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GameEx Lifetime Member
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Everything posted by CHASER

  1. I use the zebs boards digital plunger and button controller I recommend it
  2. Anyone get this working from Pinballx in a cab yet. If so share
  3. Anyone get the grid working yet? If so please share you xml
  4. If you figure it out please share
  5. Do they have a cabinet mode or a plan for it in the future?
  6. Just when my cab was working perfectly. looking forward to the fix

    Menu Customisation

    Mace my kids do the same things with pinball arcade
  8. Correct this issue in VPX
  9. @Draco1962 You need to check out a tool called setdmd http://www.pinballbulbs.com/files/setdmd.html Change your DMD to snow its so much better than orange General options: Anti Alias - Sort of sets the sharpness / blur of the DMD. Default is 50%. I like lower. Border - puts a border on the DMD. No idea why you'd want it. Title - puts a title on the DMD window. No idea why you'd want it. Scanlines - puts CRT style scanlines on the DMD. Probalby also best off. DMD's were plasma and had no scanlines. DMD Only - this is a default setting. Without it, the pinmame window pops up. Probably want this checked. Intensity - The DMDs work on 3 levels of on and off for each pixel. This sets the intensity value for each. Sorry, but my preview cannot handle changing these values. You would have to change them and run a game. Rotation - For cabinets you probably want none. This is the window rotation. Note that this is a registry setting but many table scripts have this hard coded. You would have to also edit those tables and search for the ror or rol = 1 settings and remove them for this tool to have impact on those tables. X pos, Y pos, Width, Height - This is the DMD window location and size. Change color - If you check this, all the tables will be updated to the color you have selected. This is useful if you want all your tables to be a standard color. For some reason many tables are often in different color DMDs. While these looked neat, they were not authentic, so hence this switch. The checkbox is present so that if you do not want your DMD colors changed you can uncheck this and it will not be impacted. Set Default - This will load the default PinMAME color. Click to change - you can set the color you want, can be any RGB (red, green, blue) value. Some of the other buttons at the bottom:: Load MAME Defaults - Loads into the form from what I can tell were the defaults pinMAME uses. Load First MAME ROM Values - If you have already configured your tables, or you just want to first manually configure one table and then use this tool to apply to the rest, then this button is for you. You can click this and it will load the first configured MAME ROM value from the registry into the form. The ROMs are stored in the registry in alphabetical order. You can open the registry if you want and find the first ROM or maybe look in the ROMs directory on your disk. Save As Default - Should save the current values in the form as a default that is loaded next time you load the app. Install ROMS and Update - This will scan for ROM files in your ROM path that you specify (in the next box that pops up) and will add a registry entry for each of these. It will set the default values you have in the form to each of these added ROMs. It will also mark each game as "Played" so you do not get that super annoying box asking if you legally have the right to run the ROM. I assume that if you load this tool, you have that legal right to run the ROM. This will not update all other ROMs with current settings. Only new ones that it scans and finds. Update All Installed ROMs - You should use this each time you want to make a change across all your ROMs. This is sort of the "save all" button.
  10. @Draco1962 you might have a calibration issue with whatever your using for your accelerometer. I was using a UHID nano for buttons and the accelerometer and had issues in Windows 10 after I upgraded Now I'm just using the Zebsboards plungers button encoder/nudge controller with the latest firmware world of difference lost the problem Look at this manual it has a section on calibration that universal. Has to be right in windows first http://www.u-hid.com/u-config/u-hid Manual.pdf
  11. The Pinball Arcade Released Gottlieb’s TX Sector on STEAM Time to update the XML
  12. Change your playfield to portrat Go into steam and push play on pinball arcade choose configure change any setting you want to Launch game through steam If it looks right exit Now rotate your screen back to landscape When you launch from pinballX the screen will be in portrat
  13. CHASER

    Pbx 2.17

    Thanks Tom !!!!!!
  14. Can pinballx launch PBA in DX11 instead of DX9?
  15. Thanks Draco So has anyone have luck with Pinballx and NOEX with a 3 monitor cab?
  16. @skpManiac Good luck with your new cab. Check out the other sites like Carny pointed out. I would also add vpinball.com and pinball nirvana to the list. Also check out Draco's wheel images it really dresses up the machine. As for a paid membership. Its up to you most sites like this are run at a loss as a hobby and I expect this site not to be any different. This is the best front end I've used so I looked at my membership as a donation with benefits. J
  17. Whats working using native pinball x support I can launch any table and play it on my cab although table launch is slow. What not working How do you move the DMD to another screen? Thanks J
  18. Congrats! Tom I hope it brings more individuals to our hobby.
  19. Resolved renumbered tables
  20. I added Rescue 911 and Last action Hero my database and now LHA launches LCA What am I doing wrong? Thanks J Pinball Arcade - All.xml
  21. Andyco Thank You can you make a version for 3 monitor systems as well? Thanks J
  22. Thanks for all your hard work glad to see you back J
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