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  1. Hey Carny, that's cool. Most of display is nicely visible like that?
  2. Yes known issue. I don't notice delays myself using <alternateExe> but some people just use the launcher here with <exe>. PinXCheck has option to write to exe tag as well as alternateExe for this reason.
  3. I never knew about this red tape and had to do some homework . Thanks! Reform is fair enough, I'll also give him a chance, but it's a massive waste of time .
  4. Oh, we got another Brexit vote
  5. Alright Mark, got your email and decided to answer here. I think I've mentioned before that even though you use this as a launcher it still loads up Toms if this system type is set to VP. It's hard code if your system is named Visual Pinball. You could tell if "vpauto.exe" is running. So, even though you have commented out functions to close VP, vpauto.exe is maybe overriding that. I haven't noticed any conflicts myself with it and no slow loading, but glad you finally got it sorted.
  6. Disabled, that does work for the main xml, but do you have any other databases in Databases\PinballFX?
  7. Playing desktop & cabinet myself on same machine for table creation. You have only one system you that you wouldn't ever need to disable, fair enough. Ended up writing a script to read my own settings and move the systems xmls before launching into seperate folder and back out again before it can parse it. Cheers
  8. Yes. Exactly that, filters. Visual Pinball: Original games split from recreations. Adult list. Split by genres. Electro Mechanical Solid state. P-ROC. If you create a star wars one it will pop up in your list as Star Wars.
  9. Enabled=False should disable the whole system and not just one xml. Enabled=False works like this DisableMainSystemNameXML = True;
  10. PinballFX. Same thing. You can only disable the main systemname.xml. PinballFX.xml OtherPinballFXGames.xml [PinballFX]Enabled=FalseWill disable PinballFX.xml but not OtherPinballFXGames.xml. Hope that's clearer for you.
  11. Actually it's the other way around like I mentioned in the 2nd post. Try disabling every system and it still parses through whatever else you have in the folder only disabling the systemname xml.
  12. You don't need files. You cannot disable a system. It only disables the other databases for the system. If the system is Visual Pinball (or any other) and you have 5 databases, including one named Visual Pinball.xml, it only disables the 4 other xmls, but leaves Visual Pinball.xml and still shows up.
  13. I posted this image elsewhere yesterday but all you do is set the "alternateexe", also answers your following questions about media. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dkls5ptu3pe110a/vp10pinxchk.png?dl=0
  14. Yes it will do. I'm presuming it loads your current xml into memory and doesn't append to xml but create the whole lot again with any new additions.
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