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Everything posted by kezza

  1. a log file? Im not sure if it creats a log error report for this issue! Once i get out of the games it self an back into gameEx everything works fine! up down all the keys work! some of the games that fail are (miss world) armed police batrider, blood storm, blast off,paradise,P.O.W ,time killers,waterballs, and alot more.... yes it only happens in mame it has not happened at all in my N64 Emulator or the megadrive emulator. so it has to be something.. sorry about double posting, was just at my wits end... any other ideas guys.? how would i creat a log?
  2. hey guys, i have just finished installing my arcade screen. All took me a long time to figure out how to adjust all the res so it didnt make the screen sound like it was going to blow up!!! My question is, ok.. I get into gameEx select my game, it opens fine, display looks great, all in fullscreen... and about 3 secons after starting it and maybe playing it it stops letting you use the controll stick, and all buttons dont work! the game will continue to run, and you can see it slow up a lot, and then you have to pull the draw out and fight the game to escape it with the controll alt delete deal!!! so its not actually the ipac loosing conection or faulting! it seems to happen less when i have the game run in a window but hey thats not arcade like is it! And it doesnt happen in any of the mortal kombat street fighter games.. its a realll pain in the ass!! and is driving me nuts... the games run fine on my laptop so i know its not the rom its self that is bad!!! please it maybe something simple, but i am out of ideas, and am getting real put off the whole buld up of the cab!!! to think about it , its only started doing this crap since i changed it all from lcd creen to arcade monitor!! but i cant see how that could have anything to do with the controlls of the games its self!!! HELLLLPPPPP kezza
  3. Ok , i have tried to change to the other sound plugin! Im unsure about this sound buffer? is it a windows option, or is it a project 64 option? I did find one buffer thing, it was like 1 to 10 so i maxed it to 10, but that has not made any change to the audio glitching! its mainly in music on the games, every 3 seconds it will glitch! ! one other thing nothing to do with sound, are mame games ment to be just as good in graphics as the original arcade machine? because i have a funny feeling i have something wrong... some games look good, but like mortal kombat games look YUCK pixelated and one other thing the writing when you first boot up a rom, in the box the test is very blury looking,in full screen bu have it in a window its fine!!! im using a benQ 21" lcd monitor.... is this just a matter of playing with different res settings ? it gets a little confusing to me anyway when you have mame display settings and sizes and then you have game ex stretching and size settings also!!!! hahaha im only new, i think i have alot more reading to do!!! YAY my I pac2 came today... just waiting on buttons and sticks now!!!!
  4. yeah yeah, same ! very cool, and very flexable! cant wait to master all it has to offer i got the full copy. CAUSE ITS WELL WORTH IT AND IT SO CHEEP! kezza
  5. hmmmmmm,i had a bit of a look in audio plug in but it only was like a start WAV file recording thing!!!! oh im not running vista only xp.
  6. hey guys, just a quick question. when i open project 64 and play a game, the sound is bit crackly and a little glitchy.. i coulnt see any audio setup for the project 64 so im not sure if its something i can fix, or if it just the way its been emulated! any ideas people? kezza
  7. kezza


    hey guys im a NOOB i spose! I have a dedicated MK2 cab and i have just built myself a mame cab, I have the kick ass GAME EX front end and im running mame32.... the machine i have running the show is a dell pen4 2.6GHZ with 512mb ram. os is windows xp 2002 s pac2 i have the nvidia GeForce4 MX 4000 vid card with VGA output. my main question is, i have seen guys machines running mame games and they look flawless and just like the real deal! I hve found that the graphics of mine are pixilated somewhat and doesnt look too good to me at all! I was going to buy a arcade screen, but i went out and got a benQ 21" flat lcd screen! Im just wondering if their is anything i can do to bring up the RES and have it look more orthentic?????? the games run with good speed and the sound is fine, i dont think its a hardware problem, maybe some sort of set up i am not getting correct! most of the setting on Gameex i have left as defult... any help would be so greatfull! kezza
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