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Everything posted by shifters67

  1. HI Gustav, glad your still around!! regards Shifters
  2. Yeah thanks Gustav, hope the hols are going well!! Shifters
  3. I tried Nuke Launcher but i had issues; 1) was lag on flippers and 2) was selecting the right table. Where as with your script and modded it myself i can look after it myself. Normal DMD here so no issues! Shifters
  4. HI Gustav, any chance of a hot wheels? Many thanks regards Shifters
  5. Thanks to your scripts Carney_Priest (and a little tailoring) I now have Piinball FX2 working a treat on my cab. Many thanks for posting your efforts for other to use! Shifters PS Another day another Carney_Priest ahk script
  6. Thanks Gustav! Thats you taking it easy huh Shifters
  7. Hey all, can some one post an xml that works with steam as it is currently (with the slot reserved for venom). I am somewhat confused about the pinfallfx2.xml table config as i put the names of the actual tables in The xml entry was (copied from the web site) <game name="Star Wars - Han Solo"> <description>Star Wars - Han Solo</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Zen</manufacturer> <year>2014</year> <type>SS</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game> but in steam the game file name is "STARWARS_Han_Solo.pxp". Should I change the <game name="Star Wars - Han Solo"> to <game name="STARWARS_Han_Solo">? If i do then try and run nukelauncher from the command line it complains about the naming not matching what its expecting. Should there be any issue with using the V and C keys for flippers, as when i managed to get a table to launch the flippers would not work despite [KeyBindings] KB_Left_Flip = V KB_Right_Flip = C set in the nukelauncher.ini file regards Shifters
  8. Lol like the sponge bob reference! I have just totted up what i am missing - and its a fair number. Actually its a lot ! You enjoy your holiday, then move, then hopefully if you can drop a message in here to let us know you are around, I can share a list. regards Shifters
  9. Hi Carny_Priest, I would like to put a little build on this if i may to your awesome work - the video quality is great, small, and exactly matches your tables of course!!! I use only directB2S and B2S tables so in order to get the videos, do away with the images for table/bg/dmd i decided to render the entire contents of my VP tables directory using the following piece of simple python (2.7). It reads the VP tables directory, and then runs capscreencab.exe on each file ending in .vpt. I also used a slightly modified version of your script - tailored to my layout, processing speed etc And hey presto - all BG/DMD/table vides created. I am so impressed with the quality for the size they are! I finally went into the DMD videos folder and delete all files 74KB in size which are tables with no DMD to display for the video to capture. This allows your default DMD graphic to display which for me is a custom one, so for those tables with no DMD video (as they have no dmd) i get my custom graphic - nice!! regards Shifters
  10. He has indeed been busy!! Think i will let him rest some before asking for some more Much appreciated Gustav! Shifters
  11. Thanks Gustav, Your Awesome! Shifters
  12. Hi Gustav, Can i ask for the following? Apologies for the work it creates!! 301 Bullseye, Algar, Andromeda, Antar, Avro-Arrow-Redux regards Shifters
  13. Hi all, SOLVED!!! Using the settings.exe, Display Settings -> Position PinMame, change from yes to no. This will stop forcing pin mame to display the DMD when setting .hidden = 1 in the scripts! However in order to get DMD in the correct location i set up one manually by dragging the DMD. Then used SetDMD.exe to make it the default and copy for all the other DMDs Hope this is of some help - this has been bugging me for weeks! I guess a feature request would be to have 'Position PinMame' as an option per tables and set it when adding a game to the lists rather than an entire install setting. regards Shifters
  14. Hi Draco, I actually did read that before posting but wasn't sure as this was not a crash! It happens with all tables on a three monitor cab that do not need a dmd as the information of the DMD is already displayed on the directB2S backglass. I set the .Hidden = 1 in the script and recompile and that works fine when run from VP itself, its only when launching from PBX that i get the issue. Example included here was from BTTF regards Shifters
  15. Sweet!! Many thanks Gustav! regards Shifters
  16. HI all, getting views but no comments! I have a 3 screen table and so want to disable the DMD some times as its on the directB2S backglass already. I have set .hidden = 1in script which works fine in VP direct but not when launched from pinballX (with same VP exe as direct!), I am using 1.91 - any ideas? Example tables are Genesis, Back to the Future etc regards Shifters
  17. Hi Gustav, do you have a sound file for asteroid annie? regards Shifters
  18. Looks like your on a roll!! Many thanks Gustav!!
  19. Hi Gustav, any chance of RedDwarf and Jurassic Park audio files? Many Thanks Shifters
  20. HI Gustav, awesome response time!! Many thanks again as always Shifters
  21. Hi Gustav, would you be able to find time to do Alien Star table audio file? Many Thanks Shifters
  22. HI all, any expert able to make a alien star table audio file for pinballX front end Many thanks! Shifters
  23. HI all, I play some tables with directB2S backglass so dont need the DMD displaying in the third monitor (as its already displaying scores etc on the backglass. I have tried setting .hidden = 1 in table and that works fine when playing table directly in VP. When launching the table from pinballX however i still get the DMD popping up. I have tried clicking on backglass and hidding the DMD, exit restart the DMD and stil the same. It happens on more than one table - any one any ideas? regards Shifters
  24. HI all, Are there any standard start up videos i can use - not any good at making them myself but feel it would finish off the start up nicely (and after all the program does everything else). Doesnt need to be long! regards Shifters
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