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celly last won the day on July 12 2013

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About celly

  • Birthday 11/22/1978

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    Roseville, CA
  • Interests
    Orphan Black

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  1. Thanks Tom.
  2. celly


    Version 1


    A theme created by celly designed to run at a resolution of 1920x1080.
  3. I hope you commit with this one Draco.
  4. Sorry for your loss NP. And also to you Riffman. My condolences to your families.
  5. Anyone else following the Citra emulator?

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. celly


      Good point. I dont think the wife would allow me to drop a few hondo on a 3D tv for my cab though. Shit will forever be 2D in there.

    3. nullPointer


      That's one of the things I'm curious about. I don't think the 3DS actually uses a special 3D screen either. I think it uses stereoscopic trickery to produce a 3d 'illusion' so to speak. At any rate I'm pretty excited about this one! Thanks for passing it along!

    4. stigzler
  6. The Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator is not a toy, Alyx.

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DazzleHP
    3. KRC


      @celly, where you been hiding buddy?

    4. celly


      It's the best hide and go seek hiding spot ever! There's no way in hell i'm telling you.

  7. Hey guys. Finally got my cab back up to snuff (well enough) and got to play this game for a few minutes. I'll get some better scores when I get more time. Points: 6,279,990 (Stage 3) Initials: CEL Mode / Difficulty: Original Ship: Blue Wish
  8. Dig it.
  9. This sounds great and i appreciate all that the super secret squirrel staff is doing to take GameEx to the next level. However, i don't want to "evolve". I've spent a lot of time configuring the setup i have to the exact spot it is in. I don't want to start over. Im finally at the part in this hobby where i DO play games now and NOT sit for hours configuring, testing, configuring and so on. Hopefully the new evolution will be able to carry over settings from a vanilla gameex.ini so people wont have to start from scratch.
  10. Beaps, you a big fan of the last 70's early 80's tv show Happen Days? I bet your favorite Adam Sandler movie is Happen Gilmore, right?
  11. 298,000 205,500 Initials CEL Just getting warmed up.
  12. Damn, always late to the party. Happy B-Day man! Hope you had a good one.
  13. Hey evertonian7uk and welcome to the forums! Your path looks good for the snaps. What format are the videos you are trying to preview? Also, does your artwork match the rom name?
  14. Merry X-mas to you all! Thank god its over, phew!! All the cloak and dagger sneaky-sneaky whisper-whisper late night wrapping midnight tiptoeing around was getting to me (my 9 year old still believes in Santa).
  15. Not sure if you figured this one out or not but, to display that NES bak, first choose your theme in the Setup Wizard. Then go to your NES emulator configure in the wizard. Find the Custom Background drop down menu. Find you background. Save settings and launch GameEx. Try that.
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