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Everything posted by N1K0S

  1. I reconfigured the whole thing and got the following results: GameEx initialized well and got both controllers working in menu Xpadder throws an exception when game is launched. The controllers work fine during gameplay, but as can be read from log, the Xpadder plugin is disabled and no longer switches profiles. Any idea what could be causing this exception to happen? (PS: controller enumeration is on, Xpadder uses Xinput, no autoloading profiles, GameEx looks for activity on gamepad (no config), DEP is off) log.txt xpadder.log settings.xml EDIT: Thanks, i got it working using my own scripts, applying your dont taskkill advice. I think my computer is being weird! Player 1 is now always controlling player 2, i have to reinsert the controller everytime i launch a new system to correct the mapping and then it works. It also did something weird where it would switch the joys around, so on a single player emulator, i have to set player 2 to a blank profile or else player2 will become player 1 with menu mapping If you need me to recreate error for development purposes let me know
  2. Can you give any information on what disable controller enumeration does? When i manually kill and restart Xpadder (without the plugin), it randomly works either on both or zero ports when i launch it using the "launch also". When i use "launch before" Xpadder recognizes both controllers with seperate profiles, but both ports are always assigned to player1. Changing the "show desktop" option also seems to influence the working of Xpadder on some emulator. Do you know why? i am using a proper waiting loop inside my batch script to wait until PSLIST xpadder throws an errorlevel 1 so its safe to execute the Xpadder application without having two open.
  3. Can you add a forced taskkill option upon emulator enter and exit for the next release? It wont always make the switch on my computer.
  4. Ok, ill use Windows 7 wherever possible
  5. Heey Guys, thanks for all the quick responses (as an avid forum user, im quite amazed ) The bare reason i wanted to upgrade (on this machine!) was to support the new software xml format by mame. I upgraded to MAME .161 (the last version before the MESS merge), to get the most recent supported version for the .174 set on GX12. Everything is basically setup (a couple of hours before my machine is finally completed) so i decided against rebuilding everything from scratch, just wanna get it finished at this point I started creating this machine a year ago, totally wasn't aware i was using an outdated version at that time! Not being able to upgrade seamlessly after 5 years, is well, normal haha. I mean the text you can set that will show when you launch a game, back in the day (haha) it would show a neat little white box with text inside it (instead of the control panel viewer, for example) i had it configured to show some techinal information on the emulator and the creators One last question! before its resolved: Is Windows XP still properly supported? (Were you saying this because MS dropped XP support) Because i was planning to use XP on my next build Thanks, N1K0S
  6. Yes, the folders are setup correctly, as can be verified in the log.txt. I wasn't aware of the background settings in the wizard, im not at the machine right now, ill look into it tomorrow, thanks
  7. Heey Guys, I bought a new subscription today but wasn't too pleased with the upgrading process. I installed 14.49 over an existing 12 installation but games wouldn't launch and the theme doesn't display correctly. I then proceeded to delete all generated files (everything but GameEx.ini) and reinstalled 14.49. I then rebuild the mame list. The following problems are still present: - The theme does not display its background anymore (Its black) (And foreground on some emulator menus, at random) - The application becomes black when changing views (and then crashes after finishing playing the current MP3 file) - The screenshots take extremely long to load (about 4 minutes for ~30 screenshots, in current small snap grid view) - The game video snaps are no longer displayed as background in game select (in emulator + mame) - GameEx doesn't show the launch text i configured anymore (it shows status dialog) - The Launch dialog keeps flashing but doesn't do anything - No games can longer be launched (The screen goes black, crashes after MP3 file finishes) To the best of my knowledge (checked GameEx.ini + Log.txt) All paths are setup correctly, the files are present, and worked before the upgrade I am using Windows XP SP3+ on an x86 machine, and i am launching GameEx as an administrator (and the key file is registered in the registry) (Some emulators have been switched around so it makes sense that emu_x =/= emu_x) I searched the forums before posting but the topics resolved can't solve my issues. Are any of these problems known? Any suggestion what might be wrong/what to do to fix these issues? Thanks in advance, Nikos GameEx.ini GameEx.UpgradeBackup.ini log.txt
  8. Last but least, there is a feature i personally would love to see in GameEx: The ability to create a windows folder for a emulator menu! When i open an emulator in GameEx, i would love to have an gamesystem page before i enter the gamelist. This will make the arcade machine look more like a museum, where i can read system information, emulator information, hardware revisions, History of the system, etc.. It is currently semi-possible to do so, but requires a different application setup for every entry in every menu, which is waaayy to much work. For Example: Having a windows folder for every emulator somewhere inside the GameEx Theme folder where i can dump the files/images. So upon opening the emulator from the emuselectpage, i can hover the system information entry in the menu and the image/text will popup in the image section so i can read the information. Maybe this is a little geeky, but the whole interface will feel much more complete. It kind of sucks to have to go all the way back to the documents or image menu just to view a file associated with a particular emulator.
  9. There is another feature i would love to see in GameEx: More icon support! I dont mean icons for games, since they dont exist and i dont think anyone will ever have the time to complete such a staggering task Im talking about increased Country coding support (GoodTools code). If this feature ever gets added, i will try to create icons for it. The following codes could be a great addition: More Country codes [(Ch),(D),(K),(Nl),®,(W),(Unl),(PD),(Unk)] I have a suggestion of how the feature could further be improved. By adding support for other codes (non-country) in a smaller format that can be placed on-top of the country code icon during runtime (ie. a small ! image for Perfect Dumps that appears over the country code) Codes i would personally love to see support for: [(REVXX),(M#),[T],[t],[!],[h],[c],(Alpha),(Beta),(Prototype),(Hack),(PAL),(NTSC)] Since this is programmatically probably very easy, maybe adding all codes would be a good idea. There is another feature i would love to see in GameEx: System icon support! There are beautiful icons for every system available on the web and i would love to see support for it. Maybe adding icon support for every menu entry would be a great ideaas well, so that menu icons can be customized as well. (ie. "menu_name"_icon.png) It would be very cool if the support could be added to the gamelist aswell. So that, when a particular game has no available icons, the system icon will be displayed instead! Full list of country codes can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GoodTools If i ever get enough time on my hands, i will start creating the icons myself and post them somewhere on the forums.
  10. I would love to see improved font support. After fiddling around a lot with fonts this is what i found: - Big font sizes are not supported properly (They show remnants of other letters below or above the letters). This effect varies over fonts and the problem increases when fonts are enlarged (especially above 60pts and using non-standard sizes, such as 64pt or 74pt). -Very wide fonts are not properly supported. They start to overlap eachother, especially when the font reaches sizes over 48pts. This problem is especially apparent in the Search page (also in conjunction with big fonts). -Italic fonts are not properly supported (Parts of the letters are cut off, usually at the beginning of the letter, increases when fonts are enlarged) -TTF bitmap-like fonts are sometimes improperly resized. Even when anti aliasing is turned off and the font is in the correct size ( ie 12pts) it still shows some blur and the tight pixel look is gone. -Support for OTF and FON files. This istanteniously allows a lot of more fonts to be used in GameEx. Some other features regarding fonts i would LOVE to see in GameEx: (Mainly to improve BITMAP like fonts!) -Support for more fonts at once! Especially the ability to use different Fonts for the menubar, description, list and Title. I think this could greatly improve some designs and allows for a more customizable look. -Support for different font sizes per page/menu - info page (ie, being able to choose a different font size for the main menus and the gamelist/info page). This would be extremely useful because a lot of my gamenames (i use Goodmerged sets) look perfect when browsing the 7z archive list, but the full title is way too long to be displayed on the info page. Making the font smaller decreases readability and is harmful to design. Right now, there is always a trade off to be made. I think implementing these features could be a great addition to the theming options. I am personally very interested in creating very old-school/pixel-like looking themes but the current font options don't fully support the ideas i have. Tested with the following fonts: SF Square Head Extended, Fisk Bitmap Nr2, Squealer Embossed
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