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Everything posted by clair

  1. Just wondering if anyone can recommend a setting for trackball and spinner controls - sensitivity, speed etc. I'm using ultimarcs utrak. Thanks guys.
  2. Thanks!
  3. Hi guys. I don't think that'sthe problem. When I select a Capcom III game, it says something about a CD and then a loading bar appears.
  4. Hi guys, can anyone point me in the right direction of a guide or tutorial explaining how to get the CP III mame CHD's to run? Thanks!
  5. Hi. I have managed to get the trackball working but not the spinner. Doesnt get picked up when I choose Dial Analog and then spin the spinner - nothing happens.
  6. Yeah, I've done that (I use GUI). But, something still not right. I've tried tabbing when in-game and changing the analog controls but it doesn't work. I'm doing something wrong.
  7. Hi there. Just wanted to know if anyone can point me to a guide of some sort to configure ultimarcs trackball and spinner with mame. My pc recognises them both straight away, but they don't work with the games so I figure I need to configure mame to work with the trackball and spinner? Ta
  8. clair

    Dragons Lair

    Ok, can I just clarify this? I need the dvd's for the games I want to play. I must insert them only once and then I will never need to insert them again? What if I don't have all the games/dvd's? Thanks
  9. clair

    Dragons Lair

    Hi Berzerk, does this happen EVERY time I select a game or just the first time I select it?
  10. clair

    Dragons Lair

    Does Dragons Lair and other laserdisk games when playing through the Daphne emu require disks? Can it be played without?
  11. Also, when I Alt & Tab, the preview screen appears normal (so, outside of gameex). Also, in the tab bar, I see two new applications - Preview and something called 'fmr loading'. I installed 1.90 and it made no difference.
  12. Version 1.84. It's only started to do this after I installed 1.84 on another system and copied my cp wizard folder over.
  13. Some more info: When I git Pause first time, it works fine. But the second time, thats when it happens.
  14. Hi guys. For some reason, CP wizard has gone crazy. See images attached. Any ideas what this could be? Anyone had it before?
  15. I have tried lots of horizontal games and they all fill the screen.
  16. I have selected and enforced the aspect ratio, which, incidentally, is set to AUTO. Vertical games are definitely maintaining their correct aspect ratio and are not stretching. However, I'm not so sure with horizontal because they are filling the screen. They don't look stretched or distorted but I AM using a widescreen and so I would have assumed most of the horizontal games would have bars down either side because arcade games did not play through a widescreen monitor. I'm certain the games are filling the screen and not actually playing at their correct aspect.
  17. I appreciate this isnt on the topic of Gameex but would really appreciate some help nevertheless
  18. I have set mame to auto display correct aspect ratio, and I have set to enforce it. However, horizontals still fill the whole screen (such as SF2). In fact, I think all horizontals fill the screen. Surely there should be some borders down either side like for vertical games? It doesn't look stretched, in fact it looks superb, but I am wondering is it really displaying in its true aspect ratio? If not, is there a way to do it for all?
  19. By the way you're a little star
  20. Thanks Tempest But will it miss off any games that it shouldn't? Doesn't it miss off a lot of games not on the controls dat?
  21. Hi, I've chosen windowed in my config but it still launches full any ideas?
  22. Hi Tempest, I checked my key mappings in General and they are fine - all mapped correctly and I can move up down left right etc on all games except analog and vector. I understand why with analog but not vector grrrrr! So don't understand why the default cfg is saying otherwise.
  23. Hi Tempest, I have an 8-way digital (sanwa), and 6 player buttons, plus the same for Player 2.
  24. Is there any other way of filtering out all the analog games? Or does someone have a list of analog games that can actually work really well with digital sticks? I just hate it when my friends want to play a game and then they can't because it's analog.Makes me look stupid so i just want to filter them out.
  25. Hi Tempest, it's fine I wasn't offended. I got everything working but Romlister is useless to me because it leaves out sooooooooooo many great games because they are not in the controls.ini. For example, Art of Fighting! It leaves out 100's of excellent games. So, it's useless to me.
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