If you don't succeed try, and try, and try again. Did that but to no avail. So unless some on this forum can help out. I accept defeat on using virtualdrive.
So my whole reason for running ISO is so not to have thousands of small files all over the drive. And yes, these HOG have thousands of files per game. This led me to approach another way of zipping the game and sacrificing a couple of seconds of decompressing.
OK, all good but now i hit a snag. The built in 7z on gameex decompresses the zipped files to c:\users\joedoe\appdata\local\temp\unzipped7-zip.
So when i set my path on emulator setup to that location, when i run gameex it tell me there's an error .Obviously because that path don't exist until we run the game.
I need to execute the startgame.bat at a location that already exists.
Anyway of changing 7z to decompress to a fixed directory, or anyway around this.Hope i made sense.