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Everything posted by sebastien

  1. Starwar pinball !!!
  2. https://youtu.be/MFKBSNN38z8
  3. Yes same problem with french language
  4. Nothing..... bier fordiben !!!
  5. Hello Last version pour a friend
  6. Hello guy, could you help me please i want start pinball fx3 but with 2 player i have search on google .... bit i find nothing .... do you think its possible !! thanks
  7. And now show begin !!!!
  8. New creation !!
  9. To hard to explain in english.... with picture best
  10. Wait and see !!!
  11. Hi guy New project.... with p90 thermaltake.... (tom thank for last version pinballx 4k 60fps that great !!!!)
  12. Hello if you dont want the message open loginusers.vdf in steam cat and change skipOfflinemodewarning 0 by 1 save and protect this file... read only and after no problem
    Tom , you are the best !!!!! that better, great , wonderfull i like you !! lol
  13. Hello I have a resquest please, Actually i use my home computer only for game. I want use pinballx for launch my games (no pinball) exemple : " tomb raider, forza, crysis, DBZ xenoverse..... Because i use steam , origin , windows store. ....... etc And nothing existing to lauch all games under universal launcher !!! If you can created a universal lauchner based on pinballx that great because we can personalise wheel picture and "playfield" . Call this launcherX. Its just idée but i am sure than all gamers use this Still sorry for my bad english.... it not easy to explain..... Thanks you guys
  14. Hello Table 4k ok with 30fps.... the result is ok Thanks very much
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