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Everything posted by Fulltilt

  1. Great instructions ..yes I need get back into this! Checked the website and I actually have a few points and a few unlocked achievements Posted a few scores for AFM ..working great! Thanks for all the hard work and continued updates DNA Disturber.
  2. Wow! What a great addition to VPDB, thanks Freezy! To get it noticed a bit more maybe a quick video showing some tables, with explanations of navigating and zooming functions ..? Its pretty easy to navigate, but showing it might help newer people see how easy and awesome it really is.
  3. These look great, nice work! Got to be honest ..your work is so much more finished looking, mine is more of a place holder. Thanks for making and sharing the templates too
  4. Happy to be able to help a bit Please upload your versions, I will be happy to add yours to my cab and have the full set. Nice work to all, these Docklet wheels are awesome. Thanks again!
  5. /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Fulltilt/Zaccaria/Wheels/Retro /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Fulltilt/Zaccaria/Wheels/Remake/2016 /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Fulltilt/Zaccaria/Wheels/Remake/2017 /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Fulltilt/Zaccaria/Wheels/Remake/2018 Hope these are ok and help complete this collection
  6. I also tried doing some of the labels for the remakes ..2016, 2017 and 2018 Here is what they look like, they are all on the FTP
  7. I gave a try to add the Retro label to the missing wheels .. The rest are on the FTP under my folder "Other Uploads/Fulltilt/Zaccaria/Wheels/Retro"
  8. Except for the Retro and Remakes i think it's complete. Really great with the videos and the bg's ..would be great if I found some good music to play while scrolling through these tables. Anyway, very nice work and thanks again!
  9. Very nice, thank you very much
  10. Thanks again for your continued work on these. They look great on my cab!
  11. Great to have these on my cab and they work perfect. Very nice, thank you
  12. Awesome! Thank you
  13. Still trying but everything else seems to work in PBFX3. Also ..it seems all tables I try and load up from PBFX2 now only go to the main menu. I have read that the command line loading of tables was removed for some reason in PBFX2 ..that true, and why if it is?
  14. Here is my log file if you would like to look at that too. Hope this helps log.txt
  15. These are the settings I am using and most of the tables load fine from PinballX ..there are a few I found that go to the main menu. Still checking to see if there are any others. Plants vs Zombies MS. Splosian Man South Park Butters Pinball South Park Super Sweet Pinball The 8 Football tables also only go to the main menu
  16. Wow! Nice work, thank you I have purchased this pack but I still need to get the database entries for these tables to add them to my setup
  17. Thank you Freezy ..your work is amazing! Thanks hlr53 for sharing this ..works perfectly
  18. During the attract mode it might be nice to have the Tutorial and Gameplay folders included. So when the wheel stops on a table it will randomly pick from a table video, a gameplay video or a tutorial video to play for that table. Also saw some videos on different pinball techniques ..got me thinking it might be helpful to have another folder in the media folders called Skills. Just like the Tutorial and Gameplay folders only this folder would have videos that would help you with your pinball Skills. Hope you consider, thanks.
  19. Here is my log file and my PinballX.ini Draco .. maybe there is something in there that can help you PinballX,ini Logfile
  20. After looking over the xml I found the 2 errors. Made sure my media matched the xml and tested out AFM and it worked! nice work TOM I did notice if you try and load a table you have locked ,, it will just stay at a black screen, I tried with The Addams Family which I don't own. So I guess now since they are all on sale I can change that. Anyway .. so far so good. I took a quick video to show the loading of the table ..and exiting back to PinballX.
  21. I tried and had the same problem with Pinballx crashing .. I thought I looked over that whole xml for errors and still missed one. Will give this another try, thanks.
  22. Finally got this working ..had a problem where program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try to re-install to fix. Trying to re-install only failed ..so after doing the Service Pack 1 update for windows 7, then I was able to install the VC redist package and complete the install. Now the game is running
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