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Everything posted by DrEvil

  1. OK thanks for the explanation and the new version! I really do appreciate that such software is even available. Virtual Pinball is definitely a DIY hobby and I have almost 40 years experience using computers, but not everyone has the time or ability to learn scripting; and, when something simple like the method of adding a parameter to an executable changes between windows version its simpler to just ask the stupid question rather than spends hours on pointless experimentation.
  2. Is there a current guide or FAQ that gives instructions for the new version of PinballX with regard to TPA. The last version of the setup guide that I can find is dated March 15
  3. OK, but exactly where is the paramater entered within the shortcut.
  4. Tried it. Here are my results using your instructions 1. I can run PBA_Starter directly. Goes very slow and eventually my screen rotates and I see the steam loading window and TPA starts in a little window in the middle of the screen. I can then mouse click around to start a table in the window 2. When I try to run from PinballX, it aborts immediately after the LOADING screen, back to my wheel 3. How do you add a parameter to "the PBA shortcut" for skipwhatsnew? Any thoughts? Thanks for this process
  5. OK, figured out that you have to rename 3 files to get matching names in your XML. So, now PA starts and loads to the start menu of TPA. I have set my one table to gridposition 1.
  6. Now, using 2.11 I can see the PA xml file. Next issue. Using your INI when I select the table to play, PinballX displays a blank rotated desktop without actually starting the Pinball Arcade game: 20:45:45.5 1/13/2016: Started20:45:49.2 1/13/2016: Launch System20:45:49.2 1/13/2016: Waiting for threads20:45:49.2 1/13/2016: Disposing display20:45:50.3 1/13/2016: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe -applaunch 238260 skipwhatsnew20:47:26.2 1/13/2016: Exit System Control Pressed20:47:28.8 1/13/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window20:47:29.0 1/13/2016: Created DirectX DMD Window20:47:38.2 1/13/2016: Launch System20:47:38.2 1/13/2016: Waiting for threads20:47:38.2 1/13/2016: Disposing display20:47:40.5 1/13/2016: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 226980 "Marvel - Deadpool"20:47:52.9 1/13/2016: Found Pinball FX 2 Process20:48:32.5 1/13/2016: Exit System Control Pressed I feel like I missing some setting like "run as administrator". I have checked that for the PA executable I can find.
  7. A new discovery: When I run 2.11 it does read the PA xml. It is the 2.01 version that does not
  8. I tried your XML file. While it is read by the Game Manager, no Pinball Arcade entries are displayed when I run PinballX. I have > 300 tables displaying on my wheel otherwise. I only have one PA game actually installed via steam, (since I am waiting on buying others until I can get the first one configured to be seen and to be run by Pinballx) Regarding your ini, there is no way for me to check that since PinX has no access to any PA tables via the wheel. Thus my first issue to solve is simply PinballX being able to read an XML file named "Pinball Arcade.xml". As you can see. the log shows that Pinball Arcade is never actually loaded 20:16:35.9 1/13/2016: PinballX - Version 2.0120:16:36.0 1/13/2016: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (15.9GB)20:16:36.0 1/13/2016: Loading Settings20:16:36.0 1/13/2016: Initialize Component20:16:36.0 1/13/2016: Initialize Display20:16:37.2 1/13/2016: Loading PlugIns20:16:37.3 1/13/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window20:16:37.6 1/13/2016: Created DirectX DMD Window20:16:37.7 1/13/2016: Hiding Cursor20:16:37.7 1/13/2016: Hiding Taskbar20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: CPU: Intel® Core i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 98020:16:37.8 1/13/2016: GPU 2: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Displays: 320:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Load Game List20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Database: Pinball FX220:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Database: Future Pinball20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Database: Visual Pinball20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Database: VP PhysMod20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Database: VPX20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Custom Database: Pinball FX2 Only20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Custom Database: Future Pinball Only20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Custom Database: Visual Pinball Only20:16:37.8 1/13/2016: Loading Custom Database: VPX Only
  9. I have recently added Pinball Arcade Table(s) to my collection via Steam. For PinballX I can edit table data in the Game Manager. I can also edit the xml db directly, of course. However, none of the tables I have added to "Pinball Arcade.xml" are present in my wheel. I have tried other naming schemes like PinballArcade (without a space), etc. I have tried both the native Pinball Arcade setup and a Custom setup in the PinballX Settings interface. All other databases work as usual. Any help would be appreciated. PinballX.ini log.txt Pinball Arcade.xml
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