v and Mp4 videos of my tables with the new version of FFMPEG that I installed to see if it works
  7. the derandomizer plugin i am using it because i create some 5s mp4 videos to test if that plugin worked and it works. I moved all those videos from the loadin videos folder so that creating launcher videos would make new videos from my F4v and overlay the pngs from the overlay folder but the result is that the videos are created but they don't have content inside
  8. change the version of the ffmpeg and continue with the same result the files are recorded but without video content run ffmpeg.txt CreateLaunchingVideos.log
  9. you're right i'll change to see what happens This version is the one in my PBXrecorder_64 with which I record all my videos from the tables
  10. 11.93 hflip Flip the input video horizontally. For example, to horizontally flip the input video with ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "hflip" out.avi
  11. it doesn't work for me, it creates all the videos in the loading videos folder but the files do not contain any image content in a lav filter problem now Filter hflip has a unconnected output This says in the output I send
  12. update ffmpeg and this is the output run ffmpeg.txt
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