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Everything posted by X1pheR

  1. Nice. So with no-intro (or goodsets) sets being able to be displayed as goodmerged it will still match against your untouched media files. That's excellent. This is gonna be good Hopefully the displaying of media files in goodmerge mode will not be slowed down a lot since for every listing it doesn't match so it searches. Maybe it is in fact better to just audit all media collections as goodmerged. This way it will match right away with the goodmerged game title but also slim down the size of all your media collections as well. Also with using sets like emumovies videos you only get USA sets. So by just renaming these sets to remove the (USA) they are in fact goodmerged right away And thanks. Hopefully the suggestions will be interesting enough to implement
  2. Flag supported also already. Thumbs up! Can't wait to see it How will media files be matched if the way you implemented it now? Do media files now have to be renamed goodmerged style as in game title only without flags. Or can it use any media file which matches with one of the full rom name (with flags) and use that as the main media for the goodmerged title? Am I making any sense? Sorry, I'm dutch and it's late BTW, did you see the suggestions I posted a few posts back?
  3. Hi fetts, thank you. In my post I already mentioned FatMatch. I already tried it out. And though it displays the files you are missing it does not tell you how many you do have. And more importantly it doesn't report files which were in the media folder which couldn't be matched. So you know that way they can probably be deleted. I did however came acress a program called ShotReporter v1.0 and this one does generate a have, miss and an unmatched list. Maybe this is the best thing to use first. And afterwards only run FatMatch against the unmatched list. Development of the program was stopped a long time ago unfortunately. It seems to be case-sensitive and you can't give extensions up to run against like FatMatch. Also too bad it doesn't run through command line. That would be really awesome. Then I could generate a html page of all my rom sets with their have, miss and unmatched lists.
  4. Following IMBerzerk's suggestion could do a lot. I had a weird problem where I couldn't get FLV videos to play. No mather what I tried. I tried using latest as well as suggested build by tom of FFDSHOW, seperate FLV codec, Nemo codec pack, etc. But nothing would work. Then I tried the current still latest version of Vista Codec Pack and it suddenly worked! So maybe it will do wonders with you also
  5. I've got a lot of rom sets and lately I've been downloading the emumovies video packs as well as cartridge scans, screenshot packs, title packs, etc here and there. For every system I created the below folder structure, for example SNES; + Nintendo SNES |- Boxes |- Cartridges |- Roms |- Titles |- Videos My goal is for each media set to get a complete one compared to the rom set. And ofcourse maintaining it with future updates of the rom set. Going through this manually is ofcourse a no go I've collected quite some media files for each folder and dumped them there. But now I'm wondering what is the best way to sort these out? So I would need to know what media files I: HAVE: so I know how far I am with getting everything complete MISS: so I can search for them of course UNKNOWN: meaning files which don't match against any rom so they are obsolete and I can delete them. Or try running FatMatch or FuzzyRename against them so maybe some will match. So what are you all doing to maintain your media sets? I would love to hear from anyone... Thank you in advance...
  6. Damn! You implemented it that fast? Cool... Did you perhaps read my suggestions? Was wondering what you think of them...
  7. That would be excellent! I'm new to GameEx and am still trying it out but this is something I missed right away. As wahoo said he already requested it and it was also already mentioned by somebody else in the feature request topic. But to almost all no reply it given as in if it will be included as in worked on. Since you like the idea. Will you be implementing it? If so and any testing has to be done I would be glad to volunteer Some suggestions if you don't mind which I was thinking of: For almost all no-intro sets which are not in the DoM users have already created parent-clone dats and xmdbs. I tried out the SNES and NES and they work 100%. Just as a notice. If you would let GameEx generate the Parent-Clone lists by itself by my understanding for no-intro you could just take the game title untill the first ( sign, right? Maybe also add support for this to the map files so GameEx does not have to generate this on every start. This way users could also create their own parent-clone map files. This way somebody could extend the support to not only no-intro but also other sets like Daphne or ScummVM. For Daphne most games have several versions (remastered, HD, original, etc). For ScummVM also in the form of DOS, Amiga, Mac, Windows, Floppy, CD, etc. It would be great to be able to display these sets in the same goodmerge way. Already mentioned but adding the country flags right away would also be nice. Maybe even nicer to let the user add support on their own. Creating own tags related to icons. This way for the (flags) with Daphne, ScummVM, etc sets one could also create icons for this. With this implementation GameEx should ofcourse still recognize media set files (cartridge, boxart, videos from emumovies, snaps, etc) which are in the no-intro naming and use them for the goodmerged game titles. Because as with the rom sets you also don't want to rename your media files. But again, matching a media file to the name untill the first ( sign should do that right... Sorry to post so many items. Can't help getting excited for this feature Indeed. Like mentioned above I've tested some and they work 100% though. So it seems that I believe all are already 100% working. They just haven't been added to the DoM yet. But I believe Tom nonetheless likes to let GameEx handle it by itself. This could have the added bonus as mentioned to maybe be able to edit them and give support to sets like Daphne or ScummVM.
  8. X1pheR

    hi def themes

    Thank you for the links. I thought it was quite difficult to create times. I'll try it out soon. See what I can create Do you by any chance have some good links to animations in 1080p resolution? To be used as a animated background in stead of a static one. I also looked at what formats are supported. Or are these mentioned in the theme editor? Like which formats for pictures and movies...
  9. X1pheR

    hi def themes

    does anybody know some themes with animated backgrounds for 1080p (1920*1080) resolution? I've seen some very sweet themes come by in the forums but mostly it's like 1024x768 which doesn't look good by far on 1080p
  10. I think the fastest way to get an answer is searching on the emumovies forums. I'd bet circo mentioned there somwhere what he uses.
  11. I checked the No-Intro forums and it seems that several parent-clone versions are already completed but just not included in the DoM. For example: NES SNES
  12. Hi, I agree. Though what do you suggest would be done with the sets which don't have a parent-clone dat available? See below the full list of sets which aren't included in the dat-o-matic and thus don't have parent-close dats available: Bandai - WonderSwan (NGEfreak) andai - WonderSwan Color (NGEfreak) Commodore - 64 (Bigmax) Commodore - 64 (PP) (Bigmax) Commodore - 64 (Tapes) (Bigmax) Commodore - Amiga (SolidSnake, Connie) GamePark - GP32 (SolidSnake) Nintendo - Nintendo Entertainment System (BigFred, SolidSnake) Nintendo - Game Boy (NGEfreak) Nintendo - Game Boy Advance (e-Cards) Nintendo - Game Boy Color (NGEfreak) Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (NGEfreak) Nokia - N-Gage (SolidSnake) Tiger - Gizmondo (SolidSnake) Now most I don't play except for the nintendo sets. I play these very often. So it would be nice to have these displayed in goodmerge style also. So besides parent-close dat support there would be another added support for these like the way I explained. Also what is your take on emumovies support? These are all named to the USA sets. But if you use parent-clone sets then it should still be able to find the video. Otherwise one would have to rename the videos I guess? Which you don't want because of future updates to the sets.
  13. X1pheR

    hi def themes

    Did this ever got completed? I'm using a 50" widescreen plasma. So would be nice to have a 1080p theme with animated backgrounds
  14. The dats (which are actually just xml files if you open them) that are in no-intro's dat-o-matic can be downloaded as parent-clone dats. But for the ones that aren't in there like nes and snes for example you don't have this possibility. I think the best and fastest way to support no-intro without parent-clone dats is to just sort on the game title itself and strip the (region) (version) (etc) tags. Then just list that game title and all others that match with different tags as one like in the screenshots. That would sort most games right away. then just manually fix the exceptions afterwards like with Lylat Wars and Star Fox 64. For example the following Super Mario World titles exist in the most current no-intro set: Super Mario World - Super Mario Bros. 4 (Japan) (Rev 0A).zip Super Mario World (Europe) (Rev A).zip Super Mario World (Europe).zip Super Mario World (USA).zip Matching automatically through a script of some sort you and assume the game title stripped from tags you would get Super Mario World. So the script could assume that number 2, 3 and 4 should all be put under "Super Mario World". The exception is the 1st one. If you strip the tags you would get "Super Mario World - Super Mario Bros. 4" which does not match with just plain "Super Mario World". So this would have to be manually added. Can the listings as in the screenshots be done through making an altered map file? Because if so, this is possible the only way right? Or is there anything else that game-ex compairs the gamelist to except the mdb files.
  15. Most of my sets are also No-Intro and I too noticed the overbloated gamelist like JK1974 did. The 2d screenshot as JK1974 posted would be excellent! So is there any way to get this done and leaving the no-intro romfolder intact for future updates?
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