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  1. thanks
  2. sure... the problem is that if I go out from Gameex the desktop appears ... but not the windows start bar and therefore I can't start the program
  3. I installed instasheller and solved many problems ... for example when I opened a MAME game I had to press alt + enter to bring the game back to the foreground and the same with the Supermodel (model 3) .... but now I wanted to know how to restore windows to be able to complete some changes to the various emulators.
  4. now is attacched
  5. any idea??? i have chose *.zip option in ROM (gameex wizard) nothing change
  6. PLEASE HELP ME WITH DEMUL in GAMEEX : I have downloaded version 0.711 (last) , if I start the DEMUL emulator it's all working perfectly and all the roms work ... (NAOMI ATOMiSWAVE DREAMCAST ECC...) I have all the extensions (bios. Roms, chd) in .ZIP format I have configured via gameex wizard the right directories , the games are listed in the menu but when I enter the specific game there is no Voice "START THIS GAME," I post an example jpg ... so i can't RUN the ROMS my gamexe.ini attached too GameEx.ini log.txt
  7. ahahahah i'm an idiot : anyway now with 0.197 works well ... but if I use the 0.210 many roms are not recognized such as Bubble Bobble and very common games so better an old but working version
  8. OK ... WITH ROMSET 0.197 working GOOD.... so I gave up on the idea of using the new romset.... i have e trouble also with Demul (naomi 1-2 emulator) and Zinc .... but i'm pretty sure that i can solve it
  9. the update of the list does not take place automatically at start-up?
  10. ok i have update to 1.73 ... for example "bubble bobble" is missing ad other many important game i don't know how is possible
  11. ok thank you i appreciate
  12. The location is D:\MAME mame64.exe (is the groovymame file ) i tried also to put in in emulation/mame path but doesn't work
  13. GameEx.ini log.txt
  14. yes i know what you mean! but i got 2.200 game .... missing a lot of game such as Sega rally for example...
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