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Everything posted by zoopcrewkid

  1. It's working now. I had to click into the game to see the company logo. It's showing over some of the emumovie themes. Very cool!
  2. Ok thank you! I'll keep checking other systems.
  3. I'm using emumovies video themes. The MAME info page is enabled.
  4. Hi, I installed the latest version of GameEx and I'm not seeing the vendor logos. Is there something missing from my config? Thank you! log.txt GameEx.ini
  5. I will give it a try and let you know.
  6. zoopcrewkid

    ExoDos v6

    Has anyone figured out how to run ExoDos using GameEx?
  7. Update I was able to get it working. I removed the MameOptions=video d3d -noswitchres -triplebuffer. Back to normal. Thank you again for all your help!
  8. Ok getting closer now. I did the update and it's able to read MAME now, but when i go to launch a game from GameEx it exits back to the selection menu log.txt
  9. Hi, I did a few test with MAME stand alone. I test MAME and MAMEUI. I was able to get both to launch standalone and play games. I did a clean install of MAME and still got the same issue with GameEx. I also tried downgrading to an older version of MAME. It might be a bug with windows. I'm going to test the update and see if I have better luck. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you again!
  10. Hi, I upgraded to MAME 0.263 about 3 weeks ago. It was working fine up until 3 days ago. I was not able to fine the listinfo.xml file. I'm familar with the mame.xml file,but wasn't sure what that was. I will check the permission on the MAME.exe. Thank you
  11. When I try to update my MAME list I get the following error message: 19:36:30.68 3/10/2024: MAME list update took 0 minutes, 1 seconds. 19:36:30.68 3/10/2024: Attract Mode Re-Enabled 19:36:32.98 3/10/2024: Updating MAME Game List 19:36:32.98 3/10/2024: Opening Listinfo.xml 19:36:32.98 3/10/2024: Reading ListInfo.xml 19:36:32.98 3/10/2024: ERROR: Listinfo.xml not MeCreated Any idea how i can fix this? I have attached my log and config file. Thank you. log.txt GameEx.ini
  12. All set i figured it out. One of my controllers was stuck.
  13. For some reason attract mode stopped working. I have attached my GameEx.ini and log.txt. Thank you GameEx.ini log.txt
  14. Just curious was there ever a solution to this issue? I ran into the same issue on a new build.
  15. I had the same issue install .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.4 and it will resolve the issue. https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0
  16. I have a feature request. It would be cool if GameEx can scan the image and video folders. Then move images and videos for games that no longer exist or have been renamed to a new folder for cleanup.
  17. I'm still getting the same result. I did some test and looks like it's suppose to be sending the following. I selected the game 005 and it launched and the correct Marquee displayed. I exited out and let the screen saver run. It looks like it's not sending and event-queue [07/06/2021 22:14:09] Received Event - Queue:[1] Msg:[9~005]. When I scroll through the games list it switches the marquess as you can see the attached debug log. [07/06/2021 22:14:07] Event Completed: LIST_SELECTED [07/06/2021 22:14:09] Received Event - Queue:[1] Msg:[9~005]. [07/06/2021 22:14:09] Event Started: GAME_SELECTED [005] [] [] [07/06/2021 22:14:09] Pixelcade FEScroll Command: /arcade/stream/MAME/005?l=0&event=FEScroll Debug.log
  18. Thank you
  19. When the screen saver starts it suppose to show an image of the marquee. If I select a MAME game and play it the marquee shows, but it seems to no longer work with the scree saver. The attached photo shows what is displayed when the screen saver starts a random game.
  20. Hi, In the recent build of GameEx Arcade edition there seems to be a bug with the Pixelcade software/LEDBlinky. Prior to updating to the latest build whenever athe MAME screen saver would play in GameEx. The Pixelcade marquee would display the title of the game and high score if available. Now it just plays an animation. I reached out to Pixelcade support and nothing has changed on their end. I checked with LED Blinky support and did a debug and looks like GameEx is not sending the correct parameters. I have attached my config, log, and LEDBlinky debug. Thank you. GameEx.ini log.txt Debug.zip
  21. Here you go i've attached my contorols.ini file. controls.ini
  22. Hi, I accidentally disabled the arcade control previews that comes up when you select a MAME game. Any idea where to go to re-enable? GameEx.ini log.txt
  23. I'm using the .chd extension.
  24. Outside of gameex I just tried by going to file open. Yes, I tried without the -fullscreen switch and I get the same result. Thank you! GameEx.ini log.txt
  25. Hi, Does anyone have command line settings for Yabasanshiro? I'm trying to get CHDs to load, but it keeps going back to the last game I played. Here is what I have yabasanshiro.exe -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"
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