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Everything posted by Knievel

  1. Ok thanks. Yes it's all keyboard as that's what the iPac outputs for the joystick as well.
  2. Hi guys I added a joystick panel to my mini-pin for vertical arcade games. Is there a way to map 2 keys to the interface functions left/right and pageup/pagedown? The joystick is wired to my iPac so the computer sees it as keyboard presses left/right/up/down not as a joystick. So I can't set it up in the Joystick section in PinballX. Thanks
  3. Backglass images could work instead, thanks!
  4. Ok thanks Mike no worries. Was hoping someone else had noticed this and had a solution. I always just assumed the backglass/dmd vids were stopped at load up like the playfield vid. Really a waste of resources having them run underneath so I turned them off for now.
  5. Long time no questions. Discovered something today that's sort of an issue for me. I made the nice playfield loading vids using Scutters awesome tool and then in my XML's I set hidebackglass and hidedmd to False for a nice look when the tables are loading. Realizing now that the backglass/DMD vids continue to run beneath the real backglass/DMD while playing a table which really effects performance on some of my more intense tables like AC/DC. Other that switching those back to True in the XML and going back to the boring black loading screens on the backglass/DMD is there anyway around this? Thinking there may be something I could add to the Visual Pinball Parameters box or the Launch After section? Thanks
  6. Ok thanks for letting me know the videos can function properly with fullscreen exclusive. Would there be a way to completely wipe all traces of PinballX installs and then install the new version? I'm thinking there must be things stored in the Windows registry as well. Not sure if this is worth doing a complete rebuild.
  7. Ok I won't bother upgrading then, thanks.
  8. Hey Tom those are both good. I still have the old PinX install on the PC and it exits fine, something with the new version. I discovered if I keep pressing my Exit button like 10 times it eventually closes. So my log just shows it exiting, not much help, Really all I'm trying to gain here is using loading videos. If it's normal for those to only show for a few seconds followed by a few seconds of black screen while using Fullscreen Exclusive I'll just scrap this idea. Thanks
  9. Hey all I'm trying to install the newest PinX on my big cabinet now that I've got it all figured out on my mini. This cabinet is running VPX tables only and I run in Fullscreen Exclusive for the increased performance it gives. With that on though I have an issue I didn't have with the older version of PinX.. Once I've launched a table I can't exit back to the PinX interface again. I think I can see why (my mouse cursor is in the top right corner of my backglass and so the table is out of focus) but I don't know why it's there and I don't how to stop that. I tried turn ing the 'Full Screen Exclusive Hack' on the VP Settings page on and off and nothing changed. Not sure what that is actually for though. Maybe there is another setting I'm missing? My other problem is the nice loading videos I made (the reason I upgraded in the first place) only show up for a few seconds then I get a few seconds of black screen then the table loads. Not the nice seamless transition I had with VP9. I'm guessing this is due to using Fullscreen Exclusive as well. Hope there might be a way to remedy that. Thanks
  10. Knievel

    Font size?

    Ok thanks.
  11. Knievel

    Font size?

    Was trying some different fonts and found a couple I like. Wondering if it's possible to change the font sizing in PinX? Can't see anything in the setup wizard. Thanks
  12. Thanks yes I replaced it with a transparent image for now. I might make images of the company name in simple text later. There are many different arcade companies so it would be a bit of work. I noticed in a PinballY video that it seems to defer to displaying the company name when no logo exists. Was hoping I just missed a setting in PinX.
  13. Yes I'm running VP9 for pinball. It was more the Mame games that I was noticing it on as they load nearly instantly. I've gotten used to it though thanks. Was just curious if it could be adjusted.
  14. Wondering if it's possible to have the company name come up in the info box when no logo for that company exists? In my Mame wheel there are many companies I don't have logos for so on those the standard 'No Image.png' of a pinball shows up. Doesn't make sense to show a pinball image for an arcade table plus I would like to see the company name there if possible. Thanks
  15. Back again with another silly question. Now that I'm playing I'm noticing that the loading screen (or loading video) is staying up for around 8 seconds even if the game is up and running. On most tables (especially the EM ones) the table loads almost instantly (I can hear it running and the backglass is going) but the black loading screen (or loading video if I have those in place) stays up on the playfield longer. Not a big deal just wondering if that's normal and if so can that be adjusted at all. Thanks
  16. Sorry yes that's what I meant. I didn't install it but it didn't appear to be what I needed to convert a big batch of pngs to mp4. HandBrake worked great. Time to do some actual playing. Then I'll dig into what else the new PinX offers..
  17. Incase anyone else has this issue I've found the program HandBrake works nicely for png>mp4 conversion. Converting all my DMD images now..
  18. That's cool . Wijtkamp is their family name. So I didn't have that Databasemanager installed (didn't realize it was an add-on) so I just copied one of my backglass vids into my dmd vids folder. It showed up on the dmd screen and happy to report it stayed there when I launched the game! So I guess Win7 is the problem and could be a work-around. If I can figure out how to make nearly 3000 png images into mp4's that is.
  19. Thanks Mike I will try that. Just noticed your location, my Father-in-Law grew up in Haarlem
  20. Well I did another fresh install with the same result. I'm spoiled by the look of the loading vids now so I guess my only option is to roll back to an older build. Does anyone know when the loading vids option was added? Thanks
  21. Here you go. I can see in the log it's telling it to not hide but it's not working. Works fine on my old PinX install. Yea I have a few old VP9 tables without b2s, I could lose them. It's keeping the Mame marquees on my DMD screen while playing that I really like. log.txt PinballX.ini
  22. So now that I've upgraded to the current PinX my 'hide backglass' 'hide dmd ' tags don't seem to be working anymore. I have the 'hide backglass' set to 'false' for a few VP tables that don't have a b2s and I have 'hide dmd' set to false for all my mame games so my marquee images stay visible. Are these being handled a different way now? Thanks
  23. If it's not too difficult I would love an option to remove the black screen transition when a table is launched. Trying to achieve a seamless transition from my table preview vids to the cool new loading vids. Thanks
  24. Ok thanks for confirming. Was hoping it would just be in a Transitions folder somewhere like Hyperspin.
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