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About spamola

  • Birthday 03/29/1975

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    Missouri, USA
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    MAME, pinball, virtual pinball, classic arcade games, console games, PC games.

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  1. I found this really helpful when I built my table: http://mjrnet.org/pinscape/BuildGuideV2/intarch.htm
  2. Back up your pinballx directory, perform a clean install on the new PC, and copy the backup directories over the fresh install overwriting the existing files.
  3. Thanks! I opted to use the coin reject buttons to add credits instead of the original coin validator switches since the iPAC and the kl25z controllers are mounted where the coin box would go, and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of actual coinage.
  4. Yea I don't think it's the premium model, but for my needs, it's still bad ass!
  5. Thanks! I've had a great time building it and playing it so far. I'm very lucky here for sure. Should have bought a lottery ticket that day...
  6. There are imgur album links in the post...
  7. PC: i7 4790, 16gb RAM, 512GB SSD, GTX 1050ti iPAC2 input controller KL25z analog nudge controller HP 32s monitor for the backglass 2 800w ATX power supplies power the PC, and all LEDs. Smart power strip allows for a single button press to turn the cabinet on and off via a button installed on the underside of the cabinet and wired to the PC soft power switch. Tables are all VPX, and the front end is PinballX, (of course!) The cabinet was gifted to me. In it's former life it was a Stern Aerosmith that arrived with some very minor damage to the cabinet when it was purchased. Rather than have the owner return the entire cabinet, Stern sent a new cabinet, and he swapped the internals and backbox, etc. I got very lucky to get this like new cab with legs, rails and lock down bar. It saved a chunk of money that would have either went to materials and tools, or towards an old stripped cabinet. Beta testing build screen used a 40" Samsung, (pictured in these images): Beta Build Once I got everything working, I purchased a 40" 4K Vizio TV and installed the playfield properly, no more clamps! 4K playfield upgrade The most recent upgrade was the coin door. It's a direct replacement for the Suzo Happ unit that Stern used in the original cabinet so it fit perfectly and bolted right in. I have added microswitches to the coin rejects and wired them to add a coin for tables that don't have free play available, and I upgraded the original bulbs to 5v LEDs. Coin Door Installed Up next will be the backbox build and DMD display install using a 15.6" LED with an HDMI controller, and then SSF excite speakers and amps.
  8. The table archive was named with .vpx, and when I extracted it the folder was named Batman Dark Knight (Stern 2008)_Bigus(MOD)1.2.vpx I renamed the folder, deleted the game and re-added it, and the issue is resolved! The pattern fits the other tables I'm having issues with as well. A second pair of eyes always helps! Thanks @Mike_da_Spike You have saved the day once again!
  9. I'm selecting the file in Game List Manager when I add it, (not typing it in or copy/pasting), and then leaving the name as is, and saving the list, just like I have with the rest of the tables. Here's the entry in Visual Pinball.xml: <game name="Batman Dark Knight (Stern 2008)_Bigus(MOD)1.2.vpx"> <description>Batman Dark Knight</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer></manufacturer> <year></year> <type></type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> Is it possibly due to the parentheses is the filename?
  10. That's correct, I ran AFM for a bit, backed out to the table menu, and launched BDK, then closed PBX. I've attached a log from a session where only bdk was ran, but it doesn't show VPX ever being called. log.txt
  11. I've tried deleting and re-adding Batman Dark Knight, and no change. I was able to add and launch The Champion Pub with out issue, but others are failing just like BDK. They work fine outside PBX. Very puzzling.
  12. I have around 150 vpx tables all working when launching manually, but a few won't launch in PBX, (displays loading screen, then drops back to PBX). I'm using game manager to load tables, and it behaves the same way when launching from GM or when trying to create videos for these tables. Nothing is showing in the log. The log attached shows Attack from Mars being played, but doesn't log anything when I tried to launch Batman Dark Knight. I test each table before loading in game manager to make sure it's working, and I've confirmed they still work outside PBX after I noticed the issue this morning. I've attached my pbx ini and the log file, let me know if there's any other info I can provide. Thanks! log.txt PinballX.ini
  13. I renamed the file to _Mars.pxp, deleted and re-added using game manager, (Game entry is _Mars), and it's still launching AFM instead of Mars. New log attached. Are there steps I'm missing? log.txt
  14. I'm in the process of getting my FX3 tables added, and have found an odd issue. When I add Mars, (Zen Studios table), both Game Manager and PBX launch Bally Attack From Mars, rather that the correct table. I do own both tables in FX3. I've also tried deleting the "Mars" entry, and readding it both with game manager and DB Manager, specifying Mars for the table name, (Mars.pxp is the filename for the table), but it always launches Attack from Mars, (filename BALLY_Attack_from_Mars.pxp). The log shows this command when I run Mars: 07:58:44.79 8/24/2020: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe -applaunch 442120 "-table_Mars" I've ran this from the command line and confirmed that it also launches Attack from Mars, and not Mars. I've attached my log, and ini, let me know if more files/info is needed. log.txt PinballX.ini
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