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Everything posted by graf

  1. OP PA . It worked .thanks mate
  2. Cool. I will test it out tonight and let you know.
  3. Sorry fat fingers. it is "FPLoader.exe"
  4. I have the same issue. FDloader is both in the bam folder an also the future pinball folder. I can scroll through the tables and when I select a table the loading screen appear and then it goes back to the pinball pinball selection. I only use futurepinball. I have a 3 screen setup. The DMD is a usb monitor. Everything works find to load the games from Future Pinball itself. I have FDloader as Run as Admin always. My OS is windows 7. I am also running BAM. [FuturePinball] Enabled=True WorkingPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\BAM TablePath=C:\Games\Future Pinball\Tables Executable=Future Pinball.exe Parameters=/STAYINRAM /open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender LaunchBeforeEnabled=True LaunchBeforeWorkingPath=C:\Games\Future Pinball LaunchBeforeExecutable=FutureDMD.exe LaunchBeforeHideWindow=False LaunchBeforeWaitForExit=False LaunchAfterEnabled=False LaunchAfterWorkingPath= LaunchAfterExecutable=notepad.exe LaunchAfterHideWindow=False LaunchAfterWaitForExit=True MouseClickFocus=True LaunchBeforeParameters=table="[TABLEFILE]" close=1 Here is the message from the log file locating device: FAIL () creating connection: FAIL () I have uploaded both the config file and the log file. PinballX.ini pinDMD_log.txt
  5. ok it is the beta bam.dll that is causing the error. I went back to the old bam.dll and it worked
  6. I updated my PinballX. When I start pinballX it is all ok. I am able to go through my tables (I only use FuturePinball tables and BAM). When I select a table and try to start it. I get the following Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Future Pinball.exe Application Version: 1.9.2008.1225 Application Timestamp: 4d1d68d3 Fault Module Name: BAM.dll_unloaded Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 581baf5f Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 65bc1d32 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 3081 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 I have updated updated BAM to try and fix the issue. no good. I made sure that the futurepinball.exe and the BALL.dll are "unblock" and run as administrator. Also if I run BAM by itself it works fine. Any ideas >
  7. Thanks Guys. it was a stupid mistake in the xml file. I should of looked at that first but it has been such a long time Thanks once again
  8. Ok i think u guys r right. Cause when i built the new pc i used the original pinballx folder
  9. Btw i have the following morherboard asus p8h61-mle/usb3. I did another test on the new Windows pc. Where i unplugged the usb x2 cables for the usb monitor. Then triee to start pinballx. But it crashed again. I even checked the windows event log but i cant see any errors. Is there another place where i can get more of a detail logs which can ooint me to why is it crashing. One other thing is the win10 is rhe july 2016 version . I am thinking of going to try another old iso for win8 . Its just strange that i can get future pinball running the tabels on the three monitor set up but pinballx dies. Also i just run future pinball tabels. I hope soneone can point me in the righr direction
  10. Ok i found a spare hard disk and install win 10 on it. I get the same issue when i try to start pinballx. The system was working fine a cou0ke of weeks ago. Maybe i should go back to win 7 32bit or xp. Anybody else having the same issue???
  11. i have reinstall futuredmd 1.8.1 and the same issue . PinballX crashes. i am going to try an d install .net framework 4.6
  12. Hello, Dont know what is going on but when I start Pinballx it says "Welcome" then it crashes. i am running win 7 64bit. I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560. I was running the latest nvidia drive for this but all of a sudden I was getting the following error " \??\C:\Users\XXX\AppData\LOcal\NVIDA\NvBackend\ApplicationOntology/NvOAWrapperCache.exe - cannot start due to incompatibility with 64-Bit versions of Windows.'" So I uninstalled and went to a earlier version and this fix that issue.gone. I run a 2nd monitor 21 inch via DVI . 3rd monitor USB running DisplayLink USB Graphics Software for Windows 8.0 M1. When I run future pinball (BAM) and FutureDMD it works the pinball games are running. But as soon as I try Pinballx. It crashes. I have reinstalled PinballX and the same issue occurs again. Here is the Log file 11:38:08.7 14/08/2016: PinballX - Version 2.22 11:38:08.8 14/08/2016: Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 64-bit (7.9GB) 11:38:08.8 14/08/2016: Loading Settings 11:38:08.8 14/08/2016: Initialize Component 11:38:08.8 14/08/2016: Initialize Display 11:38:10.0 14/08/2016: Loading PlugIns 11:38:10.0 14/08/2016: Loaded Plugin:"Speak Game Names" Version 1 By Tom Speirs 11:38:10.1 14/08/2016: PlugIn: "Speak Game Names" Initialized OK 11:38:10.1 14/08/2016: Using Plugin System Version: 1 11:38:10.2 14/08/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 11:38:10.3 14/08/2016: Created DirectX DMD Window 11:38:10.3 14/08/2016: Hiding Cursor 11:38:10.3 14/08/2016: Hiding Taskbar 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Displays: 3 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Load Game List 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Loading Database: Future Pinball 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Error. Exiting 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Argument 'Length' must be greater or equal to zero. 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Mid(String str, Int32 Start, Int32 Length) 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: at PinballX.Main.a(String A_0, String A_1, String A_2, Boolean A_3, String A_4, String A_5) 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: at PinballX.Main.b(String A_0, String A_1, String A_2) 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: at PinballX.Main.b(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2, Boolean A_3) 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: at PinballX.Main..ctor() 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Disposing Plugins 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Showing Taskbar 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 11:38:10.4 14/08/2016: Bye Any help please !!
  13. graf

    2.0 pinballx

    Hi Guys, Just a quick question. I am staring up my Pinball x cabinet. I have the old version 1.75. Should and can I just install the new version on top. The only tables I use are future pinball tables/BAM and i am using 3 monitors (DMD is a USB monitor)
  14. Hi tetrafred, I had this issue a long time ago and i posted it here about pinballx minimize after u quit a table. However I see something that might help Executable=FPLoader.exe rename FPLoader.exe to FuturePinball.exe.
  15. Fix the issue I used the standard version of shark007 codec anf use the recommended settings. So far so good
  16. Guys should I post my error here or start a new top8c as I do not use real dmd and I am only using futuredmd and future pinball
  17. hi guys i am getting this issue to. But I am using FutureDMD here are the error logs from window
  18. YES IT IS WORKING . What I did was get my copy of the ini file from a early version of pinballx and WOW BANG it started to work DMD issue is fixed. here is acopy of the ini file. I think it might have something to do with in the BAM folder I wasn't using future pinball.exe But I got another issue. I will look at the forums first
  19. Thanks for the ini file.hopefully the family will let me spend some time with the pinball tonight instead of changing nappies hahhaha
  20. Hi gauntletlover I am sure that I dont have it in start up. I will try and check it again tonight. If not I might remove it completely and re-install pinballx. i will let you know. Thanks.
  21. Can someone post me there oni file thta is using the newest version of pinballx. Another thing I notice is that in the ini file it starts the mo itors from 0,1,2. In wondows it is 1 2 3. Does that cause any issues
  22. Ok I managed to get 15min to go and test something out. The first fb game has the problem above. When I exit the game pinballx is minimise so I have to bring it up. Then the second game I play the dmd is correct. But what I found out is that it 1.it is loading futuredmd straight away and when I am previewing the tables I can not sèe the dmd video preview 2. is not closing down the dmd after it exit the table. 3.once I exit pinballx if I have loaded 3 games then I have yo exit out 3 futuredmd screens. I know this has to be a somple fix. I had it all up and running on my old system. Any ideas. Thanks
  23. Hi Guys, I have rebuilt my PinballX cabinet. I am using FP + FurutreDMD + BAM + Pinballx latest version. I can run everything fine when not running pinballx. when I am running pinballx IT is looks all good . Just got two tables FP tables in it. I select Attack from mars and it loads up. then the game starts but there is nothing on the DMD (futuredmd). THe reason being is that there is anotehr FurtureDMD screen on top of the attack of mars DMD screen., here is a copy of the ini file
  24. Hi gauntletlover, Is this still correct with version 1.7 ?
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