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  1. Log attached attempting to record videos from game list manager... log.txt
  2. Just noticed an issue. Not sure if it's related to any recent changes because I haven't used the option in a while however when I record videos from the Game List Manager, DMD recordings are showing up as captures of my backglass. (3-screen cabinet). I'm getting the same video for both the BG and DMD. ini file attached... If unrelated, let me know and I'll post a new topic. Thanks PinballX.ini
  3. Confirmed DOF is fixed/working on 4.0.3... Thanks Tom!
  4. Thanks Tom. I'm not sure what it could be... installed 4.02, ran as admin and get the same result, roll back and all works again. Cabinet.xml
  5. Sorry for the delay... please see attached. DirectOutput.loglog.txt
  6. Just installed 4.01 and DOF no longer works for me... was working fine on 3.94... rolled back to 3.94 and all is working again. log.txt DirectOutput.log
  7. Delaying startup of DOFlinx or PinballX seems to be working. Had to mess around with timing but am sitting at 17 seconds which seems to be good.
  8. I should have kept my mouth shut... Just had another instance of DofLinx taking focus at startup even with the delay.
  9. I launch DofLinx via shortcut within the startup folder and the same goes for PinballX. I just created a batch file and added a TIMEOUT statement to it for DofLinx to allow PinballX to load first. Hoping this works...
  10. I've determined that DofLinx is taking focus as PBX and Doflinx both were running at startup. I tried adding a delay to PBX however that didn't work so I added a delay to DofLinx and that seems to be working so far. This issue only occurs at Startup so I assumed it was likely DofLinx grabbing focus... It doesn't make any sense to me as Doflinx is also a background app but everything appears to be working through several startups over the past 24 hours.
  11. CECTray is for my Pulse-Eight HDMI adapter. My Playfield doesn't come on and off by itself so I use this device that send "power-on" commands to the TV upon Windows startup. This app runs once in the background at startup. For my buttons, I'm using an iPac-2. Monitors are left to right ...PF (ID2), BG (ID1), LCD DMD (ID3).
  12. No, it's been an issue since I installed it. I'm at the end of my build and this was one of the loose ends I needed to tie up.
  13. I just changed everything to match Windows and everything broke... When starting a game the Loading screen shows up in the middle of the screen and just before the game kicks in, it gets smaller and shifts to the right. The DMD is no longer displayed and VPX games won't start.
  14. Everything displays correctly so I didn't mess with any of the settings. Playfield is 4K 3840x2160. Should I modify the settings if they're displaying properly?
  15. log.txtPinballX.ini
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