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  1. Thank you very much good sir!!
  2. Hello, First of all, thank you to Draco and PCTecnic who have been making the majority of these Docklet wheel images. I just love them!! I am trying to come up with Docklets for every VP Table that I have, but there are a BUNCH I cannot find. So before I starting the task of trying to make my own, I thought I would check on here and see if any on my list are out there, that I just haven't found. Any that you can point me to would be awesome! Thank you very much. They are, 2 in 1 (Bally 1964) 2001 (Gottlieb 1971) 300 (Gottlieb 1975) 4 Queens (Bally 1970) Aces High (Bally 1965) Agent 777 (Game Plan 1984) Amazon Hunt (Gottlieb 1983) Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Custom CyberPez) AquaLand (Jeugos 1986) Aquarius (Gottlieb 1970) Aspen (Brunswick 1979) Asteroid Annie (Gottlieb 1980) Astro (Gottlieb 1971) Aztec (Williams 1976) Baby PacMan (Bally 1982) Band Wagon (Bally 1965) Beat Time (Williams 1980) Berzerk (Lodger 2017) Black Jack (Bally 1976) Black Sheep Squadron (Astro 1979) Bubba the Redneck WereWolf (Hauntfreak 2017) Buckaroo (Gottlieb 1965) Capersville (Bally 1966) Capt. Card (Gottlieb 1973) Card Trix (Gottlieb 1970) CARtoons (Hauntfreaks 2017) Chigago Cubs Triple Play (Gottlieb 1985) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Gottlieb 1978) Comet (Williams 1985) Contest (Gottlieb 1958) Cosmic (Taito 1980) Count-Down (Gottlieb 1979) Cow Poke (Gottlieb 1965) Crescendo (Gottlieb 1970) Darling (Williams 1973) Drakor (Taiot 1980) Drop a Card (Gottlieb 1971) Electric Mayhem (Lodger 2016) Elektra (Bally 1981) Embryon (Bally 1980) Escape from New York (32 Assassin 2018) Fire Queen (Gottlieb 1977) Fire! (Williams 1987) Firepower II (Williams 1983) FJ (Hankin 1978) Flying Carpet (Gottlieb 1972) Free Fall (Gottlieb 1974) Freedom (Bally 1976) Galaxy Play (Custom 2018) Gay 90's (Williams 1970) Gemini (Gottlieb 1978) Gemini 2000 (Taito 1982) Gigi (Gottlieb 1963) Gold Strike (Gottlieb 1975) GoldWing (BorgDog 2016) Groovy (Gottlieb 1970) harley quinn (HauntFreaks 2017) Hearts And Spades (Gottlieb 1969) Hi-Score Pool (Chicago Coin 1971) High Hand (Gottlieb 1973) Hollywood Heat (Gottlieb 1986) Hot Tip (Williams 1977) Humpty Dumpty (Gottlieb 1947) Hyperball (Williams 1981) Jack In The Box (Gottlieb 1973) Jet Spin (Gottlieb 1977) Jive Time (Williams 1970) Jolly Roger (Williams 1967) Jubilee (Williams 1973) Jumping Jack (Gottlieb 1973) Kidnap (CIC Play 1986) King Kool (Gottlieb 1972) King Rock (Gottlieb 1972) Lady Luck (Recel 1976) Lawman (Gottlieb 1971) Magic Castle (Zaccaria 1984) Magnotron (Gottlieb 1974) Mars God Of War (Gottlieb 1981) Melody (Gottlieb 1967) MIBS (Gottlieb 1969) Midnight Magic (Atari 1986) Mini Cycle (Gottlieb 1970) Miss-O (Williams 1969) Mopar Madness (Mopar 2015) Neptune (Gottlieb 1978) New York (Gottlieb 1976) Night Rider (Bally 1976) Nobs (BorgDog 2016) Nugent (Stern 1978) Orbit (Gottlieb 1971) Out Of Sight (Gottlieb 1974) OXO (Williams 1973) Outer Space (Gottlieb 1972) Paul Bunyan (Gottlieb 1968) Pinball Champ (Zaccaria 1983) Pioneer (Gottlieb 1976) Polar Explorer (Taito do Brasil 1983) Power Play (Bally 1977) Prospector (Sonic 1977) QBerts Quest (Gottlieb 1983) Quick Draw (Gottlieb 1975) Rapid Fire (Bally 1982) Road Race (Gottlieb 1969) Robo-War (Gottlieb 1988) Robot (Zaccaria 1985) Rocket III (Bally 1967) Rogo (Bally 1974) Scorpion (Williams 1980) Scuba (Gottlieb 1970) Seawitch (Stern 1980) Sexy Girl (Arkon 1980) Sharpshooter (Game Plan) (1979) Sheriff (Gottlieb 1971) SilverBall Mania (Bally 1978) Sing Along (Gottlieb 1967) Sky Jump (Gottlieb 1974) Slick Chick (Gottlieb 1963) Smart Set (Williams 1969) Snow Derby (Gottlieb 1970) Snow Queen (Gottlieb 1970) Space Walk (Gottlieb 1979) Spanish Eyes (Williams 1972) Spin A Card (Gottlieb 1969) Spin Out (Gottlieb 1975) Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb 1975) Spirit of 76 (Gottlieb 1975) Super Straight (Sonic 1977) Surf'n Safari (Gottlieb 1991) TKO (Gottlieb 1979) Top Score (Gottlieb 1975) Torch (Gottlieb 1980) Totem (Gottlieb 1979) Vernes World (Spinball 1996) Viper (Stern 1981) Volcano (Gottlieb 1981) Volley (Gottlieb 1976) Vortex (Taito 1983) Vulcan (Gottlieb 1977)
  3. This version is the first I have ever had trouble with. It freezes and/or crashes all the time.
  4. Humble Bundle has Pinball FX2 in it's setup for the next couple days. For $6 you get most of their tables! https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly
  5. Well crud. Thanks for the info all the same! Maybe in the future. For now I guess I will make a custom Instruction card for there.
  6. Is there an easy way I can display a startup video on the DMD Screen? Or even a default video to play there if no DMD Video exists?
  7. Itchigo, I know I can use the HP Editor. But compared tot he game manager in PinballX, it quite frankly SUCKS. I would like to be able to use the Game Manager... And have them in a single list. I am doing some testing with Pind and may wind up using it to make my lists, but the native app is so easy to use.
  8. I found it here... http://www.soundsnap.com/node/71701
  9. Yep. That would be the line
  10. The DOF.exe pretty much works out of the box. You have to edit your tables script to use the B2S file, but it is a simple edit. 1 line, easy to do. The install instructions for both take the guess work out of it.
  11. viriiguy

    more than 347

    My problem with this.. Is the List editor in PinballX is much of what is so great about it. But the limits on list size...... Not so much. I am going to play around with list views or something... Not sure yet. Beyond that, I love the program.
  12. Well.... The DOF version LEDWiz interface works differently than the old LEDWiz way, so the setup is different. The DOF is the far superior and easier way to go. In order to get tables to work with them, you need the newest B2S Server http://vpuniverse.com/forums/files/file/2042-b2s-backglass-server/ And you need to have the B2S backglass for your table(s). You also have to configure your tables to use said B2S backglass. All the instructions are here... B2S http://vpuniverse.com/forums/tutorials/article/3-b2s-backglass-server-installation-and-version-info/ DOF http://directoutput.github.io/DirectOutput/installation.html No payment needed, but if you follow those, you will be up and working in no time.
  13. I would love to see us not have a limit of Tables in a single DB. And for those of us running Pin2K Style cabinets, The ability to Flip Y On the DMD Monitor. We reflect the DMD Images off the play field glass, so we need to flip the Y axis for it to display right. For stationary pictures of the DMD, I can just reverse the image.. But it would be nice to be able to display the DMD Videos in the menu properly. Thank you for your amazing work thus far!
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