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  1. It is a 4:1 ratio It will not fill out your screen if it is not a 4:1 ratio
  2. Answer https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=15721&p=457697
  3. As far as DOFLINX don't matter just turn it off in the InI file
  4. Do not use reposition of Backglass within Pinball FX2 Put the videos in Pinballx, Backglass folder for FX2 and in game manager uncheck hide backglass
  5. Try Run FX2 in wiondows full screen With FX2 a lot of people have hard time getting the back glass to work through doflinx including myself I just use videos
  6. I don't think pupdmdcontrol will work
  7. I mirror it to my pin2DMD and it didn't look too bad but the LCD looks better
  8. I'm going to try mirroring it to my real DMD and see how it Looks I have one of these so I can put the LCD DMD off screen https://www.amazon.com/s?k=display+Emulator+Plug&ref=nb_sb_noss
  9. it's possible to hide the small dmd on the main playfield while keeping the other ones active - Yes i think it was that hide main dmd setting some of the 1st options in cabinet options - Yes
  10. Thanks for the help 3 screen Pinball wicked
  11. If I used the files exactly like you have them it works The old file run this 5 seconds -- waitformenu value Apparently This one will not work at 5 seconds But at 7 seconds it works Sorry for the confusion
  12. I have been using your set up from the beginning I have not received my key yet but I tried out the new exe it comes to the 2nd screen And sits
  13. Thanks for the Info Go to - Product Betas --- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=182912431 Pick experimental Then steam should ask you to update and steam will restart Or something like that
  14. On my cab I run all sorts of things and the only thing I have running as admin is DOFLinx.exe I read the next release that will be fixed The more things you set as admin - The more things you're going to have to set as admin
  15. Check this http://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/3880-cursor-disappears-vp-x-10-please-help/?tab=comments#comment-42286
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