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Everything posted by clair

  1. I do I do! Thank you so much it worked a treat! So basically, the folder name must be the same as the rom file name yes? Ta Brian you're a star!
  2. Trying to set up nestopia now. WHOOA BOY it's a tough one aint it. I can get it to work on its own but not through gameex. Is there a cfg or setup guide?
  3. Ignore the bit about the folder also appearing - that was me adding two lines in the map files- thats why the game appeared twice. But.... I can only get one GDI to work for some reason.
  4. Hi Brian, me again haha OK, I cracked it. I got the / the wrong way round. I got a GDI to load from within GameEX, problem now is: it won't open any other GDI's. Whenever I map the names e.g. VirtuaTennis.gdi "Virtua Tennis", the name of the folder it's sat in (usually the game title) appears, along with the mapped name "Virtua Tennis", but none open - nulldc crashes. What do I need to do here? I'm so close I can feel it
  5. Hi Brian. I did what you said about the [rompath]\[rom]\[romfile]" thing. It opens nulldc briefly and then crashes. However, outside of Gameex, it works just fine (loads up the gdi). I think I am close to cracking this. What do you think I need to change?
  6. I think the black bar thingy will work just fine guys
  7. Hi. I don't really understand the romset thing to be honest. Don't know what romset I have. One of the games that does the Nes Illegal thing is "Adventure Island Classic (!) E. Hope that helps.
  8. The issue is this - when I exit the nes emu in gameex, for a second, i see the menu bar at the top, and I really hate that. Frequency fixed it with this exit script. Nestopia has this issue too though doesn't it?
  9. Is it worth the hassle? Are they so much better than CDI? I can get cdi's to work no problems. But i thought i read GDI is the best for emu's.
  10. I don't know really. I just picked VirtuaNES first and ran with it. It seemed easy to use. The main issues are the bar appearing at the top when exiting (which has now been fixed), and now the "NES header illegal" thingy. If I changed now, Frequency would need to do another script for Nestopia (for the exit thing). Not sure if he would do that It's weired because some of the roms are (!) which means they are working fully, so don't understand this NES header illegal silliness. what do you think Brian? is it worth changing to nestopia or can frequency fix this?
  11. It's working brilliantly! I put it in the Launch Before instead of the Also Launch and thats why it didnt work. Frequency, do you know of a way of fixing that "NES header illegal" issue (recently posted)? On a lot of games, this warning pops up and you have to click YES (or press Y). However, in gameex that's impossible and all that happens is I see a black screen. The games are playable but you have to click YES. Have you come across this before?
  12. Yes I think so. Let me get back to you on this when I get to my computer. Ta hun
  13. Hi. I can play CDI's through gameex, but can't seem to get GDI working. There seem to be 3 or 4 files to a game, and they have the same name as other games - track01, track 02. What do I do? Do I leave them zipped? Help please
  14. hi frequency. i'm on a different computer at the mo, but i remember the error as being "error 1" or something like that, with a red cross. the emu worked fine when i removed the instruction to launch the exit program first.
  15. This doesn't work for me The screen goes black and then I get an error message. I managed to get into a game once, but I could still see the menu bar on exiting. But, most of the time, the screen goes black, and I get an error.
  16. I get this message on some games. I click Yes and the game plays but the problem is, it's really screwing with GameEX. Is there a way to turn this off or counter it with a script or something?
  17. hi just wondering if you'd had a chance to write that script?
  18. Brilliant thanks! x
  19. Well, I had a little look at mednafen and it's way over my head. I'd like to stick to VirtuaNES please if that's ok x
  20. Does the same as VirtuaNes
  21. Do you mean you can help me remap the ESC key on the VirtuaNES or do you mean this Mednafen emu? Ta x
  22. Can you recommend another good nes emu that works really well and with gameex? Thanks x
  23. bump
  24. Hi. I'm exiting using the standard ESC key. I don't know of any other way of exiting back to GameEX without having to change all my button configs etc. So if I use ESC I will always see that bar at the top? No way to get id of it? My snes and genesis emu's look great and I don't see anything other than the game. Thanks.
  25. I've got virtuanes working and loading into full screen, but I can still see the viruanes explorer bar briefly. Is there any way to get rid of that? Are there are cfgs around?
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