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  1. sorry just when i click on it to open it
  2. im not sure what happen but my pinballx database has an error could not find pinballx installation directory
  3. i updated pinballx when computer loads pinballx its beeps multiple times and loads multiple times it did it before. but it was fixed on a earlier version log.txt PinballX.ini
  4. when i double click pinballx to open it. beeps like crazy then opens multiple times. It's the only program that does it so far that i can see. i though it might be a sticking keyboard but i don't see it some help would be great log.txt
  5. sorry my bad
  6. hi all im having a issue. Pinballx wont load my teensy octoboard unless i have a directoutput folder directly in the tables plugins folder. It can't be the the short cut folder. i tried to figure out why but no luck, if i remove the folder i get these errors in my log log.txt
  7. ok thanks
  8. i do not use doflink.directoutput.log is that the one you talking about DirectOutput.log
  9. i dont think i have pindmd v3
  10. sometimes when i start my computer pinballx will load just fine . But my teensy board doesnot .it will just flash fast three times and then just go to slow flash. i would have to manually load pinballx again then it will work log.txt PinballX.ini
  11. i reverted every table back still no go ,i found an old directoutput 30.ini file replaced it and it worked so its something in the ini file i checked new and old one look pretty well the same. PinballX.ini log.txt
  12. I was adding color files to some tables for gif files I did one at a time I will check my last table I know I looked at pinballx mx table to see what file was used for pinballx logo maybe I did something there I will look after work
  13. Not sure I posted on another site about my matrix problem cause that's what they do. And he said revert your pinballx config table to default. I know I missing something for pinballx to read the matrix files .just dont know what
  14. I'm was wondering how do you revert pinballx table config to default
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