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Floyd Turbo

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Everything posted by Floyd Turbo

  1. Sorry millerbrad, I needed the 8th spot back.
  2. Ever so close to the 6 digit mark.
  3. I think this may be a game I can beat. Always pumped a ton of cash into this machine.
  4. I fell in a hole on my last life, hence no leaderboard. 67,940 if you want to do well, just use elbows the entire game. Lol
  5. I hope this works. I have attached a Word file of all the current GOTM top 10 scores. I find it helps to have the list beside me to see where I stand without having to drill into each game from the Games List. Cheers. (This list will probably be outdated quickly) GOTM Top Ten Scores.docx
  6. No 6 digit'er yet Main Offender. Working on it. Those damn pink suicide ships are killing me.
  7. Time to start submitting some scores on older games.
  8. Does it take a lot of time to update all the scores and such? I'm just curious and appreciate the hard work it must be to keep everything up to date.
  9. Who the shit chews Skol these days? We should make him do a piss test to make sure he's not juicing for the competition.
  10. @Cynicaster Sorry to hear about the CPU crash. I still have a copy of your programming build if you need it, but I'm sure you still have it on your Cloud.
  11. Let the games begin.
  12. Got to play for a few minutes and get on the board. Good game. Looks like Cyn has again raised the bar pretty high. Great score to shoot for.
  13. Sorry about the dust on my screen. 29,670.
  14. I am fine with pushing the new game back. I still have a bunch of games to post scores to anyhow. I think Ms. Pac-Man will be next on my list. Suck to hear about your computer. That's never a fun time.
  15. Are we still rocking Pepper II for September?
  16. Just spent the last two days playing this classic. Great game. 104,750
  17. Best I can do without punching the screen.
  18. What is the key to this game? I am having a very rough time with it. Here is my pathetic score, but at least I can get my name on the board.
  19. @hansolo77 Don't worry about my score. You can delete my post as I will redo it with hopefully a better outcome. Like I said, I was just trying to get my name on the board. I am having a hard time taking a picture of the projector wall with my phone and submitting it without it being under 1MB. That's why the first one is fuzzy. I had to downsize it. Oh well, it gives me an excuse to drink beer, ignore the wife and get my Xevious on. I understand that crappy photo's don't count and hopefully I can get a better shot of the new 1st place score.
  20. I'm glad to see someone with the same high score screen as me. I was worried that I had the wrong MAME. Great score by the way.
  21. Crappy score but I thought I would get my name on the board. That first boss can suck it. I wish the Solvalou moved a little quicker. 57,470 Updated. Sorry it's sideways.
  22. I'm pretty pumped for this!!!
  23. Projector is the only way to go. Makes the pixels look even bigger on some of those old games.
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