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  1. Resolved. That was it! Database Manager is now aware of my Loading Videos. I also see I now have a "UseTableLoadingMedia" setting in the pinballx.ini. I guess I've never had a need to change that particular setting. Much appreciated!
  2. Hi all, Using PinballX Database Manager, there is an hourglass icon on the main screen titled as "Loading Media". It seems to only be looking for .gif files in PinballX\Media\Loading Images, and the icon changes green if one is found. I was assuming it might be looking for both images and videos. I'm using the "\Media\Loading Videos" directory and was wondering if there was a setting to have the hourglass Loading Media icon be green if a matching video is found in \media\loading videos. It would be helpful because, not only do I like "all green", a media audit reports I have no "Loading Media". Out of curiosity, I traced the launch of DB Manager with procmon and the \Loading Videos directory is not read at all. I've attached: DBManagerLog.txt, Screenshot.png, pinballx\config\pinballx.ini, pinballx\log\log.txt and pinballx\plugins\PBXLoadingImage_log.txt Thanks for any assistance! PS: When I was testing 'Loading Media" with a .gif placed in the \loading images directory, Right clicking on the Loading Media hourglass icon > Delete did not delete the .gif. PBXLoadingImage_log.txt PinballX.ini log.txt DBManagerLog.txt
  3. As mentioned in the review, I love everything about this and your tools Feedback: Darkmode: The font color on the cabinet image is gray, which (to me) looks a little odd on the green or red background. The yellow rounded buttons seem to actually be rectangular because the corners are white. Question: The loading Media seems to only be for the Loading Images folder. I'm using the Loading Videos folder with the de-randomizer plugin and the tool (I forgot the name) that creates loading videos with the animated overlays. Am I missing a setting or post/comment that would allow the red loading hourglass be green if I have Loading Videos?
    I love the dark mode! I also (having tried other front ends) love this database manager, pinballX, and appreciate all of the hard work done to make and maintain the program(s).
  4. The stats plugin works perfect! I thought I wanted no text under the arc, but now I'm thinking I just wanted different information. Thank you mike_da_spike and Scutters
  5. I've looked at the latest 3.2.0 PinballX Setup Wizard PDF, and have removed the text for "Featuring" and "Tables", but when launching PBX, I cannot figure out how to remove "## Visual Pinball X Tables" that shows under the wheel arc. Thanks for any help, or a link to an existing answer!
  6. Having completed a PinballFX install/config on my Pinball X cabinet, it looks like no animated backglasses are available for "FX only" games (from what I searched). I decided to create a few animated wallpapers and share them. There are also table videos as well. Wild West Rampage (why was this one done? - read below) Curse of the Mummy Grimm Tales My Little Pony Pinball Noir Sky Pirates Star Wars Pinball - Classic Collectibles Star Wars Pinball - The Mandalorian Twilight Zone I know many of you guys are way better at this than me, or want to do your own animations or backglasses, so I'm including all Photoshop and video assets on google drive. The directory structures are the same: main directory are production files ready to be used or altered; the Image Files directory will be any png files and the main photoshop file. There are 2 versions of backglass videos and images: one with, and one without, my recreated PinballFX logo. For the videos, use handbrake to encode anything you create using the MPEG-4 or h.264 video encoder (Handbrake > Video tab > Video Encoder > MPEG-4 or H.264). Why....?? I'm not really a fan of the "pencil style" official Pinball FX logo. I created my own modified version, more in the spirit of the FX3 logo. I left the logo OFF the final images and video because these days it's easy-enough to add one yourself. For example, if you like the official PBFx logo, the quick is: place a non-logo video in a video editor, add a transparent png of the official logo on top of the video, move and resize the logo, then render. My cabinet backless is 1920x1200. My table is 1920x1080. The only real noteworthy change is to Wild West Rampage. Over time there are varying inconsistencies and qualities with the backglass image and video. I decided to recreate it from scratch. The gunslinger and badge are now isolated layers (in Photoshop). This means you can move the gunslinger anywhere you would like and still see the entire saloon. The town has been recreated by hand and some AI elements were added (mountains behind water tower, saloon doors, new sky). I enhanced the "Grimm Tales" text in the backglass image for Grimm Tales. For Twilight Zone I wanted to keep the real backglass for the game play and not use the newer stylized version for PBFx. This is why there is no stylized gameplay backless provided in the google drive link. For those of you that like these additions, what's the future? No promises. The only videos I MAY be making will be for tables that are exclusively for PinballFX, and ones I actually purchase that are not FX3 duplicates that already I own (e.g. Back to the Future). The exception was Wild West Rampage. Having said that, I like consistency and a similar look-and-feel to things. There are some FX3 videos/backglasses that I want to re-do on my cab, or find an updated version (e.g. on FX3, my Moon Knight video has the FX2 logo on it - there's either an FX3 version, or not!) Enjoy, and if the videos need to be copied to a download section or an FTP directory - please feel free to copy, move, distribute, and crosspost to wherever makes the most sense! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bY0Mvyef_XF_t-BqQSuEjn4cKnOJzRV1?usp=sharing
  7. Resolved.. thanks scutters! I was using the tool "setdmd" for vpinmame and used those values for pinballx settings. setting offsets to 0 was the solution!
  8. attached are pinball.ini and log file. I'm finishing a complete rebuild and everything works great - including DMDs being where they are suppose to be. The problem is when launching Pinball X. I can't get that "PinballX" motion logo-dmd to appear at all. It did appear once, and on the correct screen, but it was small. I thought I would just mess with it later. After that, I started working on the DMDs for the games. In doing so, I ended up using the vpmame default registry to set a location for the dmd. And while it's great for the games (even when launching from pinballx) I think it was after that, when I could never see the pinballx welcome dmd again. But I'm not 100% sure on that because I've been messing with so much. In the settings, if I set Show DMD=True, I cannot see the dmd but I can alt-tab and see a black window representing the pinballx dmd window (I think the window title even says "DMD"). If I set Show DMD=off, alt-tab only shows me 2 screens: the playfield and the backglass. My understanding from other forum posts I should leave Show DMD=off. At this point I'm going in circles trying different things. Thanks for any help! As a side question (admittedly for vpinball and not pinballx)- is there a precedence between screenres.txt and dmd values in the registry? Like if registry values exist, use that, if not, use screenres.txt? Or are both used regardless? PinballX.ini log.txt
  9. Thank you all - I agree with you mike, and that’s the route I’ll take. And span’s/draco’s info let’s me know I can easily get up and running on day 1 and move forward!
  10. Tried a search/faq and not finding what I would like to know. I’m doing a complete cabinet rebuild. I’ve had PBX 2.21 / Win7 for YEARS. I tried the newer 4.80 and ran into a couple of issues and decided I’ll just stick with v2. I have this older version backed up (the entire pinballx directory and subfolders). Can I just copy this v2 backup to a new Win10 environment, or are there scattered DLLs and registry settings to contend with? I’m unsure if PBX is considered a “standalone install” - meaning it operates entirely out of its own directory. Thank you!
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