I am really happy to have come across such a great front-end and have gladly donated to the cause. For the most part things have been pretty straightforward and I now have most of my emulators/games running smoothly. The one problem that I am having has to do with some of the more recent systems (disc based) that I own and trying to get them working in GameEx like the Playstation. I have each game I created an image for in it's own subdirectory however GameEx doesn't appear to see any of the games. It does however pick up any .iso files if I have them in the root directory that I set for the ROM path. My question is really this, is there a way to get GameEx to look into the subdirectories? The reason I'm really confused is I've searched the forums and didn't notice a definitive answer. The ROMs in folder option gets tossed around alot here on the forums and is even on this web site's documentation section but when I run the setup now with most recent version of GameEx that option isn't even shown and in it's place is the game manual folder settings I believe. I'm hoping someone can reply and let me know definitively if this is not possible and what is really the story with the Roms in folder option? Some of the solutions I did notice on the forums may be the use of hard links and the other was using a map file but wasn't sure how to do that for the subdirectories. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks