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Black Mage

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  1. Yeah, I mean I can't change the one color on freezy from orange...though it does change color within the game.
  2. I thgink all. My original post was regarding pbx not working with dmdext but getting both on 64 bit fixed that. Now, it seems all fx3 tables have monocolor dmds coming through dmdext. This is true inside or outside of pbx, and virtual dmdext or through pindmdv3.
  3. My apologies, I'll clarify....It seems that all is working well w/64 bit PBX and FX3, except that using memory grabber doesn't change colors (always orange). This is true with a virtual dmd through freezy's dmdext as well. Using the --fx3-legacy flag gets colors for Fx3 (ex: Shaman is red, etc.) but it looks nicer w/memory grabber.
  4. So it seems I needed to have the dmd.ext in both 64 bit as my Pinballx is in 64 bit (Im running Win10 64bit). However, it seems that I can't get the colors to change from Orange (ex: green DMD set on Monster Bash, orange on PinDMDv3). Below is the command line that I'm using: mirror --source=pinballfx3 --no-virtual --quit-when-done -d pindmdv3 -p com3 Nothing is run as admin. I wonder, should I use 32 bit PinballX and dmdext.exe? Roll back to 1.7.3 version of dmdext?
  5. So in the command line of PinballX setting you include the path?
  6. Hello All! I noticed today that my PINDMD3 isn't working through PinballX, though it is when I use the cmd outside of PinballX. I've been messing around with my cabinet for a few hours and I'm not able to fix it. My command line is noted below and I'm using v1.8.0. Is my command line correct? Should anything be run as admin? I'm running win10 64bit so should I use the 64bit version of dmdext? dmdext.exe mirror --source=pinballfx3 --no-virtual --quit-when-done -d pindmdv3 Thank You!
  7. Thanks Draco, but since pretty much everyone uses .swf for their instruction cards this is a common problem, and I assume it should be relatively high on the list of needed updates. Given that, I'll wait for the update that will allow users to see their instruction cards
  8. Since .SWF Files are no longer supported by flash.ocx can there be an update so that .swf scoreboards, instruction cards, etc. can work? I think I can hack it myself but it seems not to work out of the box in PinballX currently.
  9. Hi! I think it would be great to have a feature that launches applications (before / after) specific tables are opened. For example, I'd want PinsoundStudio.exe to be opened when vpx tables using altsound=2 are opened, but not for others.
  10. Hi All. I posted my recorded color dmd videos and images on the PBX FTP under .../Other Uploads/Black Mage There are around 20 images and 100 videos. The handful of .mp4s are from YT videos, but others were recorded using Freezy .avi and came out pretty good.
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  11. Well I think the blur on the color videos is due to .avi being a lossy codec. Unless there is a tool to record directly from freezy while not compressing I think it's too tough to get rid of any slight blurriness on color recordings. MikeDaSpike, do you know how HiRez recorded the Jurassic Park video, or if there are any like that on the FTP?
  12. When I enlarge the Avi the black isn't totally black. I can see the artifacts that create the blur from the dmd. Over this weekend I'll try to record an edited avi with higher contrast to remove the artifacts and see if that version looks better on the pindmdv3.
  13. So I downloaded the Theatre of Magic DMD you used MikeDaSpike, and it looks good on my DMD. It seems that it is an AVI at 256x64. So, I tried to record the color version w/Freezy but even though I change my pindmd.ini file resolution it creates a 128x32 resolution file, which still looks a little blurry on my DMD. Do you know what I'd need to do to record an .avi at a chosen resolution? Btw, I have two pindmd.ini files, one in my XDMD folder, and one in my VPinMAME folder, is that right?
  14. Thanks. This is a head scratcher for sure. Seems it's something to do with my playback of videos. I deleted Shark007 codecs and LAV then reinstalled LAV from the link DRACO provided, and made sure LAV was designated as the codec to use. No change though. Is there anything needed to be done for XDMD in PBX to work well with pindmdv3? Like copy in dll or ini files to places? Is there any way to change settings for the XDMD player, like turn up contrast?
  15. Hey MikeDaSpike, I tried No Good Gofers under the "Real DMD Color Videos" folder (59kb). It has a similar glow around the edges that I see in my recordings. So, it may not be the recording itself then? Are there any configurations needed in PBX to ensure that I'm using the correct codec and player? Are there non-default LAV settings that should be set?
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