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  1. Well, whatever was wrong with 5.64 is OK again with 5.68. Like keithhov above its about 3-4 seconds to exit again - which is how I remember it from past releases!!
  2. OK will try 5.68. Using only the DX VPX. Have not tried OpenGL. It did also seem slow to close on VP9, VP10.7 tables as well....
  3. Has anyone found that a recent PBX update (specifically 5.64) when exiting tables, it is now very slow? My system is now taking 20-30 seconds to close the selected game and get back to the wheel...... I'am not going to try 5.68, as I have already seen plenty of issues raised.....I notice that not all releases have change logs to see if this might have been looked at.....
  4. Sorry Guys, I am running 64 bit Windows 7 Professional, so can I just go and grab the latest PBX 5.43 as per Windows 10/11 users ? Terry
  5. Hi all, I'm happily running PinballX 4.13 on my Windows 7 Cabinet. I notice that the latest versions available require .NET 5 and state that they are for Windows 10/11 only. Does this mean that I am stuck at 4.19 (the last of old version) on Windows 7 for ever? Happy to hear anyone's feedbacl/comments..... Terry
  6. Currently running PinballX 4.07 and I can't get any screen dumps of the playfields or backglasses for my FP tables. It works fine with all my VP and VPX tables. I made the "o" key the screen dump key in PinballX. Also can anyone confirm if their is still a table limit when using Game Manager?
    Is there a reason the links to the changelog go nowhere?
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