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Everything posted by DrEvil

  1. I was told by Arccoda that 1.71.17 is the latest cabinet version. The .19 and .20 versions apply to steam or other version of Pinball Arcade.
  2. I figured it out. I was missing the resource files. So now I have FCM initiating Arcooda but get a warning box stating I need level .17 of Arcooda, which is what I have. I just looked now at FCM again (today 11/16) and the latest release is for level 1.71.19 of Arcooda, yet I cannot find a download link to that version of Arcooda. Thanks for the help, I will keep chugging. I am actually doing a comprehensive re-configuration of my cabinet, including changing monitor config, keyboard encoder, and complete reinstall of everything including VPX, FP, PinballX and FX3. Somehow I figure a need to wipe a lot of things to get a fresh start on the latest builds and scripts. I think my biggest change is to keep my playfield in portrait all the time and now I completely avoid all screen rotation coding. This actually solves many issues with Pinballx and Arcooda and FX3, plus VPX doesnt really care.
  3. Hi I am making progress but stuck here: I have obtained .17 version of Arcooda and the latest version of FCM However, the .17 version of acrooda does not run, I think because I do not own a KINECT. Is there a version of FCM fro Arcooda version .14?
  4. Has anybody gotten their Arcooda tables properly launching from PinballX?
  5. I am interested in getting the most out of my pinball cab. VP is great and FP has some good features also. Pinball FX is totally unrealistic but represents additional content/games for the cab, almost a different art form and thus worthwhile for me. I have always been interested in Pinball Arcade because of the neat graphical interpretation and lighting among other things, but I have none of their tables due to lack of simple cabinet support. So this is a chance to get 76 tables in their artistic form and with what is billed as simple cabinet support for $500. That's $6 per table. I am going to think about. I have spent a lot on my cab including just upgrading to liquid cooling, so this expense would be reasonable.
  6. Yup I wanted to make sure I got a variety opinions. Seems most enthusiasts are hostile to Farsight due to willful lack of support for cabinets over the years.
  7. Is anyone planning on buying the new Arcooda package that plays most Pinball Arcade tables in cabinet mode on our virtual pinball machines? https://www.arcoodapinballarcade.com/ Steep price but some great looking tables and finally with cabinet support
  8. Is anyone planning on buying the new Arcooda package that plays most Pinball Arcade tables in cabinet mode on our virtual pinball machines? https://www.arcoodapinballarcade.com/ Steep price but some great looking tables and finally with cabinet support for Pinball Arcade
  9. Is anyone planning on buying the new Arcooda package that plays most Pinball Arcade tables in cabinet mode on our virtual pinball machines? https://www.arcoodapinballarcade.com/ Steep price but some great looking tables and finally with cabinet support
  10. Dataerror: I have been using MM and it is great on my 3 monitor cab. I just added Sega Model 2 and now when I go to Setup Wizard>Setup Plugins>Configure Marquee Masher I get a Dataerror box popup. Mind you, the systems already setup still work with MM in Gameex, I just no longer have the ability to edit MM settings using the Setup Wizard GUI
  11. Thanks for the quick expert help It was my lack of installed LAV All working now
  12. When I start GameEx I see wonderful video previews as I navigate down the Mame game list. I select a games, launch via rocketlauncher and then when I exit the mame game I go back to my GameEx Gui and the mame game list where I left off. However, now I no longer see video previews. No amount of navigating up/down/back/forth will restore videos and each game I land on results in the following entry in my log: 0:06:32.4 9/28/2017: Open: Failed Opening Video: g:\gameex\media\mame\video_mp4_hi_qual\alpinerd.mp4 20:06:38.7 9/28/2017: Open: Failed Opening Video: g:\gameex\media\mame\video_mp4_hi_qual\alpinr2b.mp4 etc Note I have a fairly involved rig with 3 screens: for marquee masher, RL Pause functions, and dynamic display of control panel images. Of course there is a lot of screen resolution changes occurring as I go from gameex to main and back. Thoughts?
  13. Does this mean that the Advancemame options in the ini will override the embedded mame launching functions and therefore launch Rocketlauncher rather than mame.exe??
  14. Tom, Since the latest version of Gameex forces MAME games to be run using Mame without the ability use Rocketlauncher via the AdvanceMame options (now gone from Setup Wizard), I have been using the mameeumumap config file to tell Gameex to use an other emulator to run mame roms. I have edited the config file as such: +++++++++++++++++ [GENERAL] # Enable this feature in GameEx and use this file Enabled=true # You may not want to list an emulator specified seperatly # in the GameEx menus # and make this feature transparent. # Specify Emulator Numbers seperated by | to hide and use only for MAME Hide=0 # Some emulators need the full filename of the rom. ie with the .zip extension # Specify emulators where the extension should be used seperated by | Ext= # If you want roms for a specific driver to always be visible in the list # and override any other filters, such as when you dont have the MAME rom # specify the drivers seperated by | Driver= # The following settings tell GameEx when to use an emulator to launch # instead of MAME. To specifcally specify MAME use 0. To specify Daphne # use 1000 # # Example Launches 1942 rom with emulator 10: 1942=3 1943=3 1944=3 19XX=3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thus these few games are forced to use emulator 3. However, I want ALL mame roms to run via emulator 3. Do I have to enumerate all my roms separately, or is there some wildcard I can use to tell mameemumap to run ALL roms via emulator 3
  15. I have dabbled with it. Unfortunately I find it very complex and while there are some videos out there, they simply show someone demoing and clicking around to music. If there was a detailed tutorial I would look into it again.
  16. OK, yes, I will setup RL as separate emulator and send command line to launch MAME. Then I can use Marquee Masher for this "emulator" setup. Thanks
  17. Well, quick update. While I did get Marquee Masher running easily, I just discovered that Gameex no longer supports launching MAME games via rocketlauncher. So, now I have marquees but I lost Bezel support in Gameex. So, back to Launchbox for the moment: What I need now is a marquee solution for Launchbox since the native marquee display doesnt work for me.
  18. I am very excited I got this up and running very easily. I have tried to implement other marquee solutions including Launchbox, Hypermarquee, mamehooker, and CPwizbiz, all to no avail but Marquee Masher was easy. Thank you for a superb program!! This alone has made me re-commit to GameEx Now, how and where do I store marquee images corresponding to Systems, custom mame lists, etc. I have a global default and a mame default, plus all of the prioritized marquee images for Mame games. Can defaults for other other systems be automated or are they assigned manually in the configuration application? Once again, I cannot thank you enough
  19. attached GameEx.ini
  20. I should add that now, when I exit Gameex it releases back to my OS, but I see an ongoing Gameex process in Task Manager that has to be manually killed
  21. I have used Gameex before, just did a new install on a new CABINET build I was able to Update List for mame one time and saw my mame games. Since then I now have no games listed. When I run Update list, it seems to process for 2 seconds then returns to no games found. I uninstalled and reinstalled Gameex, No luck I did a revo uninstall and then another reinstall of Gameex on a different drive. Gameex does not find any mame games and Update List essentially does nothing. Log attached... log.txt
  22. OK I give up for now. I am using PinballArcade11. I will check back when TPA releases a cabinet supported version.
  23. definitely making process with the above configuration. I get to the PA visuals then the system navigates to Season one rather than My Tables. Is this just a matter of timing?
  24. I Have installed 2.12. When I try to run TOTAN in PinballX I get a blank screen for 30-45 seconds then it exits to the wheel. Here is my log. Regarding the help system in the setup wizard, for Pinball Arcade in the Parameters setting the help tip says basically "enter parameters". My parameter is -applaunch 238260 [TABLEFILEWOEXT] PinballX Support File Data 18:01:15.6 1/15/2016: Load Game List 18:01:15.6 1/15/2016: Loading Database: Pinball FX2 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Database: Pinball Arcade 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Database: Future Pinball 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Database: VP PhysMod 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Database: VPX 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Custom Database: Pinball FX2 Only 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Custom Database: Pinball Arcade - TOTAN only 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Custom Database: Pinball Arcade Only 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Custom Database: Future Pinball Only 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Custom Database: Visual Pinball Only 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Loading Custom Database: VPX Only 18:01:15.7 1/15/2016: Finding and matching artwork and videos 18:01:19.2 1/15/2016: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 18:01:19.6 1/15/2016: Loading Surfaces 18:01:19.8 1/15/2016: Finished Loading Surfaces 18:01:19.8 1/15/2016: Initialize Audio 18:01:19.8 1/15/2016: Set Keyboard Controls 18:01:19.8 1/15/2016: Initialize Joystick 18:01:19.9 1/15/2016: 1 Joystick Attached 18:01:19.9 1/15/2016: Started 18:01:22.4 1/15/2016: Launch System 18:01:22.4 1/15/2016: Waiting for threads 18:01:22.4 1/15/2016: Disposing display 18:01:23.6 1/15/2016: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe -applaunch 238260 Tales of the Arabian Nights 18:01:44.1 1/15/2016: Found Pinball Arcade Process 18:02:04.0 1/15/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:02:04.3 1/15/2016: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:02:09.6 1/15/2016: Launch System 18:02:09.6 1/15/2016: Waiting for threads 18:02:09.6 1/15/2016: Disposing display 18:02:10.7 1/15/2016: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe -applaunch 238260 Tales of the Arabian Nights 18:03:15.0 1/15/2016: Exit System Control Pressed 18:03:17.4 1/15/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:03:17.7 1/15/2016: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:03:20.9 1/15/2016: Exiting 18:03:21.0 1/15/2016: Showing Taskbar 18:03:21.0 1/15/2016: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 18:03:21.0 1/15/2016: Disposing Plugins 18:03:21.0 1/15/2016: Saving Settings 18:03:21.0 1/15/2016: Waiting for Online Thread 18:03:24.0 1/15/2016: Bye
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