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Scott Petty

GameEx Lifetime Member
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Everything posted by Scott Petty

  1. I am also seeing multiple instances of the same choices in Setup Wizard. The usual list of choices will be repeated multiple times for many of the sections. This is all new since 13.22. I'm running 13.24 now. Both were installed automatically on startup. I downloaded GameEx 13.24 and installed it over my current GameEx installation. It gave me back the subcategories (list by name, year, publisher, etc.) for every system EXCEPT MAME. Still have the weird duplicate menu lists in Setup Wizard. Something is really screwy. Any suggestions? I'm officially stuck... Scott
  2. Yes I did and no tabs on the default theme either
  3. I do have the correct databases selected. I have menus for each game system (I have Mame under the emulated games list), but within each game system I just have one big list of the games available for that system. Scott
  4. I do have the appropriate databases selected for each emulator...
  5. Hi Tom - The interface mode under display settings is set to Normal. Any other ideas? Thanks so much for your wonderful product. I'm a big fan :-) Scott
  6. I have downloaded the new Mame database videos for GameEx from EmuMovies. When I go to Mame (or any other system menu in GameEx) all that I am given is a list of all of the games for Mame (or whatever other system I choose). I don't have the options to view By Name, By Category, By Publisher, etc. and thus I can't make use of the database videos or choose games based on these criteria. Is that a limitation of the theme that I'm using (Default- Default -New) or am I missing something? My config files are attached. Thanks, Scott GameEx.ini log.txt
  7. Thanks very much nullPointer! Scott
  8. Thanks Draco! So... ummm... unbeknownst to me I've always had the option for GameEx to automatically download artwork turned off. So I have always used the Download Service tool that comes with my Emumovies account to download all of the art, manuals, and video snaps for all games on all systems. Will GameEx do all of that automatically? If so, where does it store all of that data (I had upwards of 75 GB in the Download Service folder!)? Thanks again, Scott
  9. GameEX is able to pull up a list of my Steam games, but I am unable to find the executables or correct directory which contains my Steam games to pass to the Emumovies Download Service. So... I am unable to get artwork and video snapshots in GameEx for my Steam games. Has anyone been able to figure this out? Thanks, Scott
  10. The run commands you are using are correct. They all three work perfectly under GameEx for me. Scott
  11. Here's the link to the thread with PTLauncher.exe... http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/5710-project-tempest-launcher/
  12. I use a wrapper I found here on GameEx called PTLauncher. I put the executable in my Project Tempest folder. The command line is simple... ptlauncher.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" In the Launch After portion of the Advanced Emulator Setup, I run a batch file called EndPT.bat which is also located in my Project Tempest folder and contains these lines: taskkill /IM ptlauncher.exe /T /F taskkill /IM pt.exe /T /F Hope this helps. Works great for me and plays Jaguar games much better than Virtual Jaguar and t2k. I own an Atari Jaguar just so that I can play Jeff Minter's masterpiece Tempest 2000. It plays perfectly under GameEx and Project Tempest :-) Scott
  13. Here (attached) is my SSF.ini which has 2 controllers enabled. I used the default keys for player 1 and mapped the keys for player 2. I use XPadder to play the SSF games with profiles for each player (SSF1 and SSF2). The keys for player 2 are: UP = L DOWN = K LEFT = E RIGHT = R a = T b = U c = V x = B y = N z = M L = I R = O start = P The keys for player 1 are the default keys and can be found at the SSF Tribute Neo site here: http://evilboris.sonic-cult.net/SSF/index.php?x=ssfkeys Hope this helps. I too had the bug with the version 010 SSF builds where I couldn't see the screen to remap the keys. I used a version 009 SSF build that I got from the SSF Tribute Neo site to map the keys - I could see the remap screen on the older version. Once you get SSF up and running, it's very good and stable. Scott SSF.ini
  14. That worked! Thanks Adultery, you are truly a GameEx God :-) I really do appreciate your support and your amazing skills. Scott
  15. After the latest GameEx upgrade, the GameEx configuration manager crashes whenever I try to configure the XPadder plugin. I have attached a picture of the crash (crash.jpg), the details of the crash (crash.txt), and my GameEx.ini and log files. Thanks! Scott Crash.txt GameEx.ini log.txt
  16. Worked perfectly! You guys are the best and this is a SLICK interface!!! Thanks, Scott
  17. Worked perfectly (taskkill)! Many thanks, Scott
  18. I love Project Tempest because it runs one of the greatest games of all time - Tempest 2000 - perfectly. Virtual Jaguar struggles with the same game. Using tips and a wrapper that I picked up from this forum, I've got Project Tempest running well through GameEX. The only problem is that GameEX and I don't know how to close Project Tempest after each game... the game stops but Project Tempest keeps running in the background. Eventually everything bogs down and goes buggy because on or more copies of Project Tempest are merrily running in the background. Any ideas? Thanks, Scott GameEx.ini log.txt
  19. Sorry - log.txt and gameex.ini attached... GameEx.ini log.txt
  20. I have my Dreamcast media setup as .gdi files each in it's own folder. Specifically, the directory structure is: E:\Emulation\Sega Dreamcast\Media\Disc Images\(Game Name)\(.gdi file and multiple.bin and .raw files) Is there a way to setup NullDC and GameEX so that the front end scans the subfolders and finds the .gdi files and lists them in the games list for the Dreamcast? I would pull them all out to the root "Disc Images" directory, but most of them contain generic files with the same names like track01.bin and track02.raw... Thanks, Scott
  21. Thanks so much... fixed it all and all of my MAME games are listed. You guys are the best! Scott
  22. That item isn't in my list... the last item is the Golden Era of Arcade entry.
  23. After a thorough uninstall and reinstall everything is working. Please mark this as resolved.
  24. Sorry - here they are.... GameEx.ini log.txt
  25. How do I do this?
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