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Files posted by PcTeknic

  1. MegaDocklets Visual Pinball Pack1

    I am creating the Megadocklets for Visual Pinball, I personally like I was doing that type sign.
    Roughly half of them have done from existing Draco for Pinball Arcade and the other half from scratch, using your template.
    The other type sign are good to put in the hollow of the DMD when the game has DMD, but these MegaDocklets are more colorful and since I have them in use in PinballFX2, Pinball Arcade and Pro Pinball, because I want everyone to see for same.
    At the moment I turn up the initial Pack 1 with 44 tables that are in VPX packs that I have uploaded.
    Later I will go up another pack with the main tables that are not yet in VPX but that we VP9.
    Estoy creando los Megadocklets para Visual Pinball, personalmente me gustan más que los que estaba haciendo tipo letrero.
    Más o menos la mitad de ellos los he hecho a partir del ya existente de Draco para Pinball Arcade y la otra mitad desde cero, usando su plantilla.
    Los otros tipo letrero quedan bien para poner en el hueco del DMD cuando el juego no tiene DMD, pero estos MegaDocklets son más vistosos y ya que los tengo en uso en PinballFX2, Pinball Arcade y Pro-Pinball, pues quiero que se vean todos por igual.
    De momento subo el Pack 1 inicial con las 44 mesas que hay en los packs de VPX que yo tengo subidos.
    Posteriormente subiré otro pack con las principales mesas que aún no están en VPX pero sí que las tenemos en VP9.


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  2. Pro-Pinball - Medias+Database+Config+Logos+Extras

    Pro-Pinball returns to the fray with a remastered TIMESHOCK version probably launch more reputable and I do not take time to get remastered versions of his three titles, The Web, Big Race USA and Fantastic Journey, though so I read on your website, will have to take it easy.
    Pro-Pinball launched these four great games to late 90s, if I remember correctly, from 95 to 99 and as I understand, had the peculiarity that in this case, first made the PC game and then the machine was Real Pinball, unlike as usual.
    These games more than one we did enjoy thousands of hours, among whom I include myself because I still have the TIMESHOCK, Big Race USA and Fantastic Journey, which although get run on a current Pc, have been virtually unplayable and resolutions very low.
    The remastered TIMESHOCK version is already well advanced, when I did the advance purchase on Steam, still had several flaws that have been polished in recent months, there are now several available views and others in development, you can set controls from the program, you can set graphics and lighting options, etc.
    In the pipeline are the options for cabinets that will soon go by what I read, but now already supports resolutions vertically and can be played perfectly failing to place the DMD and the menus are responsive to keyboard and / or joystick rather than just the mouse.
    Pro-Pinball vuelve a la carga con una versión remasterizada de Timeshock, probablemente su lanzamiento de más renombre y no creo que tarden en sacar las versiones remasterizadas de sus otros tres títulos, The Web, Big Race USA y Fantastic Journey, aunque por lo que he leído en su web, habrá que tomárselo con calma.
    Pro-Pinball lanzó estos cuatro excelentes juegos a finales de los 90, si mal no recuerdo, del 95 al 99 y según tengo entendido, tuvo la particularidad de que en este caso, primero se hizo el juego para PC y posteriormente se hizo la máquina de Pinball Real, al contrario de como viene siendo habitual.
    Estos juegos a más de uno nos hicieron disfrutar miles de horas, entre los cuales yo me incluyo ya que aún conservo el Timeshock, Big Race USA y Fantastic Journey, los cuales aunque los consigas ejecutar en un Pc actual, han quedado prácticamente injugables y a resoluciones muy bajas.
    La versión remasterizada de Timeshock ya se encuentra muy avanzada, cuando yo hice la compra anticipada en Steam, todavía tenía varios fallos que han sido pulidos estos últimos meses, ahora hay varias vistas disponibles y otras en desarrollo, se pueden configurar controles desde el programa, puedes configurar opciones gráficas y de iluminación, etc.
    En el tintero tienen las opciones para cabinets que no tardarán en salir por lo que he leído, aunque actualmente ya soporta resoluciones en vertical y se puede jugar perfectamente a falta de poder colocar el DMD y que los menús respondan a teclado y/o joystick en lugar de hacerlo solo al ratón.

    The tables have to purchase on Steam, so far can only buy TIMESHOCK.
    In Visual Pinball you can get the table The Web.
    The new version of TIMESHOCK and lets you define keys and joysticks from the game and also incorporates more visual options, lighting, etc.
    In future updates will be the option to Pincabs the moment we can not move the DMD and the Playfield have added the Speaker Panel with DMD, but the gameplay is already very good.

    In the file download you will find the database, it is certainly the smallest since only contains 4 games and currently all open Pro-Ultra Pinball. There will only be TIMESHOCK also have to select it using the mouse (for now). PinballX will show the four unless you modify the database.
    In the file download, in addition to the database you will find the logo of Pro-Pinball for system images, the logo of the manufacturer and the means for PinballX or frontend you use.
    Here I put some examples:
    Full Screen backglass for 3 monitors, resolution 1920X1080 - 16/9
    Backglass with grill in 4/3 for two monitors, but so far I have not seen how to move the DMD.
    Table Images and video table TIMESHOCK
    Wheels Megadocklets
    Wheels custom made by me to use in the crook of DMD while there can not carry the DMD.
    The download also includes the audio table and ArtWorkCab for those who want to vinyl for Virtual Pinball machine.

    Here you can see it working.
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wUNIzcfR0WM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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