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Everything posted by andyco

  1. thats the right layout i have rockyrocket with pvz the 1st table.
  2. the plants v zombies is the 1st one on my list of tables, in ur script u have it at table 12 ?.
  3. i have just got some jukebox full screen pics 7 in total at the moment with white background looks good. prob get about 15 in total i think. i have just upgraded my pin cab with a joystick and extra buttons for playing vertical mame games and managed to get all the vertical mame rotated videos for the games aswell.
  4. sorted it mate i ran irfranview then add jukebox to run before and it worked.thanks for info mate
  5. yep jukebox goes on backglass. i have tryed the launch before and ran irfranview it worked and the slideshow started but the jukebox didnt start it only started when i exited out of irfranview slideshow.
  6. i dont use vp table never av.will have a look at ur bat file, is your bat file this ledblinky stop cus i dont have ledblinky dont even no wot it is. yes used ur parameters. this is mine but no slideshow in it but jukebox working. tryed ur settings and did not work only ran the slideshow and no jukebox untill i exit slides then jukebox ran.
  7. cant get it to work the irfanview starts with window and as soon as i exit irfanview then my jukebox starts as normal. and i am not using the vp fake table file im using a script to run jukebox.
  8. andyco

    mouse cursor

    mine wos within pinballX but it ok now with the workround i did. it wos ok in VP ect just showed in PinballX.
  9. andyco

    mouse cursor

    its ok i have fixed it myself with a workround have used nomousey.exe /hide and added it ti the pinball.bat file and that worked. and in the pinballx setup i av run the nomousey.exe for exit program to run to restore the mouse and its working ok with that.
  10. andyco

    mouse cursor

    ok thanks so im stuck with it then?
  11. andyco

    mouse cursor

  12. this mite help also about puting it on backglass http://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/314-tutorial-how-to-setup-dwjukebox-in-hyerpin-via-fplaunch/
  13. andyco

    mouse cursor

    ok thanks. on win7 64bit the cursor shows when i run pinballx and the log says hiding cusor so dont no why it not hiding it. ini log
  14. andyco

    mouse cursor

    anyone ???
  15. andyco

    mouse cursor

    hi when i run pinballx the mouse cursor is there how do you get rid off it. thanks anyone no.
  16. andyco

    stop table text

    no body no then ??.
  17. have you got pinjukelaunch this is wot puts it on the backglass. http://vpuniverse.com/forums/index.php/files/file/2111-pinjukelaunch-moves-dwjukebox-to-backglass-100/
  18. iv got it orking on the backglass for jukebox but my playiggfield shows windows instead of a pic of a jukebox is there a way of showing the pic or hiding windows from playingfield when jukebox on.
  19. yep in the config file were it says appexe i had 3 === so just deleted 2 of them and it works plus i dont need the killbackglass.exe either it works without it for sum reason. im using win 7 64bit.
  20. andyco

    stop table text

    hi all when you put mame in pinballx in custom list is there a way to stop it puting table at the end cus mine says vertical mame games tables and i just want it to say vertical mame games. i didnt put the table texted in it did it itself. thanks
  21. cant get it to work says cant find wincab.exe even tho it is there
  22. andyco

    help please

    hi all how do you split future pnball and visual pinball tables from wheel cus mine are all together and i want future pinball and visual pinbal seperate wheels thanks.
  23. ok thanks i have it working in my hyperpin setup. but in the guide for pinballx it is saying to make a new folder for it and i dont want to start doing that, so just going to stick with hyperpin.
  24. its to much messing around to get this to work in pinballx its much easier in hyperpin is there no easier way?
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