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  1. Okay. Still some weirdness with the recording of table video for ACDC. If I run the table from the VP editor, the table runs fine. The lights flash during attract mode. Same thing if I launch the table from the GLM. However, If I try to records the table, it does record, but I only see a still image when you run it in PBX. No lights bouncing in attract mode. Just a still image. I am certainly telling it to record a table vide, but I am getting a still image instead. log.txt PinballX.ini
  2. I posted them up from the replay last Saturday at 1:07PM.
  3. With. When the recording was taking place,the game was visible on the PF TV, but the recording was black.
  4. Adding to the last post. It appears that the issues could be chalked up to operator error. Perhaps the descriptions got jacked when I upgraded tables, and not necessarily a bug.
  5. Quick update. It appears that I had some weirdness with the descriptions in the game list manger. After fixing these, some of the black recordings were fixed. However, ACDC still wont record even though it launches from the GLM and appears correctly. That really seems weird. Im gonna chalk up some of the black screen issues, again, to some mismanagement in the GLM. Funny thing is, I am not sure how it got jacked up. Some of the bad sescriptions were like WTF! Please have some other folks provide their recording feedback to determine if there really is an issue. And thank for the continued tech support. There may still be a bug or two to address, who knows.
  6. Sorry for not adding those two lines. Okay, the lines are added, same exact problem. Black screen on the tables as noted above.PinballX.inilog.txt
  7. Same issue as before. Some recordings are a black screen. log.txtPinballX.ini
  8. Any update on this. Maybe we are almost there.
  9. Would it be possible to add a feature that when a button/key is pushed, the recording process would immediately begin? Currently, you have a countdown timer I think. This feature would be helpful, but its by no means a game-changing type request. It would simply speed up the recording process when you have a bunch of tables. Just something to think about since were polishing the recorder.
  10. No. There are other random table getting the black screen too.
  11. Crap. This log shows the parameters for recording ACDC. Again, the recording comes out solid black. Even the icon of the file in the videos folders is different than all of the other good videos. Seems like a format issue, but how can that be if its simply told to record whats visible on my #3 display? log.txt
  12. Thanks for the replies guys. I made a copy of the dmddevice.ini and stripped out the specific tables.
  13. I just checked the PBXR recordings, and they are all intact. No black screen issues. I copied the ffmpeg.exe from PBXR and dropped it in the Pinballx folder to be used with its recorder. After testing, same thing...,black screen on acdc. The log below shows the recording for acdc with the black screen. log.txt
  14. The last two logs I sent right after the recording process pertain to the black screen issue. Do you need something different?
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