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Everything posted by roccodimarco

  1. I added these in, and when you select them, zaccaria will launch no problem, but will stop at the main ss table selection screen. You have to manually select the game from there.
  2. Zaccaria is now launching no problems. Well postal is getting to the main screen but not selecting the game, but I know this is due to incorrect labeling which I will fix tomorrow. my next step is to look into the launcher that lets you choose how many players per game before launch.
  3. Also, since I have your ear. For whatever reason, and I cant find a fix yet, but when I use the built in pinballx game manager, when I add a wheel or backglass, playfield, ect, it does not update. I have to refresh the list. Before, if I added a wheel the image would pop right up. If I added a backglass, the backglass list would disappear. Now, nothing until I refresh. It's not the end of the world, just gets confusing when adding more than one table.
  4. Nice. So if I'm understanding, I grab the newest version of pinballx, tell pinballx where my steamapp is and I should be good to go, then just add via the xml. Dude I know people love pinup, but I a loyal pinballx guy till death! Thanks for the help.
  5. So I came across this topic. If I want to do a fresh install of zaccaira and pinballx, as I'm using a very outdated way to run it, is this topic telling me all I have to do, is download pinballx 5, then in the working path, just direct pinballx to my steam exe and it will run? Sorry, it's been forever since I messed with the Zaccaria launcher and I forget how I managed to get this working in the first place. Here is what I'm not getting. With Pinballx, if what I posted above is true, where do I put the xml file? Or do I still go about the original way of setting up zaccaria, with the script and apk launcher and such. I hope I'm making sense.
  6. Not sure what happened, but this morning I woke up and now none of my zaccaria tables are launching. i did update to the newest version of pinballx before Turning off my cab. Not sure if that’s the culprit. But now when I launch any table I get the invalid table error. like I said, it was working flawless two days ago. Any ideas on where to look first?
  7. Not sure if I’m saying this right, so bare with me, but in the past, when I add a new table to my launcher, I go into notebook ++ and add in the new game, for example: <game name="robotdeluxe"> What im trying to find it the new game names (even The Whole xml) for the new postal tables. They just released a new four pack of tables, Postal 2.
  8. Finally found this topic. Does anyone have the table names for all the postal 1 tables and postal 2 tables?
  9. Do you have table names for the postal 2 tables by any chance?
  10. Sorry. I manually upload all my games. Add new game, then type in the information, then upload the wheel, backglass and playfield video. I have done it this way since the beginning. This is a new problem I’m having. sorry I’m not by my cab tonight to upload any files, but when I get a chance I will.
  11. My motherboard crashed a few months back, and after finally getting everything back up and running, I have been struggling with Pinballx. Before the crash, lets say I uploaded a wheel image to the game manager, the wheel would immediately appear and then wheel would disappear from the missing sections. This is super helpful when adding new games. However; now when I upload new games and I upload a wheel image, nothing registers. Well, that's not exactly true. It will all be there when I close out the manager and start up pinballx, but when I upload the wheel image, it remains blank, and the the missing description will still say missing wheel until I back out out of the vpx list and reload it. Any ideas?
  12. Not sure if this is a dead post, but if anyone has this working for pinballx, can they help me out? Thanks!
  13. Currently working on a backglass for two screen users. Right now this a wip
  14. After much trail and error, I finally got it all working! Thanks for the help!
  15. Not sure what’s going on, but I have it working fine. Loads and exits no problems. The only thing, when I launch the game the backglass is half white. I have to alt + tab and close out the white screen. It has a red logo, I’m not at my cab right now so I forget what it is, but once I x it out there is no problems. Not sure why or how to get this white screen out of the way.
  16. Just wondering if there was an update to this? I tried to run this script with the latest version and I’m getting errors. Can anyone share what their settings look like and what they are running? Thanks.
  17. I had the suspicion I needed to tie them together. I went over the first page but couldn’t see how to do it and it’s been forever since I first did this. Any chance you can point me in the right direction?
  18. I have since updated the ahk file, and I believe everything was working no problem. I just downloaded the new cine star deluxe table and with that table is a new update. Now when I launch cine Star or the new red show, I get the error about only supporting certain tables and DX is not on the list. im not sure if the update screwed something up, or maybe I’m missing a step.
  19. To be honest, it had to be something with the xml file I was using, because once GAH sent me his, it fired up no problem! Before that, I was just doing some simple things wrong, but if anyone is running into problems, just really pay attention to the details GAH has posted and you will be running in no time! Thanks everyone!
  20. Hey guys, I finally have it all working! What a ride, but it’s all working 100% thanks for your corporation and patience with me!
  21. Well the great news it works! But now I have a bit of a new roadblock. For whatever reason, steam offline will not let me configure my buttons to a controller. So what I was doing was using keytojoy. It worked no problems, until I set up Pinballx. Now, running Zaccaria through steam or Pinballx results in my cab buttons not working. Any ideas? Thanks for your help so far!
  22. Well the great news it works! But now I have a bit of a new roadblock. For whatever reason, steam offline will not let me configure my buttons to a controller. So what I was doing was using keytojoy. It worked no problems, until I set up Pinballx. Now, running Zaccaria through steam or Pinballx results in my cab buttons not working. Any ideas? Thanks for your help so far!
  23. And just to add, PinballX is still not displaying the tables. I went through, doubled checked locations, I tried to rebuild the database from scratch, but the tables won’t appear, and if I run the launch.exe I still get the table error.
  24. So I was able to get some help thanks to someone on Facebook who said GAH helped him personally. I now have it telling the error below. My only guess is, I run in offline mode on steam, would that be causing a problem?
  25. I’m really sorry guys. I have it enabled, and no games are showing up still when I launch. The working path i created to match yours and I have the launchzaccaria in there. Is that where I’m messing up?
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