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Everything posted by NicolasRaphael

  1. Thanks for for reply. At the moment, I have dropped amiga integration. May be latter. WinUAE is really to hard for command line use.
  2. Thanks. For the movie overview, I have downloaded "K-Lite_Codec" and that's works. It was a codec problem. All is ok. How I do to tag this topic "resolved"?
  3. Cache of gamex or cache or steam? Your answer make me on a way to solve my problem : I use the function "save and restore" of steam. Games appear in gameex list after this operation and I don't need to re-download each game. And indeed, gameex is very configurable and it is nice but this fact leads each case peculiar. I afraid I will need to do that
  4. If you note "Invalid or filtered path:" and "Directory does not exist:" errors in the log.txt file, you will probably be able to suss out the cause of the errors yourself. It appears that most of the "found" games are installed under S:\Steam\steamapps\common\ whereas others are/were loacted at c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\. First, delete or rename the EMU_1002.dbcache.ini and steamdata.ini files located in your C:\GameEx\DATA path. Don't worry as these will rebuild on the subsequent launch of GameEx. If the same error occurs, qui est probablement, you may need to uninstall/reinstall these games to your S:\Steam path (you can change this during install of each game). Try the delete or rename of the cache files first and report back if successful or if any more issues and provide an updated log.txt file. Thanks!Hello, Delete EMU_1002.dbcache.ini and steamdata.ini files located in your C:\GameEx\DATA path don't solve the problem. Nevertheless, reinstall games whom don't figure in the gameex list works. Thanks. If you have solution to reinstall game without redownload it, it would perfect :-). This and if you know why all games have not screenshot associed. This problem is probably due at an uninstallation of steam followed by a reintallation without deletion of the directory. Thanks very much for your time.
  5. Thanks, I going to try.
  6. Thanks for your reply. Here are my log.txt and my GameEx.in files. Thanks GameEx.ini log.txt
  7. Hi everybody, I have purchased a complete version of gameEx. After 2 days of configurations almost all functions works...! Nice. However, After a lot of try and a lot of forum internet read, Amiga integration resist me! Dreamcast ok, ps 2 ok but amiga configuration is a hell. (Note I have an ps2, a dreamcast and I have purchased Amigaforever CONTENT REMOVED). I have try to use winUAE command line, WinUAELoader command line, and Amigaforever but I have always have problems. winUAE command line don't lanch the game or on the secondary screen. And If the game is on 2 disks, I can't change disk 1 for disk 2.WinUAELoader command line don't workAnd I don't know how use amigaforever in command line.Note I am on windows 8.1. Somebody came to use amiga games with gameex? Or have some idea? Thanks a lot. Nicolas
  8. Hi everybody, I have purchased a complete version of gameEx. After 2 days of configurations almost all functions works...! Nice. However, when I want integrate steam in gameex, I have a problem: Only a part of my games appear. On my 158 games, only 63 are viewable. Somebody know why? Note that my gameex version is 13.21 (15 january 2014). Thanks for your help. Nicolas
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