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Everything posted by 32assassin

  1. any chance of making the fly by version? in case anyone else wants the "Classic" type wheels I made my own
  2. first of have you ever considered updating your tables? I know it sucks to download the latest tables one at a time, but more than likely the quality has improved. Split Second has been updated and their is a dB2s file for it at VPuniverse. second you could run a batch scrip upon exiting a table that kills any open B2S file. (that's what I do) make a list of a your B2S tables and make your own bat script add this line to your text file taskkill /f /im "B2s tittle.exe"here is my kill B2s list kill B2S.txt edit the file to match your B2s table list. save as --> .bat run the Kill B2s script after you exit your tables.
  3. hopefully some day PinballX will integrate support for Rocketlauncher. Rocketlauncher uses the command line feature in Pinball FX2 to load the tables. I tried to set up PInballX with Rocketlauncher because of this but noticed to many limitations.
  4. if someone is willing to record the missing table videos, I can edit and convert them to MP4. I always create my own media, and I'm missing the latest videos but for some reason. I can only record my desktop when I try to record a FX2 video. I tried this on two computers, using Fraps, Camtasia and Hypercam. And had the same results.
  5. short answer you need a new image. Or you need to open each image with a grill in Gimp, Photoshop and crop out the grill area. this is why I like making my own media, I downloaded all the videos from the FTP when it was free and noticed that the media was not matching the files I was using (Or needed). I was running dB2s files and I had images and videos from UVP files. I was running Version X table and had a video capture from a Version Y table. in your case; you need a 3 screen video/image backglass capture but you downloaded a 2 screen backglass capture.
  6. give me the logos and I will make one for you. here is the No logo underlay, if you like to make one with your own logos.
  7. I made multiple underlays each tagged with the system logos. I'm hoping we can disable that bar and the text in the bottom at some point, I think the underlay would look much nicer without the text or bar.
  8. is it possible to remove the "Featuring # Tables" text Yellow bar at the bottom I removed the text from Line 1 and Line 2, and I still have the Table Tittle and Pinball X flash at the bottom of the screen. I like to have a clean looking screen with no text or excess images on the screen.
  9. Table Audio how can I have missed it, thanks for the tip and your hard work.
  10. not sure if this is possible already, I like to keep my UVP, d2BS and B2S tables in separate folders to keep track of what I have. is their a feature that supports sub folder or multiple table directory locations. edit I added an Adams family mp3 file to my ambient folder. the file played wile I was going through my tables. is their a way to have ambient sound per table. I moved this files to the navigation sounds and nothing was played. I like to have a "table tittle".mp3 file that only plays while the "table tittle" is displayed. if no "table tittle".mp3 file is found, nothing is played.
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