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Everything posted by clair

  1. I know, but I'm a traditionalist! haha Is there any way at all you can show me how to get snaps working in this (old) version? ta
  2. Thanks. Both files attached. One weird thing I noticed with the log is that it says I have Vista but I don't, I have Windows 7. GameEx.ini log.txt
  3. How do I attach?
  4. Hi guys, for some reason I can't see image OR video snaps in my menu. Havn't used gameex for a while and I remember messing about with it a while back, but can't think what I may have done to make my snaps disappear. Ive made sure its sourced properly in gameex mame settings. Thanks
  5. Hi, I have recently decided to add nulldc to my games. I've configured it all properly in the config (enabled too), but when I load gameex I only see mame games. I don't have a start page or anything it just loads straight into the list. What am I doing wrong? Thank you
  6. Hi, I've finally managed to get SFIV to work on my cabinet (had issues with button configs etc) but now, whenever I exit SFIV, the screen just goes black instead of returning to GameEx. Has anyone encountered this problem and how did you manage to fix it? Thanks
  7. Tried this and it doesnt work: "C:\Program Files\CAPCOM\STREETFIGHTERIV\SF4Launcher.exe-play"
  8. Hi, where do you add this?
  9. clair

    Daphne help

    Now that I have got everything working (keys remapped, plays through gameex no problem) - I realise I really don't understand laserdisc games at all. Brian, when Space Ace loads up, what am I supposed to do because all that happens is a blue man says "you can't win", over and over again. Am I supposed to be doing something or is the game not working properly? Also, with Dragons Lair, I fall through this bridge, then I press UP and I get up, but then I get killed by these snake things from the water. No matter what I press I get killed. Is that right or is the game buggered? Same with Roadblasters - I get to the point where this box flashes at the rear of this car, then I die. Am I supposed to shoot it or something? How? Is all this normal?
  10. clair

    Daphne help

    oh heck
  11. clair

    Daphne help

    Also, what do I put as my rom names in setting up in gameex? There are lots of different names for each game e.g. cobra / cobraab, astron / astronp, rb / roadblaster etc.
  12. clair

    Daphne help

    I don't have that keylist.txt file
  13. clair

    Daphne help

    Button 1 and 3 for secondary key are blank. Also, I don't understand that coin 1 coin 2 start 1 start 2. Is coin 1 - coin for player 1, start 2 - start for player 2? etc
  14. clair

    Daphne help

    Not quite sure what you mean Brian. I listed all the buttons in a previous post is that what you mean?
  15. clair

    Daphne help

    Brian I was just wondering if you'd got round to doing that config. As mentioned in my previous post, I can set the keys in DaphneLoader but this doesn't work when gameex launches Daphne. Also, what do I put as my rom names in setting up in gameex? There are lots of different names for each game e.g. cobra - cobraab, astron - astronp, rb - roadblaster Thanks
  16. clair

    Daphne help

    Hi Brian. I have managed to change the keys in DaphneLoader and it appears (when looking at the input field) to have changed permanently. However, when playing the game, the keys are the same as the old default. Is it because I have changed them in DaphneLoader but I am playing the games through Daphne? My keys for your config are: Primary Key: Up - Up arrow Left - left arrow Right - right arrow Down - down arrow Start 1 - 1 Start 2 - 2 Button 1 - Q Button 2 - E Button 3 - R Coin 1 - 3 Coin 2 - 4 Quit - escape Pause - P Secondary Key: Up - W Left - A Right - D Down - S Start 1 - 1 Start 2 - 2 Button 1 - Z Button 2 - X Button 3 - C Coin 1 - 3 Coin 2 - 4 Quit - escape Pause - P
  17. clair

    Daphne help

    The key input config thingy. I don't understand it. Whenever I remap the keys through the Configure option, it never saves it and reverts back to default. Also, do I map keys for Player 2? Or does player 2 use the same keys as Player 1? Never played laser disk games so don't know. Thanks.
  18. clair

    Daphne help

    I've noticed a file called dapinput. It has all the keys (up, down, coin 1 etc) and then numbers next to each field. This must be the config for the keys but I don't understand all the numbers and how to change them to the keys I want.
  19. clair

    Daphne help

    Hi Brian. Thanks for helping me with this. Ok.... I can't use auto hot key because I have 4 other emulators all set to use the same set of keys. If I remapped my ipac for daphne's defaults, I would probably be creating more problems for myself. Regarding the different rom commands - i would have thought cobra was the main rom name for cobra command, however gameex has cobraab as the ROM. Is that right? It loads up fine btw. To save config files, can I just change them and then hit the X to close down daphneloader? Or do I need to File / Exit? Also, if I want to set up keys for 1 and 2 players, how is that done? Is Primary player 1 and secondary player 2? It's very confusing because you have Coin 1 and Coin 2 on both primary and secondary, same with Start 1 and 2. Thanks hun
  20. clair

    Daphne help

    Also, how do you make your key input changes stick? I've been messing about with them seeing if I can get my head round it, but whenever I change the keys input, as soon as I close daphneloader, it reverts back to type. HELP x p.s. how do I set up buttons for 1 and 2 players?
  21. clair

    Daphne help

    Hi Brian. Thanks for this, but i've managed to set it all up. Just got a few questions if thats ok? PM me if u like: 1. why do some games have different rom names eg cobra and cobraab? Are they the same game? whi9ch is better? 2. what is primary and secondary key input? is that like 1 and 2 player? i'm really confused about how to set up my controller (keyboard encoder) ta x
  22. clair

    Daphne help

    Hi guys. I'm trying to set daphne up in GameEX but i'm really struggling. I've got all the games working through daphneloader but not through gameex. I've tried following that pdf guide from JustinCase but it doesn't work. What do I do? I notice in the gameex config menu for daphne there are Game ROM, Game Name, Game Options fields for each game. What do I put in these? Any help here much appreciated. Also, when I double click DaphneLoader I get an error message saying "Cannot Update Control File! Unable to update control file due to the following error: Key decryption failed." Thanks again guys.
  23. Ah poor baby. You're a little star too x By the way guys how do you change disks automatically? If using gameex you cannot manually do it for obvious reasons. Also, do I set the two disks up as two seperate folders and two seperate names? etc
  24. Oh never thought of that! I'll try it and let you know
  25. Hi frequency. I got it working but now when I load any game up, UP and DOWN don't work. Every other key does, just not up and down - i've only tested this on the start page when you can choose 1 player or 2 player. I can't choose 2 player, it just won't move down and I've mapped it in Input.
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